A challenge for graduates: considered today as part of listening, reading and writing an English exam


The exam will begin throughout Lithuania at 9 am. tomorrow and will last three hours. The foreign language (English) exam task consists of three parts: comprehension of the spoken text (listening comprehension), comprehension of the written text (reading) and creation of the written text (writing). The first part: the listening time is 30 minutes. Candidates who are late will not be admitted to the exam room during the hearing.

According to the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, the exam elections have not changed for several years in a row. Most of the twelfth grade students chose to take the state maturity test in English, there will be 18,653.

The impressions of the graduates are various.

Delfi visited Rudamina, Vilnius district. At the Rytas Gymnasium, he asked how graduates felt after the exam. The first twelfth outing after the exam was a bit confusing, but she assured that if you were studying all the time, it shouldn’t have been difficult.

“The exam didn’t turn out to be too difficult, I did all the homework. Not only did I learn English during the lessons, but I also helped improve computer games. I think I should really keep up, after all, everyone does it. Probably,” he explained briefly.

The students said that the writing, letter, and essay topics were related to current affairs. In the letter, the children had to argue that they were rejecting tickets to the event due to the coronavirus pandemic, and the essay had to tell how they had managed to learn at a distance.

Another graduate said she did not want to take the English exam, but at the last minute, her brother convinced her to do so. According to her, she wants to enter Vilnius College, therefore she is determined to this challenge.

“Perhaps the easiest part was writing, but I hope I have done everything right. I will wait for the results, “he said.

Another twelfth grade student said she would like to study cosmetology, so she also had to choose this exam. “I did my best, but it wasn’t very easy.”

The third graduate met up claiming that she did not need English in her major and did not use it after school anyway.

“However, the letter and essay seemed easy to me because I was ready to write on similar topics.”

The quarantine regime in Lithuania ended on June 16, but to protect the health of all test participants, higher security requirements are set this year for your organization.

Students must take the exams in groups of nine and in information technology in groups of six. Last year, the tests were conducted in groups of 14 people. There is also a greater distance between the candidates, the facilities are equipped with disinfectants. Graduates who come to the exam must bring an identity document and the necessary means to complete the exam task.

It is recommended to wear protective equipment that covers the nose and mouth: masks, respirators, disposable gloves.

According to LAMA BPO, 2019 individuals. Having acquired secondary education in Lithuania and applying for state-funded places for the first cycle and integrated studies, they must have maintained:

the state maturity examination of the Lithuanian language and literature;

an exam in a foreign language (English, German or French) at a level of at least B1 in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The level of foreign language proficiency would be determined by a state maturity exam (the maturity exam must be assessed at least 16 points) or an international foreign language exam;

state maturity test for mathematics (except for arts study programs).

The arithmetic mean of the best annual grades for the five subjects, rounded to the nearest whole number, must also be at least 7 if the person is applying to study at the university and not less than 6, if he is requesting to study at the university, from the following compulsory subjects:

Lithuanian language and literature;

mother tongue (Belarusian or Polish, or Russian or German);
Foreign language;


history or geography, or an integrated course in history and geography;

biology or physics, or chemistry, or an integrated science course;

a subject in the field of arts education or a subject in the direction of a technology program, or an integrated course in arts and technology, or a subject in a specialized education program (art or engineering, or art or music);

general physical education or a chosen sport, or a subject from a specialized education program (sports).

The exam session started later than usual.

The main session state maturity exams will begin in 2020. June 22 and run through July 21.

The repetition exams will take place from July 22. until the 4th of August.

The results of the main session state maturity tests will be announced before August 5.

For the majority of students who passed the state enrollment tests, schools could begin offering certificates of maturity on August 7. The results of the appeals and the new session will be announced before August 17.

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