A coronavirus has been identified for Polish President A. Duda


“Ladies and gentlemen, as recommended, President @AndrzejDuda had to be tested for the coronavirus yesterday. The result was positive. The president is feeling fine,” said Secretary of State for the Presidency, Blazejus Spychalskis, in a message from Twitter

“We are in constant contact with medical services,” he added.

According to the news portal rmf24.pl, the president in recent days attended a series of meetings.

“Yesterday was a very active day for Andrzej Duda. The President’s Office published photos of Andrew Duda’s meeting with [tenisininke] Every Sviatek. They will also be quarantined, “the website said in a statement.

In addition, the head of state also visited the National Stadium in Warsaw on Friday, where a temporary hospital for COVID-19 patients is being installed, Polish Public Radio said. Although Duda wore a protective mask, gloves and kept his distance, he interacted with the hospital’s construction managers and Michal Dworczyk, head of the Prime Minister’s Office overseeing the project.

Although it is still unclear where Duda himself got infected, he attended an investor forum in Tallinn on Monday, where he interacted with Bulgarian President Rumen Radev. The latter was later isolated due to contact with a person for whom COVID-19 was approved.

Since Saturday, all of Poland has been declared a “red zone” due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus infection and stricter quarantine restrictions have been imposed. For example, only first, second, and third graders will continue to attend classes, while older students and college students will study remotely.

On Friday, 38 million. Poland, which has a population of 16,000, has reported 13,632 cases of coronavirus infection per day, the most since the outbreak. Record morbidity rates were recorded for the third consecutive day.

Everyone who could were asked to work from home; Staying at home is also recommended for everyone over the age of 70. According to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawieckis, volunteers will join “support groups for the elderly” to meet the needs of the elderly.

Take away food will be available in restaurants, cafes and bars. Sports clubs and swimming pools will be closed.

Gatherings of up to five people will be allowed, weddings will be prohibited, and the number of people in stores, public transportation and during religious ceremonies will be strictly limited.

The Polish National Stadium is being transformed into a Warsaw Field Hospital, and elsewhere the government is building temporary medical facilities, as the health care system fighting the COVID-19 outbreak is badly affected.
