A bridge of spies has been opened in Jonava


A new psychic and cycling bridge across the street opened in Jonava on Monday, the city’s 271st anniversary. The futuristically shaped spding bridge is expected to become a new symbol of the modern city and an example of sustainable mobility, he writes in a press release.

Exactly at the beginning of the year, the length of the bridge is 61 meters, the distance between the supports is 46 meters, and the bridge structures weigh 180 tons.

The bridge and bicycle bridge connect the Jonava sports stadium, the Jonini valley, the city stadium and the swimming pool under construction in the residential district of Kosmonaut and across the busy street.

The bridge across the street was designed by the company house (architect Arnas Lapinskas and designer Jevgenijus Gintovas), author of the bridge concept by Professor Gintarasaikauskas and Architektros linija company.

Jonavie’s authors were offered versions of the project, of which only district residents chose.

on monday his krin apirjs prof. G. aeguskas was satisfied with the implementation of the idea. I felt that outside of Lithuania, those forms of futurism fit very well with the adjacent sports stadium and create a united ensemble. I think it was a wise choice and a very good combination, said the architect.

The Jonava bridge structures were manufactured at the Steel Bridges plant in Kretinga. There, the bridge was delivered by special carts to cut smaller pieces.

The AB Kauno tiltai building in Jonava was also erected in Jonava.

The value of the project is almost 2 million. 260,000 euros.

According to the report, the opportunity to begin construction of this bridge arose after receiving government funding and additional funding for the municipality to develop various security measures.

This bridge will not only perform the functions of a passenger and bicycle transport, but will also adorn Jonav, it will be a symbol of a modern, dynamic, moving and sporting city. I hope the newlyweds will also use the bridge as intended, says the mayor of Jonava, Mindaugas Sinkeviius.

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