A. Armonaitė appealed to the Prosecutor’s Office regarding the statements directed against T. Raskevičius


The president of the Freedom Party asks the prosecution to initiate a pre-trial investigation into incitement against any nation, race, ethnicity, religion or other group of people and threats of murder or serious damage to health.

During the rally in Cathedral Square on Saturday, Vitolda Račkova addressed the assembled people, who called TVRaskevičius an “absolute color beetle” and an “anti-state” and said that “such people should be shot “.

Raskevičius is an absolute colored beetle who will receive funds for his party from the Lithuanian state budget.

“Raskevičius is an absolute colored beetle who will receive funds for his party from the Lithuanian state budget. He is an anti-statesman, they should be shot anyway, at least once a year,” he said.

According to V. Račkova, the author of these words is Antanas Kandrotas.

A. Armonaitė, who sent the appeal to the Prosecutor’s Office, indicated in the document that, in his opinion, such words are used to ridicule, despise, incite hatred, incite discrimination and violence against a group of people or a person belonging to him. .

According to her, V. Račkova’s statement also corresponds to the responsibility provided for in another article of the Penal Code: threatening to kill or seriously damage the health of a person, if there are sufficient grounds to believe that the threat can be carried out.

“The reality of the threat of coping can be justified by the fact that recently the member of the Seimas, Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius, receives a lot of messages and similar comments on his social accounts, we see organized assault, incitement to hatred and threats in comments in social networks, networks and media portals, “Armonaitė informed the prosecution.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

As an example, he also mentioned the poster seen at the aforementioned rally, on which was written: “Šimonytė to Siberia, Raskevičius at the stake.”

The president of the Freedom Party asked the prosecution to initiate a pre-trial investigation into these two articles of the Penal Code and to recognize the member of this party as a victim of TVRaskevičius.

BNS recalls that in October, the former president of Seimas Arūnas Valinskas also expressed the same words about the president of the Polish Lithuanian Election Campaign-Union of Christian Families (LLRA-KŠS), MEP Valdemaras Tomaševskis.

“Tomaševskis is an absolute colored beetle who, receiving funding for his party from the Lithuanian state budget, is an anti-state. Anyway, those should be shot. One year at a time. Start with that,” said A. Valinskas in an interview with the portal delfi.lt, commenting on the results of the Seimas elections.

Anyway, those should be shot. One year at a time. Start with that.

The Vilnius District Prosecutor’s Office had then launched a pre-trial investigation, but it was terminated in early December.

The prosecutor who conducted the investigation stated at that time that A. Valinskas had not committed an act that showed evidence of crime or misconduct.

“Based on the findings of the language specialists obtained during the pre-trial investigation, it has been stated that the statements of A. Valinskas cannot be recognized as incitement to violence or physical confrontation, because the communicative purpose of these statements does not is to encourage or encourage spectators to behave accordingly., – written in the report of the prosecutor’s office.

The prosecution noted that the words of the former president of parliament were derogatory and offensive, he exercised freedom of expression by choosing inappropriate means of expression and, possibly, violating ethical and moral standards, but not the equality of people.

It was also emphasized that A. Valinskas’ statements did not go beyond political criticism, he did not make hateful statements about the values ​​declared by the Polish national minority or the LLRA-KŠS, and spoke only about the party’s political activities and your president.

On Saturday afternoon a demonstration for natural human rights took place in Vilnius Cathedral Square and several hundred people gathered.

According to the lrt.lt portal, the participants of the rally wore flags and various posters, demanding the cancellation of the quarantine, the mandatory use of masks, the termination of vaccination and the opening of borders.
