Bilotaitė: SAM posed a threat to the health of thousands of people without warning about unsafe protection measures


The publication “Klaipėda bought a respirator with possible falsified documents” provides information that the Municipality of Klaipėda City has bought a respirator with possibly falsified documents: quality certificates. The Ministry of Health was informed that the certificates mentioned in the publication do not confirm the quality of the product, which itself decided not to buy such products, but did not warn health institutions about unsafe products.

The Consumer Protection Service, which monitors compliance with the safety and quality requirements of non-food products that are marketed in the market, has not provided information to health institutions on the marketing of unsafe products.

“It is difficult to understand that the ministry’s specialists and the minister himself, who was also the head of Emergency Operations, knew that the respirators bought in bulk by the institutions pose a threat to human health, but did not take any action.” I think such inaction is criminal and raises big concerns and questions, how could we survive the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, and if it were even stronger? Asks A. Bilotaitė.

The member of the Seimas requests the Attorney General’s Office to initiate a pre-trial investigation for the criminal offense enshrined in Article 229 of the Penal Code: non-compliance with the duty of the Service or other criminal offenses.

On June 25, A. Bilotaitė filed a request with the Prosecutor General’s Office regarding the entry of unsafe and unprotected personal protective equipment into the Lithuanian market. The Seimas member requests to protect the public interest and investigate the circumstances of the entry and sale of these products to our country and determine the persons responsible for it.

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