A blink of an eye for migrants from Dieveniškės residents: the entrance to the camp was blocked by tractors


The residents of Dieveniškės are literally up against the government’s plans to house at least half a thousand illegal people in the old school of technology and business. Towards the future border violator camp blocked by tractors. It obstructs the Ministry of the Interior the installation of premises.

“It was a barrier to prevent workers from entering, entering the place, workers and the same migrants and equipment,” he said.

“Do you want to start building a fence now, where will the fence be built? The beds were brought in yesterday. Maybe tomorrow, maybe today to bring. In Ignalina 50 and there are all kinds of misunderstandings, what will there be here? We also have to be on duty at night, ”says another.

“Every day we monitor what is happening in other municipalities where migrants live. There, people are really dissatisfied and immigrants are also dissatisfied, foreigners are also dissatisfied, this is a completely different culture, ”says the neighbor.

“Unacceptable, another culture, we live in peace, everything was fine, now everything has fallen like snow on the head. We live here, our land is here, all our ancestors lie here, ”says the neighbor.

Both police and border officials tried to speak to residents. However, without success, the townspeople do not allow visitors to enter the building.

“People are concerned, but we provide full protection. There are such misunderstandings, but I would like to ask for the understanding that there is no territory in Lithuania where there are no municipalities, be it one municipality or the other. The Ministry of the Interior does not abandon plans for transfer migrants to Dieveniškės, when specific border violators will be brought in, the government does not say. The residents of the city are ready to be on duty whatever they need, “says Deputy Interior Minister Arnoldas Abramavičius.

As long as the Ministry of the Interior thinks about how to resolve the conflict with the Divinity, the preparations for the deepening of the crisis of illegal immigrants do not stop.

Lithuania received humanitarian shipments from neighboring Poland and Estonia. Pillowcases, tables, cabinets, heating systems, tents, beds, stools, generators, air conditioners, sleeping bags, chairs and lamps.

All this will travel to immigrant camps such as those in Vydeniai, Varėna district. The closed school here is currently home to 149 illegals, 108 men and 41 women under the age of 28, all from African states. They were also visited today by the Minister of Finance.

“We don’t hear very big complaints from them. They want coke, they want sweets, they want delicacies, but we can’t buy, we just don’t have anyone,” says Vydeniai elder Genė Ramaškienė.

The migrants boldly express their wishes, with a border rapist asking for milk and smoking for an interview as soon as journalists show up. Others explain that the living conditions in the Varėna district satisfy them.

“Everything is fine now, I like the food. I like how security works, ”says the migrant.

“Lithuanian food is good for us. There are very few when there are so many people,” says another.

“I can’t complain that they don’t give me food from my country, my mother’s food, that’s why it’s fine here,” says the illegal.

“At least from what we speak, everything is satisfactory in this area, but we really have to understand that not all areas are the same. Those who live in tents do not feel as much satisfaction as here. We are definitely not determined to provide additional comfort, ”says Finance Minister Gintarė Skaistė.

In Vydeniai, unlike Dieveniškės, people complain less about illegal neighborhoods.

“They’re not malicious, they haven’t seen anything like this here yet, but it’s still unsafe,” says the resident.

“Young people have to play soccer, young people, they did not sit there with their hands together. Everything is fine,” says another.

“The residents are safe, they are not afraid when we speak to them directly, and similarly, perhaps there is none of that here,” says Elder G. Ramaškienė.

The Minister of Finance visited illegally not unnecessarily. In Varėna, he met with the mayors of the municipalities where there are border violators. Skaistė has promised to reimburse municipalities for all illegal accommodation and meals. Previously, mayors were outraged that the Ministry of Finance had asked municipalities not to spend more than 5 85 euro cents per person on food purchases per day.
