A brave lady with a puppy captured on bustling Kaunas Avenue caused a storm of discussion.


Hidden in court

The legal adviser worked for the small association Tutorus, which is also the subject of a civil action in this case. Kauno diena wrote that the threads of this community lead to the Kaunas police.

The participants in the court hearing are already in place, and the defendant Gintaras Micka is still hiding somewhere in the courtroom. The judge waits patiently for him to dare to come. He does it after the lawyer’s call that he is already sure: the photographer of “Kauno diena” left the meeting room. In the hallway, G.Micka comes face to face with a newspaper.

Thus began one of the hearings in this case, which is being considered in the Kaunas District Court.

“Kauno diena” wrote that G.Micka is accused of that on October 27 of last year. At night, in a public place, he was allegedly beaten and mocked by a quiet and sober young man of nineteen.

G.Micka’s official duties are the administrator of MB Tutorus. As company representative at Cafe No.3, he was responsible for the order. It seems that this security guard understands it and the communication rules in a very peculiar way.

In a statement to the police, the guy indicated that the security guard at Republic No.3 cafe on Vilniaus Street cursed, pushed, pulled, and hit him in the head. (Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis)

In a statement to the police, the guy indicated that the security guard of Republic No.3 cafe on Vilniaus street cursed him, pushed him, pulled him, hit him on the head, did not allow him to return to the cafe, although He had ordered food, he was not allowed to pick up the items. Pushing the door into the street, the security guard changed the guy’s foot and threw him to the ground. At some point, the young man lost his hearing aid, which he could no longer find.

“It just came to our attention then. My client and his friends were calm, sober. When the security guard got mad, no one resisted,” said Žemyna Lekečinskaitė, an assistant attorney representing the boy in court.

Assistant lawyer Ž.Lekečinskaitė emphasized that the victim did not even resist. (Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis)

During the hearing, he filed a civil lawsuit in court, demanding that Micka and MB Tutorus be ordered to pay almost a thousand euros in property and 2.5 thousand euros for minor health problems. Non-pecuniary damage. Most of the property damage involves loss of hearing aids.

Rape and prostitution

The public space is full of information about G.Micka’s old walks. Admittedly, he used to have a different last name. Several media reports that this former police officer pretended to be the handyman of Pepino’s boss, Saulius Velečka-Agurk, to have power and to intimidate, rape, rape and rape a stripper.

While working as a security guard at a strip club, he intimidated the dancer that he could be in danger as rumors spread that he was stealing money at work. By luring her to a secluded spot, he presented himself as a major figure in a famous criminal group. Using psychological violence, she was told to choose whether she would be “punished” more leniently, that is, by herself or if the other five men would be raped. The frightened woman agreed to be “punished” by a coworker. This took the job.

My client and his friends were calm, sober. As the security guard raged, no one resisted.

The Kaunas resident denied the police everything, but his guilt was also admitted by the Lithuanian Supreme Court. It is true that the man escaped from the royal prison.

G. Micka later also denied involvement in prostitution. As a result, he was arrested and brought to administrative responsibility. An outrageously well-known security guard was stuck when one of his ads was answered by a police officer pretending to be a woman looking for sex. He had indicated an amount of 50 euros for intimate communication.

Lied in court

Let us return to the case of G. Micka currently under consideration. So far, he has not officially told officials what, in his opinion, happened that night on Vilniaus Street. Don’t admit guilt, and that’s it.

During the break from the court hearing, Kauno Diena asked G. Micka’s position regarding the allegations. “I do not admit guilt, I will definitely give evidence, but only after everyone who is there, and when it is all over, I will be able to explain,” said the man. Naming “all there those” requests to remove, change the court, then the judge and the prosecutor.

– Why did you change your last name? G. Mickos asked.

– This is already my business.

– But did you change your last name?

– I changed my last name a long time ago. I have not yet worked here, there has not yet been a criminal case. I changed that last name just a couple of years ago. After the father’s death. My father died and that’s why I changed my last name.

– Is the change of surname related only to the death of the father or also to previous cases?

– In what cases?

– Rape …

– No, I don’t know what you’re talking about …

– Prosecution for prostitution …

– Sorry.

Micka interrupted the conversation when a lawyer approached him to rescue him. He made it clear that they were supposed to urgently need to discuss something.

Prosecutor Aistė Česaitienė reacted to G. Micka’s words. “He also lied to the court that it was unlawful,” the prosecutor said. By looking at the accusation, he confirmed that it contained a record that Ms. Micka had been convicted and found guilty of rape and sexual assault.

G.Micka hid in court. (Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis)

Officer’s family business

It is worth mentioning MB “Tutorus” not only as the employer of the aforementioned security guard.

After a confrontation with Micka, the scared, upset and depressed young man turned to the police officers. But it was not they who arrived, but even more security guards. According to the victim, those who came after the event and circled him were clearly aggressive. According to the guy’s representatives, it was clear that the workers who arrived tried to intimidate him using psychological violence.

According to data available to Kauno Dienas, Rokas Juozapaitis, principal investigator for the Center Police Commissariat, whose spouse is the defendant’s official employer, appeared at the scene not as a police officer, but as a company representative, led by MB Tutorus.

Previously, speaking with Kauno diena, R. Juozapaitis denied having been on the scene, denied having been able to go there as a representative of the security services company Tutorus. He claimed that his company was being served by his wife and that he was not interfering with her, despite the fact that Tutorus’ contact area in the public area provided a number that was answered by the official. He tried to explain this fact by the error of the editors.
