Narrow-leaved Gourmet is a very useful medicinal plant to improve health. Lifetime


“The European Parliament urges Member States to take effective measures to improve the protection of human health. Medicinal plants, the accumulation of biologically active substances and their herbal medicines are important to solve this problem: they are an attractive alternative to the usual treatment with synthetic medicines.

They are characterized by a variety of pharmacological effects and, when used properly, have fewer adverse effects on the human body than synthetic drugs, therefore they are well tolerated, “emphasizes Prof. Prof., Head of the Department of Medicinal Sciences and of Spices, Department of Botany, Vytautas Magnus University, Dr. Ona Ragažinskienė.

Photo of the report authors / Narrow-leaf gaurometer

Photo of the report authors / Narrow-leaf gaurometer

Now it is worth talking about the now flowering medicinal plant, the narrow-leaved safflower (Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub.) = Epilobium angustifolium (L.), which is called in Lithuanian goat, narrow-leaved goat, grouse, Cossacks). This perennial herb of the nightshade family is one of the most popular and used remedies for the treatment of various diseases.

“Narrow-leaved ryegrass is widespread throughout Europe, Asia, especially in the Siberian taiga, North America, belongs to the holarctic flora, grows in light forests, moderately moist fertile soil, where intensive nitrification takes place.

In Lithuania, this plant is often found, its range is wide: it grows on various soils, mainly in damaged areas (cleared or burned forests, swamps, landslides, river bed areas, roads and railways, dirty fields ”, points out the expert in medicinal plants.

According to the researcher, more than a hundred years ago, the narrow-leaf gaurometer was used only as a substitute for tea, because the positive healing properties of this plant and its effects on the human body have not yet been studied.

“The counterfeit packaging of safflower teas was brought from Russia to Vienna. 50-60 years ago, medicinal raw material from plants of the genus Gaurome was used in folk medicine.

Photo of the report authors / Npilobium angustifolium

Photo of the report authors / Npilobium angustifolium

More than 20 years ago in Germany, Belgium started the first research and application of drugs for prostate dysfunction. At that time, the effects of gourmet extracts on tumor growth inhibition in Russia and Belarus were studied.

To date, extensive research has been conducted worldwide on gaurometers and the application of their extracts in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia or urinary incontinence. This effect is mediated by elagotanines (Oenothein B) by inhibiting 5-α-reductase and aromatase, which cause benign prostatic hyperplasia, and flavonols synergistically potentiate the effects of elagotanines.

Other effects of gourmet extracts on the human body have been determined: pain relievers, antimicrobials, antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and antihyperandrogens, which have a positive effect on the entire homeostasis of the body, “said Prof. Prof. Dr. O. Ragažinskienė.

Narrow-leaf gaurometer is also used in beekeeping, food industry, feed, floriculture, fiber, medical bedding (mattresses and pillows are full of seed flyers). It is an anti-erosive plant: the sandy and eroded slopes are strengthened by the root system.

Investigate in Lithuania

Samples (forms) collected from natural habitats of Lithuanian geographic regions since 1981. are entered into the collection of medicinal plants of the Sector of Medicines and Spices Sciences of the Department of Sciences of the Botanical Garden of the Vytautas Magnus University.

Complex interdisciplinary interdisciplinary research and studies investigating the quality and quantity of the medicinal medicinal material of the narrow-leaf bell are carried out with researchers from the Open Access Center for Instrumental Analysis of the VMU Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Medical Academy of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences.

2011 Ovidijus Vyšniauskas defended his master’s thesis “Cultivated and naturally growing narrow-leaved safflower (Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub) changes in the amount of flavonols in the raw material of medicinal plants ”(scientific supervisors Prof. Dr. Habil. Ona Ragažinskienė and Academic Prof. Dr. Habil. Dr. Audrius Sigitas Maruška).

Photo of the report authors / Npilobium angustifolium

Photo of the report authors / Npilobium angustifolium

Lithuanian researchers in 2012–2015 successfully implemented the scientific group project of the Lithuanian Science Council “Separation of extracts from gourmet extracts against cancer and its molecular and biological research” MIP-084/2012 (academic project manager, Professor Habil Dr. A. Maruška). The results have been published in high-ranking international scientific journals such as Analytical Chemistry (American Society of Chemists), Phytochemistry, Advances in Medical Sciences, Natural Products Research: formerly Natural Products Letters, Analytical Methods, and others. . Complex research is continued in cooperation with Lithuanian and foreign scientists.
