A.Armonaitė – about plans to return the “Baltic Bubble” and change the isolation rules


The tourism business has long criticized the Health Ministry’s decision to continue to apply mandatory 10-day self-isolation to all arrivals if they do not have immunity against COVID-19. In some other countries, isolation with a negative COVID-19 test result is no longer required, but in Lithuania, although such a test is mandatory before arrival, it does not exempt you from closing at home for 10 days. Isolation can be shortened to 7 days with another test.

In a conversation with 15 minutes The Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė pointed out that such a requirement complicates the Lithuanian diaspora’s plans to return to Lithuania for summer holidays.

Speaking of the Baltic “bubble”, the Minister hoped that after Friday’s talks in Brussels with Latvian Secretary of State Edmund Valancis and Estonian Minister of Economy Andres Suttu, we would be able to travel around the Baltic States before entering the vigor. Green passport of the European Union.

Last year, Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians were able to take advantage of the Baltic bubble as of May 15. It was created by Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia then received worldwide media attentionand the pandemic in the Baltic economies urgently need tourists’ money.

– When can a final agreement on the Baltic “travel bubble” be expected?

– All three Baltic countries are interested in allowing people to travel and use tourist services indefinitely at the beginning of the summer season. Of course, it is very important to us that the vaccination continues very quickly. Lithuania is doing very well here.

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What we have to do is change the self-isolation rules for those who have not yet been vaccinated. We basically discuss it with colleagues.

Of course, the representatives of the ministries of health and epidemiologists have yet to consult, but this bubble is very important for the economy.

We will be able to travel in the Baltic States before the “green passport” of the European Union comes into force.

– Anyway, what terms are we talking about? When will the “travel bubble” take effect?

– Of course, the sooner the better. I think already in June. The Christmas season is about to start, we don’t have to wait for anything. The self-isolation rules only need to be reviewed, they are established by the Ministry of Health.

What is really important is that the vaccination continues to work without problems. Also, to reduce the number of new cases. In other countries it is decreasing a lot, in Lithuania we are finally decreasing. As a result, I am optimistic about the summer.

– Already in April there was talk of returning the bubble. Why does it take so long to agree? What issues provoke the most disagreements and discussions between the three Baltic countries?

– No, there are no major disagreements. There are just different situations in the states. What is very important to say: for those who have been vaccinated with both vaccines, completely, no bubbles are needed. They can go, there are no self-isolation requirements, toilets, entertainment, etc. can be used.

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However, since not everyone has been vaccinated yet, not everyone can, so we are talking about changing the rules of self-isolation in general, perhaps better access to testing.

– The so-called EU Green Passport will start in July and the travel rules will be harmonized in the Community. Therefore, Lithuania will have to make broader decisions, not just for the Baltic states. Now even those with a negative response to the COVID-19 test must isolate themselves. When will this rule be dropped?

– Yes, we have to open up. Lithuania is as open as it is, but the self-isolation requirements still keep us practically closed for now. Although I believe that vaccines will overcome the coronavirus, vaccination is necessary and, if you have been vaccinated, there is an exception for self-isolation.

Lithuania is also open, but the self-isolation requirements still keep us practically closed for now.

What is also very important is that the Lithuanian diaspora is preparing to return to Lithuania on vacation. Some of them may want to be vaccinated in Lithuania, and will be able to do so. But for them, 7 or 10 days of self-isolation is a really difficult subject for the holidays. It also needs to be addressed.

– Is the ministry in favor of waiving mandatory isolation for those who do not have immunity but have a negative result in the COVID-19 test?


– Will Poland be connected to the bubble, as it was last year?

– This is one of the options, but apparently the most important thing is that we can invite as many tourists to Lithuania as possible and that our services – accommodation, catering – are in higher demand.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Dawn Armonaitė

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Dawn Armonaitė

– The notice distributed by the Ministry mentions that the Opportunity Passport for foreigners will be replaced by vaccination documents or a negative test in Lithuania. Why should the test be done in Lithuania? Why is the recent test abroad not appropriate?

– One of the options is to change it. Basically, it is this: as we have the Opportunity Passport requirements for Lithuanians: a vaccine, a disease or a negative test, the same should apply to those who enter.

However, I note once again that these rules can be relaxed.

– How would the conditions of the “bubble” differ from those of the future European COVID certificate?

– The main thing is that the European Green Certificate will probably start in July. Meanwhile, our people want to think about the holidays in the Baltic countries as early as June.

We would like to make those decisions sooner. As we have done with the Opportunity Passport, which is already operating in Lithuania and is working successfully.

So with some travel, we may not wait for those European instruments and agreements to be put in place.

With some travel, we may not have to wait for those European instruments to initiate agreements ourselves.

– Regarding the European Green Passport. It is up to each country to decide whether it recognizes other vaccines that provide sufficient immunity, the Russian one, which, for example, is vaccinated in Hungary, the Chinese one. What is Lithuania’s position on this issue?

– The Government of Lithuania recognizes the vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency.

– So if a Hungarian is vaccinated against Sputnik, would we impose additional requirements on his arrival?

– Yes. We are only talking about western vaccines.

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Vilnius - half-hour race for the remaining 100 vaccines

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Vilnius – half-hour race for the remaining 100 vaccines

– As the epidemiological situation deteriorated last year, there was a lot of tension for travelers about the anxious anticipation of Fridays, whether the bubble would burst on Saturday or Monday or not. Are you looking for solutions in this regard? Perhaps – that the parties announce the exit of the bubble earlier, etc.?

– We haven’t talked about that yet. It is also very important to monitor the status of the varieties. As we know, an Indian variety has been discovered in Latvia. But still, vaccines are what protect against death, and that is why it is very important to get vaccinated.

– Under what conditions would the “bubble” burst? Would it be estimated as the 14th of last year? statistics of new cases, or perhaps the spread of varieties is also taken into account?

– Here is a question for epidemiologists, specialists: they will have to answer it.
