A.Armonaitė: the first business support package – on January 18, the second – in February Business


“Last week, I appealed to the Lithuanian Business Support Agency under the Ministry of Economy and Innovation and Invega, which administers business support, to speed up preparations to accept business applications so that the process can start the next week, “A said at a press conference after the meeting. .Armonaitė.

He later clarified that on January 18, authorities should be prepared to accept applications under the first business aid package. This amounts to 180 million. of which 150 million euros The remaining money will be for loans and the remaining money for loans.

Arno Strumilos / 15min nuotr./Aušrinė Armonaitė

Arno Strumilos / 15min nuotr./Aušrinė Armonaitė

The Minister also announced that the second 150 million. The € 1 billion business support package will start in February as it has not yet been agreed with the social partners and government colleagues.

In addition, A.Armonaitė confirmed that the government rejected the possibility of employers reimbursing the rent of the premises.

“We want to launch a subsidy instrument that is more flexible and that companies can cover whatever they want for them,” said the minister.

“It is difficult to talk about rental compensation. We have already evaluated the possibilities and we want to keep the subsidies,” he added.

Both as a politician and as a citizen, I understand that it is impossible to survive with so much money without savings.

When the center-right assumed command of the government and began to discuss business assistance during the pandemic, some sectors, such as catering, asked the government to leave the possibility of compensation for the rental of the premises in the spring.

What will be in the second package?

There are more questions about the second business support package so far, as its details are still unclear.

Among other things, it could include support mechanisms for the self-employed, especially quarantined companies and businesses that invest in new jobs.

According to A.Armonaitė, the formula for identifying particularly affected companies is still being coordinated with experts, social partners and representatives of other ministries.

As for the self-employed, he recognized that the € 257 benefit they were paid was too low.

Photo from 123RF.com/Closed cafe

Photo from 123RF.com/Closed cafe

“Both as a politician and as a citizen, I understand that it is impossible to survive on that money without savings,” said the minister.

According to her, it is likely that the self-employed also receive subsidies, linking them to taxes paid.

A. Armonaitė calculated that adding the measures of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation and the Ministry of Social Security and Labor to help businesses and employees, approximately 500 million LTL would be injected into the economy. euros.

“We are ready to work fast, we demand it of ourselves and our colleagues so that the money reaches the business as soon as possible,” he said.

G.Nausėda blesses the plans

Simonas Krėpšta, Economic Advisor to President G. Nausėda, was pleased that the business support packages include due attention to small and medium-sized enterprises, as they are more vulnerable in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Office of the President of the Republic of Lithuania / Photo by R. Dačkus / Meeting of the President with Prime Minister-designate Ingrida Šimonyte

Office of the President of the Republic of Lithuania / Photo by R. Dačkus / Meeting of the President with Prime Minister-designate Ingrida Šimonyte

According to him, the Presidency and the Ministry of Economy and Innovation agree that the proposed aid measures are adequate under conditions of strict quarantine.

According to S.Krėpšta, the president appreciates the chosen way for companies to pay grants.

“This will ensure that this support reaches the accounts of the companies and ensures the income of the employees who work in those companies and the viability of these companies,” said the advisor.

Luke April / 15min photo / Simonas Krėpšta

Luke April / 15min photo / Simonas Krėpšta

“Timing is critical when we have such a strict quarantine in the country,” he added.
