Fears of a possible outbreak at the Festival del Mar


This week, the topic was discussed at a meeting of organizers, businessmen and representatives of health institutions. The idea presented in it was promoted by local politicians earlier this year. And while many like the desire to care for nature, there is a fear that the reusable packaging system may become a new source of coronavirus infection. The health authorities recommend the organizers to abandon this idea.

Ideas are not compatible

Klaipeda residents were able to familiarize themselves with the reusable packaging system and how it works at festivals previously held in the port city. Participants in the event received a reusable plastic cup for the euro, into which beer or other drinks could be poured. At the end or after the event, participants could return the used packaging, thus recovering the euro paid or keeping the cup as a souvenir.

Such a system is slowly gaining ground in Lithuania. And the port city politicians earlier this year called for the system to be used at the next Festival del Mar.

However, as the coronavirus pandemic stalled both in Lithuania and around the world, it began to be considered whether such innovations should not be abandoned for the Festival of the Sea.

But local businessmen felt this week as if they were stuck in a corner: Organizers informed them that the use of disposable plastic containers for drinking beverages would be strictly prohibited at the Sea Festival. Violation of this provision would allegedly deprive entrepreneurs of the opportunity to participate in future maritime festivals.


Procession “Sea Festival 2019”

“It is a matter of cross-contamination and hygiene. Specialists are appalled that the same store has to accept dirty containers. Such a solution is illogical in the presence of a coronavirus threat. Without a doubt, everyone will be forced to follow this procedure. if a final decision is made, “one of the participants in the upcoming event told Western Express.

According to him, businessmen may not make claims if a person takes a glass home as a souvenir.

“In the current situation, a person with a reusable cup cannot go through the tents and ask for a different drink. It means we have to accept the used cup and give it a new one. All merchants have asked, who will be responsible if a person who takes advantage of such a system gets sick? If someone from the organizers will sign and take responsibility, then everything is fine. No answer yet. This year, the one-time mugs that would travel to the trash should be used unequivocally, “he said the man.

Entrepreneur Armen Manukyan has a similar opinion. If the current procedure does not change, you will consider withdrawing from the event.

“It just came to our attention then. It is cross contamination, a terrible bomb. We think this is dangerous. If we approve of such a procedure, we will probably refuse to participate, even though the money has already been paid … We are concerned about ourselves. themselves, our employees and our customers. How can dirty containers be received in the same store? In this case, a separate tent with an employee who would wear protective equipment is needed, “said A. Manukyan.

Marius Vizbaras / 15min photo / fair

Marius Vizbaras / 15min photo / fair “Sea Festival 2019” and its participants

He hopes that the organizers of the health institution will not allow said container deposit system to be used at the Sea Festival.

“It just came to our attention then. But at least this year, we would like to see that news removed. Maybe next year?” Thought the businessman.

No decision has yet been made.

The organizers of the Klaipeda Festival, who presented yesterday the program of the event, urged the guests who come to observe security. Hygiene facilities are guaranteed to be provided near the restrooms. However, the reusable packaging system was not mentioned.

After the Western Express asked if the organizers really intended to follow the planned procedure, no confirmatory or negative response was received.

“We are currently evaluating the situation regarding the reusable cup system and discussing it with specialists.

We appreciate all circumstances and have not yet made a final decision.

There will be more specificity when the findings are provided by health institutions. If specialists say there is at least the slightest threat, we will abandon such innovations this year, “Romandas Žiubrys, director of Klaipėdos švenčių, told Vakaru Express.

However, if the reusable packaging system is approved at the next “Sea Festival”, a glass tank, according to the organizers, will cost one euro.

Do not agree with the decision

After hearing the idea from the organizers, the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) is already urging organizers to abandon this idea.

According to Raimundas Grigaliūnas, head of the Klaipėda department at NVSC, this year is not the time for experiments.

“You can’t do experiments during such a massive event.” Experiments can be done in a possibly smaller, fully controlled event. Now the logistics are unclear: how long, how and by who will wash the cups. This is a paid service.

To prevent someone hiding under a counter from covering a glass with a rag, use the water from the Dane River and wash … We haven’t officially seen how everything will be organized.

At the meeting, we have more questions than answers from the brief presentation and information. I think it is necessary to abstain and wait, “R. Grigaliūnas told” Western Express “.

However, the Klaip alreadyda State Food and Veterinary Service Department has already sent a negative response to the organizers of the Klaipėda Sventės Sea Festival. It is questionable whether it would be possible to guarantee the necessary hygiene in the current situation.

Klaipėdos šventės wrote us a letter asking how to use reusable packaging. After evaluating the current situation, we provide the answer that we do not support that decision. We see a lot of risk. There is a threat of coronavirus.

Will there be extra space to store used cups? We doubt that proper handling, cleaning and disinfection will be guaranteed during the celebration, which will help reduce contamination, ”said Antanas Bauža, Director of the Klaipeda State Food and Veterinary Department.

He recalled that the use of disposable tableware is not currently prohibited. The organizers of the celebration intended to abandon that idea using the multiple cup system.

“It just came to our attention then. The idea may not be bad, but not for such a big event. Imagine: at night, after midnight, the cups end … Customer flow is high, and then What? There are several possible options that can cause risks, “said A. Bauža.

According to him, according to the Law of the State Food and Veterinary Service, the responsibility falls on the organizer of the event. Therefore, the “Klaipeda Festival” will have to decide whether to use reusable packaging at the Festival of the Sea or not.
