A 4-month-old baby died suddenly in Panevėžys: doctors suspect “cradle” syndrome


Doctors say that sudden infant death, also known as “crib” syndrome, often affects babies from one month to one year of age and most often affects children.

A mother who woke up at her home on Smetonos Street early in the morning found her baby dead. To the summoned doctors and the police, the 22-year-old from Panevėžys explained that she found her son, who was born in October, out of breath.

“They went with the family and spoke with their parents. The specialists interacted with the mother, she said, around 4:30 in the morning the child was restless, she fed him, calmed him down and put him to bed. And when he got up in the morning , saw that the child was not breathing, ”says Žaneta Ginaitė, head of the Panevėžys County Children’s Rights Service.

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PHOTO GALLERY. Four-month-old baby dies suddenly in Panevėžys: doctors suspect “cradle” syndrome

According to the Panevėžys Children’s Rights Service, the baby’s family is not included in the social risk group, but is known. According to officials, the parents are raising another son, who lives modestly but does not drink. A pre-trial investigation was launched to determine the cause of death.

“There is a slight lack of soc. skills are young parents naturally need the help of professionals to deal with household problems and childcare. But the same parents react with benevolence to everything. Accept help, ”says Ž. Ginaitė.

“By the time the officers went to the place, the baby was already dead. So far, the cause of the baby’s death is still being clarified, so the pre-trial diligence has begun,” says Tadas Martinaitis, representative of the Police Communication Department.

For the surprised parents, social workers offered the help of a psychologist, but the older child was temporarily taken away and placed in the care of loved ones.

“The police do not know that the family is violent or abuses alcohol. According to preliminary data, no signs of violence were identified. These circumstances will be specified,” says T. Martinaitis.

What may have caused the baby’s death will become clear after the autopsy. However, it is not ruled out that the baby has suffered a death called “cradle” that, for unknown causes, usually affects babies from one month to another, according to neonatologists.

“Sudden or sudden death of a baby can occur for a variety of reasons: one of them is sudden infant death syndrome. Another reason is suffocation, for example after dressing or vomiting, because babies of this age they are vomiting, ”said Giedrė Šipelienė, a doctor with the Department of Child Resuscitation.

“It happens when you don’t realize it, because it is at night, in the morning, usually in the morning, when you are tired and asleep. He did not hear any sound and Wat came and found it. Statistically, it is often said that in the morning children they are more frequent ”, says Irena Žilinskienė, director of the Newborn Department.

The most dangerous are the first 2-4 months of a baby’s life. Although statistically the syndrome is considered quite rare, more babies die from this condition than from cancer, pneumonia, heart defects, or muscular dystrophy combined. The syndrome, according to doctors, can affect both healthy babies and babies with health problems.

“The main prevention of gnawing in our opinion, as neonatologists, is breastfeeding and for as long as possible. And up to 4 months. do not give any additional food to the newborn. Because they still don’t know how to swallow well enough. You need to sleep on a solid base, not have soft pillows, you do not have to squat. Have a clear airway, ”says I. Žilinskienė.

And if the baby does not feed from the breast, specialists advise to closely monitor and feed the mixture. It should be done on the hands, lifting the baby’s head and feeding him, not immediately lying down, but hoping not to fall asleep.
