The price of the STT’s illegal shares is 50 thousand. EUR: State to pay former judges for damaged reputation


Egidijus Snicorius, the then head of the Panevėžys STT Board Operational Division, wrote a certificate in October 2008 that the judge of the Panevėžys V.Savickienė Regional Administrative Court could have unlawful influence on his colleague. As a result, a covert follow-up operation was started.

Interestingly, according to the law, E. Snicorius did not even have the right to sign such a certificate; Only the head of the STT board could submit a request to follow the judge.

And it turns out that now, the certificate itself was null and void: it contained vague and unverified information that turned out not to be true.

However, STT officers listened to the judge for almost two years, feverishly waiting to hear his illegal move.

On July 2, the Supreme Court of Lithuania (SCL) assessed such actions as intolerable.

‘Legal situations in which, in the absence of reasonable suspicion of a criminal offense, covert control of the content of information transmitted through telecommunications networks continues for an unreasonable period of time with substantial hope (without good reason ) to obtain information about another intolerable criminal offense, “said the SCL panel of judges.

The case collapsed

Finally, finding nothing to seriously consider, the police created a case because a judge asked a doctor to issue a certificate of incapacity for work for his daughter, when in fact the latter was not ill. Therefore, the judge allegedly abused the service.

Not only V.Savickienė, but her husband, as well as former judge Rimantas Savickas and her daughter J.Savickaitė appeared in court because of this story.

The Court of First Instance acquitted the family of this, the Court of Appeal took a slightly different view of the situation and found them guilty, but the case was closed by limitation. Finally, in 2015, the SCL ruled that no crime had been committed.

“In the criminal case, Judge V. Savickienė’s charge of abuse of office was essentially based on the fact that he abused his authority by calling the daughter to obtain a certificate of incapacity to work for his daughter at work.

However, V.Savickienė received no personal benefit, – he noted in the SCL decision. “Otherwise, asking a doctor about any questions and standing as a judge or other member of a known profession would mean that the doctor would have to unconditionally answer that question.”

The court assessed the entire process as illegal and unfounded, which was started only due to errors by STT agents and the prosecutor’s office.

“The plaintiff has been illegally accused of criminal acts and has been illegally convicted by a court of acts that are not criminal,” the court ruled.

Destroyed health and career

V. Savickienė was forced to defend her honor for many years. His alleged crime was officially reported to the public in 2010.

Soon, President Dalia Grybauskaitė petitioned the Council of Judges for the dismissal of V. Savickienė and the request was granted.

Only in 2015, throughout this history, the Supreme Court of Lithuania acquitted the former judge through a final and final appeal.

It took V. Savickienė another five years to be compensated for the damage caused.

On July 2, 2020, the SCL decided that the unjustifiably initiated criminal prosecution not only damaged V. Savickien’s reputation, but also damaged his health.

“Constant persecution led to intimidation of the applicant. The consequence of this was stress, nervous tension, the applicant’s health deteriorated and the illnesses continued, the LAT ruled.” The applicant’s illegal pre-litigation investigation, which began More than 10 years ago, he prevented the applicant from seeking a job that matched his qualifications during the period in question, with respect to serious harm to his dignity, reputation, and deterioration of health. “

The SCL assessed the damage done to V. Savickien SC at 50,000. This is exactly the amount that the Lithuanian state will have to pay.

It is true that the woman who currently works as a lawyer requested triple compensation: 150 thousand. euros
