Kaunas latest news: foreigners probably arrived in Lithuania already ill


About 200 employees of the company’s transport department are being investigated in the Hegelmann Transport outbreak in Kaunas, said Rolanda Lingienė, director of the Vilnius department of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), quoted by the BNS news agency.

According to her, the subjects currently had no close contact with infected people, so the number of infected people should not increase significantly. A total of 18 people have been diagnosed with coronavirus at the company so far. According to an NVSC representative, fourteen of them were identified Tuesday. 17 patients are being treated at the Abromiškės Rehabilitation Hospital, 1 – so far at the Kaunas Clinical Hospital, but they are also planning to move to Abromiškės in the near future.

I think I already got infected

R. Lingienė all the people were isolated in the premises belonging to the company. NVSC did not record self-isolation violations.

NVSC assumes that workers in Uzbekistan have already arrived infected with coronavirus.

“There may be two versions, but in this case we adhere to the first: that all cases arrived in Lithuania already infected in Uzbekistan, because they became ill during the incubation period.” (…) If you remember, a few days ago we talked about an infected person who came from Uzbekistan in Vilnius. That person arrived on the same plane and we confirmed our hypothesis that he was infected on the plane, “said R. Lingienė.

A NSVC spokeswoman said that all people who had significant contact with company employees were isolated. There were 31 of those people.

An NVSC representative said the first person became ill on July 3 and arrived in Lithuania the day before.

“He arrived in the afternoon, he got sick in the morning, which means that he was infected during his stay in the country, that is. In Uzbekistan Another person became ill on July 9 and all the other illnesses, two officially confirmed yesterday and fourteen others not officially confirmed, became ill later. Surprisingly, they didn’t have to get sick in the normal way if they really followed the isolation regime, because they were isolated when the first person got sick, “R. Lingienė told BNS.

Said the conditions in which the staff lived

Urine Ivanauskienė, Head of the Communicable Disease Management Division of the Kaunas Department at NVSC, said that by July 2, more Uzbek employees had already arrived at the company. A total of 24 employees from this country came to work for the company.

“We see that those 18 are already sick. Some have already gone on a trip, those people are not sick, ”said O. Ivanauskienė.

The specialist explained that such employees generally go to the company’s training base, and have two weeks or a month of training there, and then they are hired as drivers.

“They have accommodation, all the conditions for living. These are dormitory-type conditions, but there is a place where they can buy food. Those days, they walked through the surrounding institutions, – said O. Ivanauskienė.

According to the Kaunas NSVC representative, he said the company had stopped working and was awaiting the results of the investigation. He assured that the company will not take any action on new employees until July 22.

Coronavirus was also detected in a Ukrainian driver

Of the seven new cases of coronavirus, five are imported, NVSC reported Wednesday, cited by the BNS.

“A case must be registered in Marijampolė and Klaipėda counties, three in Vilnius, two in Kaunas,” R. Lingienė, Director of the Vilnius Department of NVSC, said during a press conference on Wednesday.

These statistics do not include 14 other employees of the Kaunas company in Uzbekistan, for whom the virus was confirmed later on Tuesday. A total of 18 cases have been registered with this company, but according to R. Lingienė, they may increase. All patients are foreigners.

In Klaipeda, a coronavirus was detected in a long-distance driver from Ukraine.

“Once again, the person is a long-distance driver, which seems to become a problem,” said an NVSC spokeswoman.

He returned on July 4, felt his first symptoms on July 12, and went to the hospital where he was diagnosed with COVID-19 disease. Currently, four individuals with risky contacts have been identified and isolated.

In Vilnius County, the coronavirus was detected in another person who returned from Spain, Barcelona. When he arrived, he felt symptoms and isolated himself. People with contact are currently being identified.

Specialists consider that another case is imported, but they affirm that this information may change: a person who returned from Poland on July 6 fell ill in Vilnius.

“There is a minor in this family who attends the Carousel kindergarten. Because a sick child was identified in this kindergarten on June 25, we conducted an examination of the kindergarten staff exposed at that time, but the tests They were negative. Now we are also organizing an investigation of all the employees of this kindergarten who had contact with the second child, “said R. Lingienė.

“It will be clear if we brought this case from Poland, or if this case is local,” he added.

The fourth case was diagnosed in a Šalčininkai district resident, who experienced symptoms on July 11 and was hospitalized, where the diagnosis was confirmed. Sixteen high-risk individuals were identified, including two ambulance employees and nine hospital employees. All people are isolated.

Epidemiologists have not yet clarified the circumstances under which this person became infected.

Another case was diagnosed in a Marijampolė county resident, experienced symptoms on July 10, the diagnosis was confirmed in the Šakiai hospital. Contacts have not yet been identified, but may not be identified.

In addition, two new cases were registered at a transport company in Kaunas, which has become a new focus of coronavirus.

“Later, there were data on 14 more diseases in this company,” said R. Lingienė.

They will enter the statistics later.

“Due to some issues, these cases will be officially included in the statistics later, but of course we don’t expect the data to ‘fall’ into the system, we are working here and now,” said a representative from NVSC.

The total official number of diseases in Lithuania currently stands at 1882. 79 patients died, another 12 died for other reasons.

209 people are still sick, 1582 have recovered, 127 people are isolated.

Proposes the introduction of a compulsory arrival exam

Paulius Keras, Chief of the Kaunas City Municipality Emergency Operations Center, taught that the main task today is to fully manage the situation in the local coronavirus outbreak.

“It just came to our attention then. We look forward to the latest research data, which we will follow immediately. We look forward to receiving the results of the research in the next few hours,” said P. Keras.

The representative of the municipality of Kaunas stated that he could not provide detailed personal data on the respondents.

“However, we confirm that in addition to citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, almost fifty Ukrainians working for the same company were also surveyed.

Considering the current situation, the Mayor of Kaunas today addressed the Head of State Emergency Operations, Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga, with a proposal to draft a legal act that would provide mandatory testing of third-country people at checkpoints motives for coronavirus infection. It is also proposed to establish an obligation for employers to guarantee adequate accommodation conditions for employees coming to Lithuania from third countries, ”said P. Keras.

According to Visvaldas Matijošaitis, such solutions would help to further manage the epidemiological situation and would contribute significantly to the prevention of similar outbreaks of COVID-19 both in Kaunas and in other municipalities in the country.

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