A 35-year-old man discharged from the hospital died suddenly a few hours later at home: an aneurysm ruptured | Lifetime


Went to the hospital twice

According to the man’s relatives, about three weeks ago he had severe pain in the chest area, in the heart area, in the back.

“The man was even screaming in pain. We immediately took him to Ukmergė Hospital, where doctors searched and, even without blood tests, found inflammation of the nerve roots. Permitted pain relievers prescribed and delivered at home. We were treated for five days, but the pain only subsided for a while after the injection of the medication, and at night the pain returned, nausea also contributed.

As the situation did not improve, we returned to the hospital. This time he was examined more closely and it turned out that he had no inflammation of the nerve roots, acute pancreatitis. The man was hospitalized and drippers were being built for him. On the day that, as far as we know, Ukmergė Hospital began preparing wards for future COVID-19 patients, patients who were already in bed began to be discharged. A person close to me was also discharged, “he said. 15min LIFE interlocutor.

According to relatives, the man returned home from the hospital around 3 p.m. The report of the disease indicated that his condition was satisfactory, the hemodynamics were stable, he had no fever, the linear chest and abdominal radiography performed did not show alterations and main aorta was not dilated.

At home, however, the man felt bad: he was quite angry, sometimes he reluctantly nodded in contact with his loved ones and could not find a place for him in any way, he constantly complained that he was short of breath, not even a walk outside helped.

In the afternoon of the same day, around 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sitting quietly on the sofa, he began to have convulsions.

“It just came to our knowledge then. The father was still trying to do artificial respiration until the ambulance arrived. The doctors were very quick: they arrived in 5 minutes, but it was too late. He was dead. The autopsy showed that the main The disease that caused death was the rupture of a thoracic aortic aneurysm ”, said the relative.

Hospital: aneurysm, a treacherous disease

According to the administration of Ukmerg administración Hospital, the patient, who came to the hospital for the first time, complained of back pain, with no complaints of chest pain or shortness of breath. After the exam, he was diagnosed with inflammation of the nerve roots, injected with medication and sent for outpatient treatment because the condition was not complicated.

The patient returned to the hospital four days later. This time there were no more complaints of back pain, nor were there any complaints of chest pain or shortness of breath.

“The patient complained of abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting for several days, which, according to the patient himself, occurred after the consumption of alcohol. The patient was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis based on symptoms. We observed that the patient did not change from the original diagnosis, but was diagnosed with a new disease in terms of symptoms.

After five days of hospital treatment, the patient was discharged from the hospital with abdominal pain, and after a significant reduction in blood swelling, he was given home recommendations for further health promotion and ordered a repeat follow-up visit to the family doctor, ”said the hospital representatives.

According to them, aneurysm: a dilation of a vascular segment by more than 50 percent. normal size – it is a very rare disease (up to 1 case per 10,000 inhabitants), even less frequently a fatal condition caused by a ruptured aneurysm (up to 1 case per 200,000 inhabitants).

The most common aneurysm is found in patients with cardiac disorders older than 65 years and is usually caused by atherosclerosis. Many patients do not experience a thoracic aortic aneurysm, which is why this disease is considered extremely insidious and generally unprepared. Unfortunately, in the absence of aneurysms, it is virtually impossible to save a patient; death occurs extremely quickly.
