BNS: The highlight of Wednesday


Spread of the virus. In Lithuania, 10 new cases of coronavirus were detected per day, mainly from June 11. Three cases were identified in patients of the Vilna Republican Psychiatric Hospital, around 100 exposed people were identified. Specialists are currently investigating how this fireplace originated. Three cases have been identified for employees of a company that provides archiving and document management services in the Vilnius region, related to a family outbreak. Two relatives of previously ill people were also infected and two cases were imported from the Czech Republic. Hospitals treat 13 patients, one of them on resuscitation.

Wearing masks. At the government meeting, Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis warned that if the virus spreads to domestic events, the mandatory use of masks can be returned. He requested next week’s government meeting to prepare a draft on applying the necessary safeguards for public transportation, outlets and indoor events.

Luke April / 15min photo / Saulius Skvernelis, Aurelijus Veryga

Luke April / 15min photo / Saulius Skvernelis, Aurelijus Veryga

Viruses in the neighborhood. Seven new cases per day were confirmed in Latvia and eight in Estonia. In Belarus, 221 new infections and seven deaths per day were detected, in Poland – 227 new cases and 15 deaths, in Ukraine – 807 cases and 23 deaths, in Russia – 6562 cases and 173 deaths.

Roaming at events. The government on Wednesday allowed up to 400 spectators to participate in the indoor events from July 17 and up to 500 spectators from August 1. The number of participants allowed in open spaces has not changed: up to a thousand people will continue to be able to participate in them. persons.

Border control. The government extended internal border controls for another month, until August 15. Passports of persons arriving by plane or ferry will be reviewed. The passports of people arriving by land will not be verified.

Complaint about quarantine restrictions. The court first filed a complaint Wednesday against service bans imposed during the quarantine. The Aukštaitija Implantology Clinic claims that the government exceeded its authority in mid-March by closing deals. The company requests compensation of 70 thousand. damages for loss of income and expenses incurred.

RT sure. The Lithuanian Radio and Television Commission has banned broadcasting of the Russian television network RT (formerly Russia Today) in Lithuania due to contacts with Dmitry Kiseliov, a Kremlin propagandist on the European Union’s “black” list.

Flights to Sakartvela. Representatives of the Sakartvel government announced that the country is opening air services with Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Germany and France.

DNA plan for the future economy. The government has approved a total of 6.3 billion. The procedure for the implementation of the actions and projects of the Future Economy DNA Plan worth EUR. This description will apply to new actions and projects in the plan, the value of such investments in the plan is approximately one billion. euros

The real estate market. According to Eurostat, the annual growth of house prices in Lithuania in the first quarter of this year was the lowest in the Baltic States. In January-March, compared to the same period in 2019, house prices in Lithuania increased by 6.2%, in Latvia house prices increased by 9.1% and in Estonia by 11.5%.

Mobility package. Members of the European Parliament have gathered for a session to vote on the tightening of carriers. The most controversial issue is the proposed obligation for tugs to return to their country of establishment every eight weeks. Lithuanian carriers and the government say that with the so-called Mobility Package, Western Europeans are trying to drive competitors out of the market, and the mandatory return of trucks will increase road pollution and thus hamper the fight against climate change. Western Europeans say the mandatory return of tugs will help combat fake carrier registration, where companies settle somewhere and operate elsewhere to cut costs. Some parliamentarians attend the session remotely, so the results of the vote can only be announced on Thursday.

The United States leaves the WHO. The President of the United States, Donald Trump, officially launched the withdrawal of the country from the World Health Organization. Trump blamed the organization for its poor response to the coronavirus and its concession to China. Critics say the US president is trying to divert attention from how he handles the situation in the country, which has the highest number of virus deaths in the world.

Riots in Serbia. Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of Belgrade following the announcement of the lifting of quarantine restrictions in Serbia over the weekend, with reports of clashes with the police.

President of Brazil. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro reported on the COVID-19 disease. The country’s leader, who was severely affected by the virus, has long denied the severity of the pandemic.

Hong Kong control. China has opened a national security agency in Hong Kong. For the first time, it is open to Chinese agents in Hong Kong under a new security law, with Beijing publicly demonstrating tighter controls over the financial center.
