A beloved injured Vilnius horse found himself in a coma – he fought for his life


Riding entered Gintė’s life quite unexpectedly, 9 years ago when she was a teenager. Not finding a place for her in other pursuits, she tried horseback riding and since then horses have become her biggest hobby.

“I have loved animals since I was a child, but I didn’t have to deal with horses a lot. I have been going to many clubs since childhood, changing them every year because I still can’t find what I like. So I decided to try horse riding. and thus the love for horses was born. All the other activities were already reserved at that time and I got sick from the disease of the horses “, the girl jokes.

Gintė Sidaravičiūtė (photo by Rūta Vainilavičiūtė-Prelauskienė)

Trauma erased from memory

The great love for horses led her to new activities: together with her, she bought several horses and began training for children. On the fateful October 3, 2017, a training session would also take place, but things took an unexpected direction.

“Like every day, I had to exercise. As the girl was late, I decided to sit on my mare and walk, but when she stumbled I found myself on the ground and it reminded me of a skull with a hoof. At least that’s what the man in the hallway said at the time, because I don’t remember that day at all.

Now in life I would not get on a horse without a helmet, but in life we ​​all make mistakes. Then I thought that the horse was calm, still, it was training the children on it. I just sat down to walk, but it was enough for her to trip and fall, ”recalls G. Sidaravičiūtė.

The diagnosis was relentless: diffuse axonal concussion, skull rupture, and cerebral edema. After the injury, the girl went into a coma. They tried not to predict how things would end, but her relatives knew that the girl might not survive or be disabled. Fortunately, the girl woke up from the coma and clung to life as best she could.

“I was in a coma somewhere for two weeks. I really don’t remember anything. I only know what my loved ones have told me. When I woke up, I was definitely not fully focused and completely self-sufficient. I start to remember everything about a month after the injury when they took me to rehab.

Before that, I would say, it was a bit inappropriate. They told me that when I started eating because I had been tube fed before, I didn’t really think about how to go about it and got everything into myself quickly. As I spoke, I also didn’t really think about what he was saying, what came to mind and that’s what I told people. A friend came to visit her and one of her first questions was: “How are you? Without me? “They told me other funny stories like when my girlfriend came, I told her that my doctor was very nice. Dad said that the most important thing is that I did not lose my humor.”

Born under a happy star

I had to spend a few months in the hospital, but in the end Gintė, who was discharged, tried to make up for lost time. Although it is recommended not to rush, the girl immediately got into science and is now happy to have finished her studies.

“I spent the first month in Lazdynai Hospital, neurosurgery department. After that, I stayed in the rehabilitation department of the Santara clinics for a month and a half more. Leaving the hospital for a month and a half more I went to outpatient rehabilitation. They released me on December 22, I remember that date perfectly.

Doctors advised not to start studies immediately, to rest, but I did not want to spend another half year and immediately returned to studies, I successfully graduated from ISM University of Management and Economics, ”said G. Sidaravičiūtė.

The girl says that she is a true happiness baby, and her stubbornness and close relatives and friends helped her not to give up and achieve the best result. The sister was a great help to get out of the well, because she is a psychologist, so her accumulated knowledge gave her hope and strength.

“Not giving up and clinging to life helped my dear people, because in such a situation, I saw how much I care for them. I can’t even imagine how they felt when they saw me like this. But they tried not to show their bad feelings, they paid a lot of attention to me, they helped me and they did everything they could to make me feel better, get on my feet faster.

I think I am a happy baby, I am protected by something, because there are many things in life that I think, “Why me?” But I can handle it all and overcome it all, ”the interlocutor spoke about the support of loved ones and inner strengths.

But all the years he suffered an injury were full of setbacks. Before the fatal injury a few months ago, Gintė, who fell from a horse, broke his wrist. And in the fight, the girl lost the closest person – her father, who lost in the fight against cancer.

Gintė Sidaravičiūtė

The trauma did not stifle the love for horses.

The severe trauma she experienced did not prevent her from continuing her beloved activity. The passion for horses grew so much in the girl’s blood that, even while she was spending days in the hospital, she had a picture of her mare taped to the wall, because she longed for it.

Before long, G. Sidaravičiūtė decided to ride a horse again. She says that the greatest fear was not felt by herself, but by people who had been around for a long time.

“It just came to our notice then. When I was released from the hospital, I didn’t drive the car myself the following week, but asked a friend to drive me to the ranch. I hadn’t planned to ride that time, but they offered to sit me down. on a calm horse.

When I got up, even though I was shy about not being able to confidently control the horse, I was extremely happy. I had absolutely no fear of horses because I really don’t remember anything about the day I fell. It was scarier for those who saw him riding, who knew it: parents, friends. “

When asked what motivated her determination to ride again, the girl responds with confidence, passion and devotion: “I would say that my passion and desire helped the horses get back on the horse again. It is not even a hobby, there is a disease here, if you get sick it is not very possible for you to recover ”, laughs the interviewee.

Gintė also feels great gratitude for her coach, Lithuanian horse riding champion Sandra Sysojeva. Thanks to the trainer, the girl can continue to be close to the horses and enjoy them and participate in their beloved activities.

Gintė Sidaravičiūtė

Every event is a life lesson

A girl full of positive things tries to see the positive side in all things. According to herself, she could have grieved herself, she was angry, but she understands that grieving herself will not help turn back time. Now Gintė tries not to hold back and enjoy every moment of life.

“I could bite myself, think about why it happened, but I would not change anything about it, I would just live the rest of my life without thoughts. Who needs that? I decided to see the good sides even in this unpleasant event. The trauma helped me. to enjoy each day and to appreciate even small achievements.

Before that, I put off a lot for a later time because I was still afraid of something, thinking it would take a lot of effort. Now that I am discovering something, if it is realistic, I am trying to get here and now, not stay in the future. You can never know what awaits you in the future and you don’t know that perhaps today is your last day ”, the interlocutor spoke about the lesson of living here and now.

It is true that trauma also reduced the circle of friends: the closest friends suddenly disappeared from life and the least expected are now best friends. It also taught us to look at life from a different angle and begin to make dreams come true, to take a firm step into the future no matter what may bring us. In addition, the girl has long been paying attention and volunteering for those who need her most.

“Since 2010 I have been a volunteer in an animal shelter, and since 2012 I have been a volunteer in the public institution” Animal Welfare Initiatives. “Although I have been in this business for a long time, after the event I have even more motivation to help others who cannot care of themselves. There was a time when I could not do much alone, I needed the help of those around me. I want to encourage others to help those weaker than me. You can never know when you will need help “, – invites G Sidaravičiūtė to help others.

After her experiences, Gintė also has an inspiring wish for others: “Everyone in her life faces challenges, no matter what. I suggest accepting it as a life lesson that requires discovering inner strength, facing it, and steadily moving forward. “
