A terrible atomic relationship in a relationship: a loved one is strangled by a captured self-love


A. Helmas 2019 In the summer, under the influence of alcohol, a woman was killed during a conflict due to personal disagreements with her partner. The man initially struck 25 blows to various parts of the body to retrieve the dog from a 34-year-old woman who came, and then strangled her with a horse leash that fell into his hand.

Despite the evidence against him, Helmas filed a complaint with the Lithuanian Court of Appeal, requesting that his actions be reclassified from killing a loved one to murder with great agitation.

The court was not persuaded

The court that heard the killer’s complaint ruled that Helm’s sentence was fair. The Court of Appeal confirmed the sentence of 13 years in prison imposed on the convicted person by the Kaunas Regional Court and confirmed the amount of non-pecuniary damage awarded to the relatives killed by the lower court, a total of 87 thousand. in the amount of EUR.

The judgment of the Court of First Instance was also appealed to the Lithuanian Court of Appeal by three victims (family members of those killed), asking to classify A. Helm’s criminal act as a particularly cruel murder.

The convict also filed an appeal against the district court conviction, who, while pleading guilty to the murder and regretting it, argued that his actions should be classified as murder with great agitation and should be punished more leniently accordingly.

The convict also requested a reduction in the non-pecuniary damage awarded to the victims (the court had awarded them 29,000 euros each). The prosecutor did not appeal the verdict of the lower court.

The Lithuanian Court of Appeals determined that the criminal court had properly classified the criminal offense as the murder of a family member, imposed a sentence on the convicted person in accordance with the aims of the sentence and correctly determined the amount of non-pecuniary damage that would be awarded to victims.

The Lithuanian Court of Appeals found that A. Helmas was not affected by the crime, reacted spontaneously and inadequately to the conflict, was intoxicated with alcohol, was affected by anger and tension due to offended selfishness, therefore not There is a legal or factual basis for viewing your actions as committed. very excited.

The appeals court also concluded that there was no basis for evaluating the convicted person’s actions as if they had been committed with extreme cruelty. Although the victim received several blows, specialists evaluated them individually as having no effect on death and corresponding to a minor health disorder. The cause of death of the victim was compression of the neck, i. and. strangulation, which, in the circumstances of the case, does not confirm the particular cruelty of the convicted person as understood in the sense of criminal law.

The Lithuanian Court of Appeal assessed the sentence of deprivation of liberty imposed on the convicted person as corresponding to the danger of the crime committed, the personality of the convicted person and the objectives of the sentence.

The appeals court confirmed the findings of the lower court regarding the amount of non-pecuniary damage and did not reduce the amount awarded to the next of kin, as requested by the convict.

“The victims of the tragic loss of their daughter and sister suffered great spiritual and emotional experiences, shock, stress, family members were connected by a close and extremely warm connection, the non-pecuniary damage was obvious,” explains Ernesta Montvidienė, the president of the university.

“In the present case, the convicted person A. Helmas requested that his criminal offense of murder in qualifying circumstances: the murder of a member of his family (article 129, paragraph 2, clause 3 of the CC) be reclassified as murder with great enthusiasm (article 130 of the CC).

The convict stated in his complaint that his enthusiasm, the state of affection, was caused by the mockery and insults of the victim, “added Vilma Budėnienė, spokesperson for the Lithuanian Court of Appeal.

Terrible events

The news portal tv3.lt recalls that this crime was committed in 2019. on the afternoon of July 4. The killer was arrested the next day while drinking at a co-worker’s home. Any doubts about A. Helm’s guilt were also dispelled by the footage from the video surveillance cameras installed at the Marvel stud farm granja. The judges ruled that Helm would spend 13 years behind bars.

The Kaunas Regional Court also ruled that the killer would have to pay 29,000 LTL each to the three people recognized as victims in the case. for non-pecuniary damages.

After the relationship between A. Helm and his girlfriend faded, the man repeatedly threatened her with retaliation. It is true that because of this, the woman did not go to the police.

On the other hand, the woman requested the help of the officials when she was still with A. Helm, more than a year ago (before the divorce – aut. Past). The woman then experienced domestic violence. When he decided to divorce, he received threatening calls and SMS messages from A. Helm.

He has even told her that if you are not mine, you will be nobody. As subsequent events have shown, the threats have not been broken. They came true in the worst way on the night of July 4, 2019.

The woman arrived alone at the Marvelė stallion farm, where A. Helm worked as a horse. I was alone in the stables. Video cameras captured the woman arriving and meeting Helm.

They pull towards the guardian executioner. There is an arbor. But after an hour, the video cameras capture how Helm comes out of the gazebo alone. He takes the cart, carries the body of the dead, and takes it out.

The victim’s body is taken to a bunker a few hundred meters away. The next day, the body is found by police officers using a service dog. Helm, who was arrested, said he did not recall the circumstances of the incident because he was involved in a furious attack.
