A 22-year-old boy fell on the back of his neck, intending to spend the night with a co-worker


On Friday, officials planned to continue the search for A.Rakauskas, but weather conditions prevented it. On Monday, officials promised to contact the boy’s family, but according to Arnold’s friend Inesa, this had not yet been done.

Arnoldas de Jonava, who worked as a foreman at a Kaunas auto repair shop, fell on December 29 last year, around 10 pm. 40 min. – The boy visited his 29-year-old former colleague DM, who lives in a remote area in the village of Kazimierava, that night.

Planned to spend the night with a colleague.

After quitting his job in a garage last spring, Arnold continued in contact with DM.

On the afternoon of December 29, the two went to a car repair shop in Kaunas, Šančiai district, where they had previously worked together.

Rakauskas left his damaged car at the repair shop, which was scheduled to be repaired the next day.

After that, the ex-classmates went to DM’s house in Kazimierava, which is about 30 kilometers from Jonava.

According to the owner, it was decided that Arnold would spend the night with him and the next day A. Rakauskas would collect the repaired car.

DM explained that late at night, at 11 p.m., he, his wife, and Arnold went out to smoke.

The house was very warm, so everyone outside was dressed very finely.

Arnold was drunk but not very intoxicated.

Said looking for a coworker

When the couple and their guest turned to the front door, Arnold decided not to return – he suddenly turned around and, without saying anything, ran into the fields.

This area is remote, surrounded by fields, a half-kilometer-long forest, a flowing stream, and other bodies of water.

DM said he ran inside to dress warmer and then sat in the car.

The former collaborator toured the Kazimierava area, but did not find Arnold. There was no snow that night, it only fell in early January.

About an hour after A. Rakauskas disappeared, DM contacted the police.

Friend of A.Rakauskas from the Inesa news portal lrytas.lt said cynologists with service dogs arrived in town on the afternoon of December 30.

A helicopter was also used at that time. However, the body could not be detected, and the search was subsequently hampered by heavy snowfall.

Before the disappearance he did not look shocked

A.Rakauskas lived in Jonava with his mother and brother. His father had gone to Ireland and his sister also lived alone.

According to DM, Arnold didn’t seem surprised, he didn’t run out of crayfish on a fateful night, and there were no conflicts between them. The guy from the night hadn’t even hinted to his former colleague that he wasn’t going to spend the night with him.

Arnold had called family members in the evening and announced that he would be staying with DM for the night.

Therefore, A. Rakauskas’ spontaneous act of fleeing to the fields greatly surprised the landlord.

According to Inesa, Arnold erupted impulsively, but never kept his heart angry for long.

The young man in a friendly way was not depressed at the disappearance, he looked at life with optimism. He did not complain of health problems, it is not known that he had a more serious illness.

Arnold used to let relatives know if he planned to stay somewhere. A neat, decent young man with no police business.

No traces found

“You can think of different versions, but there are no concrete facts that violence was used against Arnold,” Inesa replied, asking the portal if she thought that Arnold had not been the victim of a crime or that DM had not hidden the circumstances of the crime. assault from a former colleague.

Arnold’s disappearance shocked his loved ones, they were overwhelmed by the unknown.

During the searches, no blood, traces of fighting, or Arnold’s clothing or other items were found in the local area.

Arnold’s phone, money, documents, and they were left at DM’s house.

Checked a colleague’s version

So far no charges have been made in this case.

According to the Kaunas prosecutor, Jūratė Plauskienė, the history of the owner of the apartment where Arnoldas visited was carefully reviewed; so far there is no reason to believe that you are hiding something, saying it is not true.

There is also no data to suggest violence.

Nor have versions of suicide, trauma or illness been confirmed.

The horrible secret of the disappearance is expected to be revealed by an updated search of the guy.

Any fact may be important during the investigation, so that people who know something about the circumstances of the disappearance of A. Rakauskas are asked to call 8 (609) 58678, 8 (612) 63787, 8 (37) 303 437 or 112.
