A bus passenger was injured in Klaipeda – did you see this event?


This Tuesday, the ELTA news agency asked the founder of the choir, which will celebrate its 51st anniversary in October, from the first days of its creative activity until now. Peter Bingel to comment on the situation.

“I tried on yesterday, so the results should be clear tomorrow. Until now, like all the other people in the choir, I am isolated, at home. It ends on August 17. I hope no more infected people are detected in the choir, and that the five do not feel worse, there will be no major threats to health, so there will be no need for complicated treatments. That is what we all want, “P. Bingelis told Eltai.

Petras Bingelis / Photo by Andrius Aleksandravičius

Public Health Specialists Assumptions That Outbreaks at the Kaunas State Choir and the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater in Vilnius may be related, prof. Bingel is reluctant to refuse.

“At the end of July, there were even several joint concerts in Vilnius, our choir participated in the production of the opera” Faustas “. So there were definitely contacts with people in the opera house, but now it is difficult to know who could catch it. that virus from where to transmit it. Interestingly, it is difficult to distinguish by the symptoms whether it is infected or not. It is a higher temperature, it is a runny nose for a few days for a showgirl, but the doctors did not diagnose the virus. And the other did not He sneezed or had a fever, but COVID 19 contracted the infection.

The coronavirus, of course, has stopped a couple of our creative projects, but we are determined to continue our creative work, and we will. Be that as it may, we hope to start working again on August 1st. Of course, those who will be healthy, “said P. Bingelis.

According to the National Center for Public Health, around 200 Kaunas residents have been diagnosed with COVID-19 throughout the period since the start of the pandemic, half of whom have already recovered and around fifty are being treated in hospitals. The disease also claimed the lives of three respectable urban dwellers.

According to the Mayor of Kaunas, Visvaldas Matijošaitis, the doctors at the Kaunas Polyclinic work at full capacity at the mobile checkpoint and carry out up to 600 examinations per day.

“If necessary, we will increase their number even more. Disinfection works have been intensified in public transport, its stops, as well as in parks and other places of interest. So far, we have been able to endure an extraordinary test and continue to do everything possible to keep our city safe and people feel at ease, but here, as in any other area, without the help of the people themselves, we would be helpless and lonely soldiers on the field of a great and difficult battle.

Previous experience in “quarantine” in Lithuania has shown that self-isolation provides real benefits. An incubation period of two weeks is better than a much longer period of the disease and its treatment may not be easy, ”said the mayor of Kaunas.
