A dangerous plant occupies more and more territories of Kaunas: the fight is long and hard


“Recently, you can clearly see how successfully Sosnovskis borscht is being fought in Kaunas, by no means,” the Kaunas resident began the letter to the editorial office of “What’s Happening in Kaunas.”

The reader, who wished to remain anonymous with the editorial office, shared extremely dangerous plants that thrive on the banks of the Neris River. According to Kaunas residents, Sosnovskis borscht is the perfect choice in front of the Kauno Dokas office building.

“These poisonous parasites have sprouted along the coast. The situation is already threatening. Borsch is already in bloom and with the same attention as fighting borscht, they are likely to be able to ripen and spread the seeds, which can be as many as 100,000 at a time. and they remain viable for several years. Maybe it’s time to take action? Asked the reader.

“If this problem on the coast is not resolved this year, visiting the yard next year could be dangerous to health.”

It is true that the man emphasized that there is a kindergarten in the center of the offices, so it is time to pay attention to the little ones, for whom the plant can be perfect for games. “Significant contact with this plant is not required for strong allergic reactions,” said the reader.

According to Kaunas, the photos, according to the grass cut, clearly show where the boundaries of private property end. Immediately beyond this limit: state land, which the municipality does not intend to care for.

A dangerous plant occupies more and more territories of Kaunas: the fight is long and hard

© What’s going on in Kaunas? Readers photo.

Start destroying in May

As Radeta Savickienė, Head of the Department of Environmental Protection of the Municipality of Kaunas, told the news portal “What Happens in Kaunas”, the destruction of Sosnovskis borscht in Kaunas began in May, April was cold, so the plants were too much small to spray.

According to R. Savickienė, Sosnovskis borscht is found in all the elders of the city of Kaunas, but the largest habitats are found in Aleksotas and Šilainiai. The least of these plants is found in the elders of the Center and Dainava. In total, Sosnovskis borscht are destroyed in the area of ​​~ 32 ha, within the city limits of Kaunas. Every year new places are added to the database, “said R. Savickienė.

The head of the environment department stressed that dangerous plants are destroyed only on state and municipal lands. In private territory, these plants must be destroyed by the owner. He added that the Sosnowski borscht is being destroyed from the end of April to the end of October, and 100,000 LTL were allocated for its destruction this year with funds from the Special Environmental Protection Program of the Municipality of Kaunas City. EUR.

Results only after 3 years

In May-June, the borscht Sosnovskis in Kaunas was sprayed with selective herbicides recommended by the Ministry of the Environment: 10 g / ha – Nuance 75 WG and 20 g / ha – Precision 200 WG.

According to R. Savickienė, not all plant species are destroyed by the use of these herbicides, i. In the herbicide-sprayed area, growth of the Sosnowski borscht is stopped, and plants unaffected by herbicides do not disappear, but continue to grow, thereby creating unfavorable conditions for the emergence of new individuals in the borscht of Sosnowski: the mechanism of natural selection is activated.

“Significant results only become apparent after 3 years of spraying. After spraying in June-July, invasive plants are cut. Mowing is also carried out throughout the season, in places where it is not possible to spray with herbicides, that is, in bodies of water, on the banks of rivers “, – R. Savickienė said about the peculiarities of the destruction of plants.

Invasive plant seeds germinate in 6-8 years, only light and moisture are enough to start growing again.

“In August, we repeated the spraying with herbicides to destroy the newly germinated plants, and it is expected to re-cut in September-October,” said the specialist.

According to her, the destruction of Sosnovskis borscht in Kaunas takes place every day. However, air is very important for spraying, rain removes herbicides, so spraying is only possible during the dry period.

For municipalities: almost 600 thousand. euros

Almost 600 thousand LTL were assigned from the Environmental Protection Support Program to all municipalities in the country for the destruction of the Sosnowski borscht. euros Following the announcement of such support on June 6, the Ministry of the Environment did not receive any request from any of the country’s municipalities.

A dangerous plant occupies more and more territories of Kaunas: the fight is long and hard

“The summoned municipalities were interested, but were unable to submit applications. We expect at least ten applications to be submitted by the end of July,” said Raimonda Karnackaitė, representative of the Ministry, at the BNS.

Those who want to receive support from the Environmental Protection Support Program will have to destroy Sosnovskis borscht, which is poisonous to the people of the municipality, only on land owned by the state or the municipality. In addition, the municipalities must develop an action plan to regulate the abundance of the population of this invasive plant.

Maximum grant for the project: up to 100,000. up to 70% will be refunded. Eligible costs and projects must be completed within 36 months of signing the contract.

Applications will be evaluated on the basis of whether the Sosnowski borsch areas are located in protected areas, urban areas, whether the municipality contributes at its own cost and will destroy this plant for at least five years.

People who do nothing suffer

Every summer, doctors have to help people affected by invasive plants. However, Kaunas residents became much more cautious. When the portal “What’s Happening in Kaunas” asked Kaunas clinics about patients treated for invasive plants this year, the Kaunas clinics claimed they had no such patients this year.

“We can only be glad that this year the Kaunas Clinic has not received patients who have suffered from Sosnovskis borscht,” said Eglė Audickaitė, Chief Specialist, Communication Service, Kaunas Clinics, Lithuanian Hospital, University of Health Sciences.

However, it is important to know that if the juice of the plant comes into contact with the skin, it is recommended to wash immediately with soap and water. It is advisable to avoid applying ointments to wounds. Then you should see your doctor, even if you haven’t noticed any skin lesions. The burn may not appear right away, but after 2-3 days.

Sosnowski borscht is a difficult plant to eradicate from the Caucasus. They came to Lithuania more than 50 years ago.

All parts of Sosnowski’s borscht accumulate a lot of especially strong allergen: furanocoumarin. Its juice also contains substances that photosensitize the skin and can cause grade 1 to 3 skin burns.

The substances accumulated in the juice of the plant increase the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight, therefore, when the juice of the plant comes into contact with the skin, it causes burns. When the blisters break, wounds form that are difficult to heal. When they heal, there are non-perishable brown spots and scars. This disease is called photodermatitis.

Sosnowski borscht is dangerous not only by touching it, breaking it, but also being close to them – plants can poison human respiratory organs. Its smell, pollen and juice cause strong allergies, the effect of the essential oils of these plants can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness in some people.
