A decade later, on emigration to Lithuania, he started his own business: importing a part of Italy


When we visited Jonava, Redita greeted us with a wide smile.

She said that a decade ago, she left Lithuania and moved to Bristol, England, immediately after studying philology. As she remembered, the idea of ​​leaving her had been going on for some time, but, as she herself said, she went abroad not to seek a better life, but only to live there, earn money to travel and travel.

“At the time I was working as a bartender in Lithuania, I enjoyed the job, only there weren’t enough funds to travel and I thought when would be a better time than traveling between 20 and 30 years.

So my plan was like this: 10 years for me. And here, in a decade, I will be in Lithuania again, ”he told us.

Redita explained this time before boarding the plane that she knew exactly that it would be gone for a decade, and that time abroad would be spent on travel and love for wine and winemakers.

“It is not so easy for an inexperienced young man in Lithuania to find a job that allows him to travel as much as he wants.

In any other European country, you have the opportunity to work, leave, travel, return, continue the same job or find another one, ”he said.

Businessman Redita Maleronkaitė

Businessman Redita Maleronkaitė

Redita said she had to work at a cafe, a post office, a pizzeria or a snack shop in Bristol.

“I also had to fix the phones,” he said with a smile, assuring him that these jobs and the money he had earned during the year had allowed him to travel around Europe for at least three months a year. When asked if she herself knew anything about repairing phones, the girl said that anything is possible when there is a desire.

She made no secret of the fact that such jobs and such a life were very difficult for her without appearing before her.

“Maybe if I had traveled for profit, but left on my own, I never felt any entanglement.

All those 10 years and I lived in Bristol. While working in a cafe, I saved money so I could travel.

I traveled to Italy, Greece, Spain, the Canary Islands, ”he said, but emphasized that it was Italy that suffered the most, with which his recently started business is related.

The girl assured that she had returned to Lithuania about 8 months ago, in November, and although she had the dream of opening a bottle of wine, she never thought that she would really make it.

“I have always liked wine because in Italy I had to meet some winemakers, the entire family of sommeliers, it was a very good start to make a selection of wines, which I would like to communicate, discover what people sell, what they can offer .

As a result, most of the wine we have today is Italian, a product that I think is freely sold. I know what I offer. We are not selling a bottle, nor a drink, but an experience, ”she said, adding that she can almost guarantee that no one in Lithuania can find that wine anywhere else, as she herself is in direct contact with wine producers in Italy today.

“Trading products that no one else sells in Lithuania is a very strong challenge.” It is difficult to find something that others do not know exists, and it is even more difficult to present it in a small town, “he said.

There is a special label that describes the drink in each drink here in the store. “You can smell bananas,” he says on one of them.

Redita says she did not disclose exactly how much it cost to set up such a store, but added that the quarantine benefited her and her fellow founders because there was more free time to search for more products.

When asked how much wine is possible to drink and where is the limit when it should not be multiplied, Redita explained that it is 125 ml.

“So much wine with a meal is good for health, especially red wine, and there is no need to multiply anything.

Lithuanians like sparkling wine or red wine more, ”he said.

It is true, as he explained, knowing what kind of wine a person buys, a few things can be said about him, but that does not really determine his financial situation.

“You can know what that person will eat. And anyway, not necessarily if you buy a more expensive wine you are rich, or if you are cheaper, you are inferior.

Wine will never tell a person his financial abilities. You can decide if the person will go to the celebration, if he will relax, if he will be expecting guests or if he will be a guest, “said the businesswoman.

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