Coaching Confusion: Can I Train Someone After Receiving a Sports Specialist Diploma at Vytautas Magnus University?


“Under the Sports Act currently in force, only people who have completed sports studies programs at the university can work as coaches (sports specialists) in Lithuania. Only the LSU (performance and leisure sports) has sports programs registered with the Study Quality Assessment Center, the University of Klaipeda also has a leisure sports study program. Therefore, students who have completed other programs of study would not have the right to work as coaches (sports specialists) in performance sports. It would not be possible to work as a sports specialist, that is, a coach, with only a bachelor’s degree in education and a teacher’s qualification.

However, VMU announces that it also trains coaches, although it cannot. Prospective students who are tempted by the announcement from Vytautas Magnus University may be left without a valid coach diploma. Because if they don’t comply with the accreditation procedure, the diplomas will be declared invalid “, the problem was seen 15 minutes taught by representatives of LSU, which redirected to the VMU website, which describes the physical health education curriculum.

According to the interrogators 15 minutes Readers, the description of the program a few weeks ago (sent a photo of the description of the program taken in early June) stated that the objective of the physical health education study program is to prepare highly qualified teachers and trainers (health education Physics) of individuals, teams and dueling sports. . It is further written that upon graduation from undergraduate studies, graduates acquire a dual specialty: the right to work as physical education teachers in general education schools and coaches in one of the chosen majors: individual, team and team sports. duel (martial arts). Then it lists what includes individual and team sports.

15-minute photo of the reader / Previous description of the VMU study program, which still contained the word

15-minute photo of the reader / Previous description of the VMU study program, which still contained the word “coach”

However, looking at the description of the program currently available on the VMU website, the word “coach” does not exist or, more precisely, no longer exists. It is written that after graduating from undergraduate studies, graduates acquire the right to work as physical education teachers in general education schools. Graduates acquire selected specialization skills: individual, team, and duel sports (martial arts). And then individual and team sports are listed.

According to LSU representatives, observations on the VMU study program also reached Seimas.

Rector LSU: “This is a strange situation”

The fact that Vytautas Magnus University can mislead students according to 15 minutes Liana Rector Diana Rėklaitienė sent the comment. He was also struck by the description of the VMU study program. According to the Rector, any study program should be related to science and research at the university.

LSU President: “You cannot award a higher education diploma in a field where you have no work experience.”

“All study programs are conducted in accordance with accredited study programs in the field. Coaches are trained in sports programs, and such programs are accredited only by LSU and the University of Klaipeda. VMU trains physical education teachers, they have a pedagogy study program and pedagogy studies are a completely different field. If we have to compare, we have, for example, a physical therapy program, but we are not saying that we are also training rehabilitation doctors. It does not matter if physical therapists work in the field of rehabilitation. We train only those specialists who have the right to train, ”said D.Rėklaitienė.

When asked if VMU describes the program of study, although it does not contain the word “coach” at the moment, he believes that it deceives the students, he replied: “They train coaches, they have even named many different specializations. And what are specializations “After all, coaches and sports specialists work with them.”

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Diana Rėklaitienė

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Diana Rėklaitienė

When asked by the rector who was working in sports schools at the time, coaches or teachers, he assured that sports schools train highly qualified athletes, and only coaches can work in performance sports. Does this mean that people who have completed the aforementioned VMU study program would not be able to work in sports schools?

“It just came to our attention then. They are not ready for that. You cannot award a higher education diploma in a field where you have no work experience. You cannot train specialists in certain specializations of this or that. We have been around for 80 years. , we train coaches all our lives, we have around 30 different sports and they offer even more sports specializations. Sometimes we don’t even find a specialist for a particular specialization, we do not study and invite you to choose from more than 30 specializations in the first year . We work with sports federations, we have a sports laboratory and I don’t know what the studies at Vytautas Magnus University are based on. The situation is very strange “, – the rector of LSU was surprised, assuring that each year about 140 first-year students they start studying at LSU.

She noted the Vytautas Magnus University program of study that included discussion only this year, after the connection of the Lithuanian University of Education Sciences, which trained physical education teachers, with Vytautas Magnus University.

Review coaching qualification requirements

Deputy Minister of Education, Science and Sports Kornelija Tiesnesytė 15 minutes stated that Article 11 (2) (1) of the Sports Law establishes two cases in which a person with higher education acquires the right to work as a coach or provide training services: when he has obtained a qualification in a sports field or group of fields or have completed a physical education teacher training program; You have earned an appropriate or equivalent higher education qualification.

“The aforementioned physical health education study program organized by VMU is a study program for the training of physical education teachers. Not new, the former Lithuanian University of Education Sciences, which has become part of the Vytautas Magnus University, has always trained physical education teachers. According to the new Sports Law adopted by Seimas, graduates of the physical health education program have the right to work as a coach or provide training services in both amateur sports and high skills, although coaches generally do not have a diploma. In sports, they need great personal achievement.

Understanding the concerns of the sports community about uncertainty, the ministry will initiate a working group to review the qualification requirements for coaches, “said K. Tiesnesytė.

Deputy Minister: “People who have completed the physical health education curriculum have the right to work as a coach.”

You don’t see the word “coach” on the show

15 minutes Interviewed by the journalist Aurelija Valeikienė, deputy director of the Center for the Evaluation of the Quality of Studies, stated that the Center is not authorized to interpret the legal acts adopted by other institutions, therefore, it can only issue an opinion. For a more detailed interpretation of the legislation, it is proposed to contact the MES.

“According to the information available to the center, VMU is currently implementing the Pedagogy study program in the field of pedagogy in Kaunas, one of the specializations is the Pedagogy of Physical Education and Health. This program was evaluated by experts and accredited in 2018. June 22 Graduates of the subject Pedagogy and Specialization in Pedagogy of Physical Education and Health study program receive a bachelor’s degree in educational sciences and a teacher qualification “, named A. Valeikienė.

He also cited article 11 of the Sports Act, which states that people who have completed a physical education teacher training curriculum and who have acquired a relevant qualification are also entitled to work as sports specialists.

“In the opinion of the Center, specialists trained in the Pedagogy study program in the study program implemented by Vytautas Magnus University have the right to work as instructors, specialists in physical activity or sports or to provide the services of a physical activity specialist or sports.

In answering the question of whether VMU is not lying by saying that after completing their programs, it will be possible to train teams, work as sports coaches, we note that after reviewing the VMU website and information on the Pedagogy study program, it was not noted that it was stated that graduates of the physical health education curriculum may also work as coaches. It is announced on the website of the Vytautas Magnus University that upon completion of this program, a qualification title and a professional qualification are awarded: Bachelor of Education, teacher qualification, ”explained the Deputy Director of the Study Quality Assessment Center .

VMU graduates can work as sports specialists

In 15 minutes Vytautas Magnus University spokeswoman Ina Žurkuvienė also responded to the request, stressing that the word “coach” is not mentioned in the study program.

“The objective of VMU Subject Pedagogy (Physical and Health Education) is to prepare graduates in educational sciences who acquire the qualification of a teacher and can develop cognitive competencies in a competent and modern way in the field of physical education and health and sports.

This program complies with the provisions of the Sports Law. Pursuant to paragraph 2 of article 11 of this Law, a person who meets at least one of the following criteria has the right to work as a specialist in physical activity or sport or to provide the services of a specialist in physical activity or sport: has acquired a qualification degree in a field or group of sports studies; has completed a program of study in physical education teacher training and has earned a relevant or equivalent higher education qualification; He has a higher education and has completed training at a higher education institution that studies in the field of sports in accordance with the procedure established by the Minister of Education, Science and Sports.

Graduates of the VMU Subject Pedagogy (Physical and Health Education) program receive a Bachelor of Education with a major in physical and health education. As Article 1 of Paragraph 2 of this Article does not establish that the physical education teacher training program must be completed in a higher education institution that studies in the field of sports, graduates of Vytautas Magnus University meet the requirements of the Sports Law to work as sports specialists ”, emphasized I.Žurkuvienė.
