Rankings: Skvernelio, Veryga jump and silence of the TS-LKD leaders


A survey conducted by the market agency ELTA from June 15 to 25 in the market research and public opinion company Baltijos tyrimai showed that the rating of S. Skvernelis has increased more in the last four months. The Prime Minister currently ranks second among the most trusted figures in Lithuanian society, receiving 12.1 percent in June. Respondents Confidence in S. Skvernelis has grown 4.3 percent since February, and the Prime Minister has toppled outgoing President Dalia Grybauskaitė.

Third place’s D. Grybauskaitė confidence rating also rose slightly during the coronavirus crisis, with 9 percent trusting the president, who ended his term in June. surveyed, in February – 8.4 percent.

Behind the president was Ingrida Šimonytė, who tops the electoral list for the National Union’s Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD). In politics, 6.8 percent expressed confidence. of respondents (in a survey conducted four months ago – 6.9% of respondents). The public trusts conservative list leader more than TS-LKD President Gabriel Landsbergis: In the June poll, 3.3 percent trusted him. Respondents Although the politician is 10th among the most trustworthy politicians, his confidence index has dropped 2.2 percent since February. (5.5 percent in February).

Fifth place among society’s most trusted politicians was occupied by outgoing President Valdas Adamkus. However, its confidence index has slightly decreased, with 7.2% expressing confidence in the country’s former leader in February. surveyed, and in June – 6.5 percent. surveyed

In June, a much larger proportion of respondents also expressed confidence in Health Minister A. Veryga, who ranks sixth among the most favored politicians. Confidence in this policy increased by 3.9 percent. and reached 4.1 percent. (0.6% in February).

The President of the Union of Peasants and Greens of Lithuania, Ramūnas Karbauskis (3.5%), the President of the Seimas Viktoras Pranckietis (3.5%), the Mayor of Kaunas Visvaldas Matijošaitis (3.4%) and the President of the National-Democratic Union Lithuanian Christians continue in the ranking. G. Landsbergis (3.3 percent).

Respondents were asked to say which Lithuanian public figures they trusted the most (the names were mentioned by the respondents themselves). In total, in June 2020, respondents mentioned 86 public figures (111 months ago, 111) whom they trusted the most. A quarter (25%) of the respondents answered that there are no such public figures or did not answer this question.

Sociologist: S. Skvernelis and A. Veryga were the most visible, so confidence in them increased

Rasa Ališauskienė, the head of Baltic Research, says that the increase in the confidence rating of S. Skvernelis and A. Veryga is determined both by the first wave of the successfully controlled coronavirus and by its constant presence in the public sphere.

“Because we are comparing the last test before quarantine and now the first, it is precisely this stage that is the three months. The research was also conducted during the coronavirus crisis and people were asked how they valued the work of S. Skvernel and A. Veryga during quarantine. Although the question is different from this wording, they were asked to evaluate their work. The evaluation of both politicians was very stable, more than half of the people rated their work well during the quarantine, “R. Ališauskienė told Eltai.

“They were the main informants of the public, so it is very natural that people remember them better, because in this survey people mention their names, we do not give any list, they remember those people who come to mind in the first place. therefore, it is natural that the evaluations of these two politicians are the most favorable, “he added.

Sociologists are also not surprised by the decline in Landsberg’s confidence rating. According to R. Ališauskienė, G. Landsbergis was not particularly visible on television during the quarantine period, and television, according to her, covers a much larger population circle than social media.

“GRAMO. Landsberg was barely visible at first and was perhaps more visible on social media, but in contrast, S. Skvernel and A. Veryga were more visible on television. And yet television reaches a population greater than as older rural residents are less dependent on social media. And in any case, it will not compare the activity of G. Landsbergis with that of A. Veryga or S. Skvernelis, “said the sociologist.

Although R. Ališauskienė points out that the rating of I. Šimonytė, who tops the list of conservative elections, has not changed, he emphasizes that this was probably due to the fact that in June, when the election campaign started with more intensity, the public heard the politician more often. According to the sociologist, this may have been the reason why Šimonytė’s confidence rating did not drop.

The sociologist also notes that during the coronavirus crisis, the president was also seen much less frequently, and criticism of the country’s leader for lack of leadership was constantly heard in the public sphere. The sociologist is convinced that this may have led to the fact that G. Nausėda’s rating also decreased during the quarantine period.

“It can be said that confidence in G. Nausėda has decreased and also responds to what people said during the pandemic, that the public space of the president was not seen, nor was his leadership seen. As much as the president may be more Proactive in his tenure, here is another question: “In this case, S. Skvernelis and A. Veryga were active and did not see the President at all,” he noted.

According to R. Ališauskienė, voter preferences may change before the Seimas elections, but he emphasizes that high confidence in S. Skvernelis and A. Veryga adds advantages to “peasants” in the context of the upcoming elections.

“It is a bit premature to talk about the elections, because this year’s election campaign will be short, but intense, and there are many contributing factors, which are fast enough and go fast, it can be all kinds of fluctuations.” But if there were elections today, then, of course, the memorization and better appreciation of the “peasant” leaders adds a plus to the party, and the disappearance of conservative leaders from the public space, of course, does not add. “

The survey was conducted in 2020. June 15-25. During the investigation, 1000 Lithuanian residents (from 18 years of age) were interviewed through personal interviews, the survey was carried out at 108 sampling points. The composition of the respondents corresponds to the composition of the Lithuanian population aged 18 years or over by sex, age, nationality, type of settlement. The opinion of the respondents shows the opinion of the Lithuanian population aged 18 years and over. The error of the research results is up to 3.1%.

No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of ELTA.
