Family members cannot regret after the loss of their grandmother: a shocking diagnosis on the death certificate


As the late grandson Valerijus P. told Delfi, his grandmother was informed on April 8. A stroke occurred and she was taken to the Vilnius Republican Hospital (RVUL) in Lazdynai, where she received the necessary assistance. According to her husband, she had to spend two days in resuscitation, then she was transferred to the ward and then to the St .. Hospital and Supportive Care Center of rocks.

“RVUL doctors have told us that this is necessary because there is a high probability that stroke will recur, so they will provide timely help in this type of hospital. Otherwise, if we take my grandmother home, it is likely that we will lose someone dear to us and close to us, ”he recalled in the conversation.

Valery P. continued the story that due to quarantine visiting Grandma St. was prohibited. However, at Rock Hospital, her family members continued to call and interact with doctors. For the family, the doctors indicated that the stroke had damaged the part of the brain responsible for speaking and understanding. At first, the doctors, he said, were still giving Grandma a cell phone so that she could hear familiar voices, but the speech was inconsistent, the relatives felt that the human health condition was complicated.

“The last times you tried to talk to your grandmother, she told us that she wanted to eat. A couple of weeks later, her phone was off, probably downloaded, and we couldn’t talk to her again. “

The man explained that all the information was subsequently provided by the doctors by phone and that the essence of those conversations was that the grandmother’s condition was stable, difficult to contact, but that she received all kinds of care: massages, no more walks.

“We offered to pay for any service more than once, the answer was always negative, because you have everything, you do not need anything. We only asked for water. We bring water and diapers for adults, as well as many sweets. But we got absolutely everything in them. bags when grandmother died. Apparently, that water was put aside somewhere, and so much knowledge … “, the grandson was angry.

In the last days of June, Valerijus P. continued the story, calling his grandmother’s son from St. Rock Hospital, also reported that his legs were bruised, that gangrene may have started to develop and that his grandmother was taken to the Clinical Hospital. from the Vilnius City, Antakalnio str.

“During the conversation with St. Rock hospital staff answered the son’s question about how gangrene could have occurred: presumably, due to lack of movement, something neutral was pierced without explanation. Hence the question: what What about the aforementioned massages and “necessary” care, which was repeatedly said over the phone? “the man asked rhetorically.

According to him, the same day, when the doctors from the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital asked him, the mother told him that she was hungry, exhausted, asked to eat and that her blood vessels were in very poor condition due to lack of liquids.

“An attempt was made to stabilize the grandmother’s condition at the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital, but on July 1. In the late afternoon she called her son and announced his death. In addition to the leading cause of death, the certificate Death doctor issued by the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital includes, among other important pathological conditions, diagnoses such as pressure ulcers, malnutrition, hypovolemia (dehydration) “.

According to the granddaughter, these three additional diagnoses can mean only one thing: that the person became immobile, fed and tortured with thirst, under the guise of quarantine, the doctors supposedly allowed themselves not to work because there was no control, and a person in serious condition he couldn’t complain to anyone.

“If massages were done, where did those pressure sores come from? It can be assumed that the supervised grandmother was only in the first days when it was difficult, but she could say something on the phone. Then the doctors did not allow themselves to do anything and literally tortured the man. It is likely that many people at this institution were killed under the guise of quarantine bans on visiting patients, “said Valerijus P.

He also added that he hopes his family history will help save someone’s life if the quarantine is repeated in Lithuania.

Family members cannot regret after the loss of their grandmother: a shocking diagnosis on the death certificate

An internal investigation began

S t. The Rock Hospital administration, in particular, expressed their sincere condolences to their loved ones for the loss and explained that they had faced many different reactions to the loss over the years of work, including anger and sadness.

“In response to the information provided, an internal investigation was launched to analyze the medical records of the deceased patient and the written records of St. Rock Hospital staff’s explanations. The patient arrived at St. Rock Hospital in 2020. April 21, Republican University Hospital of the Vilnius Public Institution (hereinafter RVUL) Diagnosis: cerebral infarction in the left basin of VMA with sensorimotor aphasia, paresis of the right extremities in the context of cerebral atherosclerosis. Condition after IVT, MTE. Patient was also diagnosed with other concomitant diseases, including cerebral atherosclerosis, hypertensive heart disease without congestive (congestive) heart failure, dysphasia, aphasia, etc., ”Delfi said in a written response.

The administration assured that upon arrival at the hospital, the woman’s condition was severe, the patient was lying down, conscious, but the contact was severe due to partial sensorimotor aphasia and cognitive impairment, disoriented. Verbal instructions were partially followed and the patient required assistance with all service procedures throughout the hospital stay.

“Š. Metro. On June 30, 2006, due to her deteriorated health, the patient was urgently sent to the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital to consult angiosurgeons on suspicion of thrombosis, where she was hospitalized. It should be noted that the incidence of deep vein thrombosis in patients with cerebral infarction is up to 75%.

Mortality in such cases is up to 15%. Curative San All recommendations for additional treatment and care provided by RVUL were implemented at Rock Hospital. The recommended pharmacological treatment was used, the prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis (compression therapy, anticoagulant drugs, etc.). Due to the woman’s hypomobility, she must receive massages, physical therapy and physical therapy. “

Throughout the hospitalization, according to the response, the patient was lying on a functional bed, on the mattress to protect against bedsores, active nursing was used according to the established schedule. The hospital administration noted that due to the patient’s respectable age and comorbidities, tissue trophies were affected, resulting in violations of skin integrity despite the application of pressure ulcer prevention measures.

“The patient was drunk on the drinks provided by the hospital and, at her request, the water brought in by the family was added. Due to severe cognitive decline, the patient consumed insufficient fluids, resulting in drip infusions to maintain balance of liquids. As a result, some of the water was not needed and was returned, along with other items, to the patient’s relatives after she was discharged from the hospital. “

Meals, according to hospital representatives, were arranged according to special dietary requirements to meet the physiological needs of bedridden patients. The patient did not complain of lack of appetite throughout the treatment period, did not reject the food provided, and did not want extra food.

“We regret that due to the announced quarantine in the country, the relatives of the patients were unable to visit their relatives in the hospital. In accordance with the law, patient visits were prohibited during this period and all information was provided to the relatives by phone Throughout the hospital treatment, the patient’s relatives were informed about the nursing services and supportive care provided to the patient.

When the state of health changed, on June 30, the patient’s son was immediately informed of the need to be transferred to another person’s health care center. On the day of the transfer, the patient ate the served breakfast for three hours before being transported to another medical institution, and the attending physician or other hospital staff had no doubts about the feeling of hunger. “

The hospital administration has stated that it understands the concerns of patients’ families, appreciates the care provided to family members, and ensures that it is truly working hard to ensure that each patient and family members feel comfortable, respected, receive quality services and all the necessary information. At the same time, he ensured that hospital staff did their utmost and took all possible and necessary medical measures to ensure that patients received diligent, qualified and caring personal care, as expected from qualified personnel.

“We look forward to your understanding at this difficult time for everyone.”

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