See what you eat: the teacher said which foods cause cancer and who successfully fights it


Short-term starvation can help

According to the LSU professor, smoking increases the risk of cancer like most of all factors, by up to 20 percent. According to research, low consumption of vegetables and fruits, obesity and physical inactivity continue to be classified. Furthermore, alcohol has a significant effect on cancer diseases.

“A systematic analysis of 15 studies shows that dietary intake of saturated fatty acids increases cardiovascular disease and cancer risk. Another analysis shows that the consumption of vegetables and fruits is an effective means of preventing various oncological diseases, said the prof A. Skurvydas.

“Another study shows that using fat as an energy source for hunger or exercise is an effective way to prevent breast cancer.”

Prof. Albertas Skurvydas

Prof. Albertas Skurvydas

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

As the professor said, research shows that limiting the caloric intake of food from time to time reduces the chances of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

High levels of sugar, that is, consuming fast carbohydrates, stimulates inflammatory processes, increases obesity, and uniquely increases protein synthesis in cancer cells.

Foods rich in polyphenols greatly reduce the risk of cancer. These are fruits and vegetables, as well as spices, foods of grain origin. However, processed red meat and sweeteners should be avoided.

Prof. A. Skurvydas listed several examples that help combat the risk of a certain cancer:

– Coffee, as well as fish and physical activity, clearly reduce the risk of liver cancer, according to studies. Increases – alcohol and high internal obesity.

See what you eat: the teacher said which foods cause cancer and who successfully fights it

– Colon cancer is reduced by eating whole grains, dairy products, and enough calcium in the body. The risk increases with processed red meat, alcohol.

– Internal obesity increases the risk of prostate cancer. In addition, unlike before, the risk of this cancer also increases with dairy products, a too high concentration of calcium.

According to the recommendations, for people with cancer, half the plate should be filled with vegetables (30%) and fruits (20%). Another third of the plate are whole products, and 20 percent. – proteins

See what you eat: the teacher said which foods cause cancer and who successfully fights it

Useful fat sources, according to prof. A. Skurvydas, it is made of nuts, fish, oil. Carbohydrate sources: vegetables, fruits, whole products, beans. Protein sources: fish and nuts.

At the conference, the LSU professor reviewed some of the foods and vitamins and, based on research data, told us what really helps fight or prevent cancer.

“Physical activity and a healthy diet are especially good against cancer. This is clearly proven, – said A. Skurvydas.

– At one time coffee was thought to cause pancreatic liver cancer. But even the opposite: coffee does nothing wrong, it even helps. But, of course, in moderation. “



Trans fats, according to the professor, are a great evil, they have a great impact on chronic cardiovascular diseases. However, studies show that they do not cause cancer.

“Are fresh or frozen vegetables better for fighting cancer? According to research, unequivocally – fresh, – said the professor.

Vitamin D is also a great vitamin to help protect against many diseases. However, it has little effect on cancer other than the colon. Vitamin E helps fight prostate cancer. Vitamin C is a “dubious” warrior. Although in general it is very necessary for our health. Vitamin A is not a serious warrior, and overdoses even increase the risk of cancer.

Interestingly, studies show that a vegetarian diet helps fight many types of cancer.

Excessive salt intake increases the risk of stomach and throat cancer. However, if it is not taken at excessive rates, it does not have a negative effect.

Sea salt

Sea salt

“Popular soy products are very beneficial for our cardiovascular health, in addition to helping fight many forms of cancer. Selenium helps fight or prevent cancer of the lung, prostate, and intestine. Olive oil is a dubious warrior in the fight against cancer, although we know that it helps in the fight against many chronic diseases. Omega-3 is also questionable, “said Professor. A. Skurvydas.

By the way, bad news for lovers of fried food: the latter increases the risk of cancer. Especially one that is cooked at an extremely high temperature.

The professor dispelled the myth that fat consumption is bad. According to him, fats are good for the body, but should be eaten in moderation and avoid trans fat.

According to an LSU professor, foods rich in fiber help against many forms of cancer, and especially against the colon.

“Cancer cells are particularly affected by biostimulants, which stimulate metabolism. The most popular biostimulants are resveratrol, which is found in red grape skins, quercetin, which is found in fruits and vegetables, catechin, which is rich in tea, and curcumin, which is found in turmeric, ” said the professor. A. Skurvydas.

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