A.Armonaitė: Aid Package Will Support Tens of Thousands of Businesses, You May Need to Find Extra Money | Deal


Lithuanian companies on Wednesday from 8 pm in the morning through the systems of the State Tax Inspectorate (STI) or Invega.

In this first business aid package, € 150 million will be provided € 30 million for grants to small and medium-sized enterprises; EUR for loans.

“As for loans, between 400 and 500 companies will be able to receive them,” A. Armonaitė told reporters. “Tens of thousands of companies will be able to benefit from the subsidy mechanism.”

According to her, so far the acceptance of applications is going well and interest in support is high.

In fact, I am in constant contact with the head of the STI and the head of Invega and, as far as we know, everything is going well so far. I hope it continues like this ”, said the Minister of Economy and Innovation.

The government will subsidize companies whose turnover was reduced by 30% during the pandemic. or more.

We take into account that you may have to make some financial contributions to this measure.

According to A. Armonaitė, there are about 100,000 companies of this type in Lithuania. He stated that he saw the risk that the money available to all applicant companies would not be enough.

“We take into account that we may have to contribute a little more financially to this measure. We appreciate these opportunities,” said the Minister, emphasizing that the money would be allocated from the appropriations of the Ministry of Economy without increasing the budget deficit.

The grants will be available to companies whose annual turnover has fallen by at least 30%. from November 1, 2020 to January 31, 2021, compared to the corresponding period of 2019-2020. According to A.Armonaitė, the support will reach the companies in about ten days from the submission of the request.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

Subsidies to companies whose turnover decreases by more than 30% will reach 25%. personal income tax (PIT) paid last year.

For companies that paid less than 2,000 last year. The grant will amount to 500 EUR.

The money will be available to all companies, except those operating in agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture, as well as to financial and credit institutions.

The subsidy will not be used by the company to pay dividends through the capital outlay to reduce the company’s participants.

Click here to see in detail who and what support is available in the first aid kit.

123RF.com nuotr./Pinigai

123RF.com nuotr./Pinigai

A.Armonaitė said that in the event of lack of funds, the first business assistance package can be expanded at the expense of the second, which will start in the second half of February.

The package, according to the minister, will include support especially for companies affected by the pandemic, as well as compensation for market taxes and additional benefits for the self-employed. They will be linked to the personal income tax paid by these people.

You can see A.Armonaitė’s full comment here:

VIDEO: The Minister of Economy and Innovation A. Armonaitė on the launch of the first package of business aid
