A Belarusian oligarch who trades in equipment has been included in the EU sanctions list


A total of 88 Belarusians are currently on the EU sanctions list. Most of them are people around Lukashenko and the Belarusian leader himself. Of the 29 people on Thursday’s list, most are also regime officials: police chiefs, judges, but there are also two businessmen, Aliaksandr Shakucin and Mikhail Varabey. The latter is a co-owner of the logistics company Bremino Group and operates in the oil, coal transit and banking business.

Another oligarch, A. Shakucin, included in the EU sanctions lists, is the business partner of M. Varabey.

Amkodor Holding, managed by A. Šakucinas, has a representative office in Lithuania – Amkodor Baltic, which is located in the Vilnius district. The company claims to be a representative of the Amkodor brand in the EU.

Both are considered oligarchs close to Lukashenko. A. Shakucin, owner of Amkodor Holding, a manufacturer of forestry, construction, agricultural and road construction equipment, is said to have benefited the most from privatization while A. Lukashenko was in power. He is also a member of the presidium of the Prolukhenko Belaja Rus association and in 2020. in July he publicly condemned the opposition protests in the country.

It is interesting that Amkodor Holding, managed by A. Šakucinas, has a representative office in Lithuania – Amkodor Baltic, which is located in the Vilnius district. The company claims to be the Amkodor brand in the EU and sells equipment, services or spare parts for forestry, construction, agriculture and road construction. According to rekvizitai.lt, the company employs 9 people and in 2019 its turnover amounted to 1-2 million. euros.

Delphi After calling the company, it was reported that the manager Yuri Maroz is currently absent and cannot be reached. Amkodor Baltic has no spokesperson because it is so small.

In addition, for the first time, 7 Belarusian companies are included in the EU sanctions list. Like before Delphi The list does not include companies actively working with Lithuania, such as Belkalij.

3 companies included in the sanctions list (Beltechexport, AGAT electromechanical plant, 140 repair plant) are associated with the military industry and the arms trade of Belarus. It is also one of the largest construction companies in Belarus, Dana Holdings, where his eldest son, Viktor Lily Lukashenko, holds a senior position.

Sanctions will also be imposed on the Central Economic Bureau under the Office of the President of Belarus and the information technology company Synesis, which is said to have provided the regime with a search and facial recognition platform to deal with opposition figures. By the way, Synesis is considered one of the most successful Belarusian IT companies, and on its website it boasts of having contributed to such well-known and popular projects as the Viber communication application.

The sanctions against Lukashenko’s regime stem from the rigged presidential elections in Belarus in August and the subsequent crackdown on the opposition. Lithuania actively advocates for sanctions for Minsk, but does not want them to be applied to large companies, in most cases, not only because some of them guarantee the volume of cargo handling in the port of Klaipeda, but also because it would be in response to your ordinary employees and regime. you could use it for propaganda purposes.

In any case, it is still unclear whether the EU sanctions will bring about a change in Lukashenko’s behavior. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that the fourth EU sanctions package will also be adopted.

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