Kaunas resident goes in search of an orthopedist: “It is a shame that children do not receive free medicine”


Kaunas, who approached the editorial office in the second half of June, said he had encountered a problem: It is very difficult to find a child orthopedist in Kaunas.

“The city polyclinics, at least in Kalniečiai and Dainava, said when we applied that they have no orthopedic children at all. The search led to the former Orthopedic Technique Clinic, now called the Rosca Clinic. Paid consultations are offered, if you wish free of charge, the first visit to a children’s orthopedist will be just one month later. It is very surprising that such parents are forced to pay. It is great that the state pays the child’s money, but it is a shame that the children themselves do not receive free medicines, “Asta was surprised.

According to her, a consultation with a children’s orthopedist at the Gijos Clinics costs 40 euros, and for an orthopedist-teacher: 60 euros. Asta decided to wait: she registered her son for a free consultation only on July 24.

Head of the polyclinic: this is our mistake.

There is no shortage of pediatric orthopedists in polyclinics. 15 minutes Paulius Kibiša, the head of the Kaunas City Polyclinic, asked.

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Paul Kibisha

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Paul Kibisha

“It is now more difficult to access specialists due to the imposed restrictions. I was interested, we have a pediatric orthopedist in the Dainava polyclinic, only she will work in the polyclinic from July 20. Because she works in cycles, now she is in the clinics from Kaunas.

I think there was a reception error here, because we also have a couple of orthopedists in Šilainiai, but not all of them work with children. On the one hand, I saw the next free time to visit, on July 17. If necessary, we would book once for this woman now. If we add inconvenience, we will correct it.

In total, the Kaunas City Polyclinic has 4-5 orthopedists who work with children. Under normal conditions, there are no long lines for orthopedists – that’s enough. It is understandable that everything has come together now: summer, the holidays have started, quarantine restrictions, a large flow of people want to contact the advice. Yes, there are more patients registered than usual, “said P. Kibisha when interviewed on June 29.

According to him, since July 1, even more efforts are being made to liberalize access to doctors: at least 80% must be achieved as soon as possible. The number of queries made until then.

Head of a private clinic: “Yes, the queues have really lengthened”

How 15 minutes The number of consultations for state reimbursable doctors in Gijos klinikas is determined by the amount of PSDF budget funds provided in the annual agreements concluded with the Territorial Health Insurance Funds, according to Aurita Giedraitienė, the director and member of the Board of the Gijos Clinic, which was finally requested by Asta de Kaunas. The annual amount is distributed in twelve calendar months and the number of consultations reimbursed by the state is estimated each month.

The head of the clinic confirmed that his team of specialists is reducing the large flow of patients, so the registration for reimbursable health services is completed quickly.

“Depending on available capacity, we are able to provide more health care services than are paid for by the PSDF budget, therefore we also provide paid consultations to patients. We have five pediatric orthopedic orthopedic traumatologists. Contact counseling for these physicians it may have to wait about a month. At the moment, we don’t have places with doctors for July, also because we feel responsible and we try to provide all the services to the patients who have registered before the quarantine. ”A. Giedraitienė confirmed the problem.

The head of “Gijos klinika”: “We currently have no places for doctors for July.”

According to her, according to the information provided on the website of the Kaunas Territorial Health Insurance Fund, the services of pediatric orthopedic traumatologists in Kaunas are also provided by the following institutions: Kaunas Clinics, Kaunas City Polyclinic, Clinical Hospital de Kaunas, Vilties Žiedas, Ave Vita Medical Center, UAB Gydytojų Keršanskų klinika, UAB Ortho Baltic and UAB Nacionalinis ortopedijos centras

The problem of access to medical services is significant.

A. Giedraitienė admitted that the patient queues actually stretched and stretched due to quarantine. The plans provide for the cyclicality of the work of medical personnel, which limits the routine work of doctors in various institutions.

“In accordance with the decisions of the Chief of State Operations, the medical institution can admit a limited number of patients per day according to its infrastructure, the office occupation and disinfection procedure required for consultations and procedures must be followed. Another requirement is the management of patient flows, distinguishing between people with severe chronic diseases and the elderly. It is also necessary to ensure that there are no waiting lists for physical patients within the institution.

Across the country, remote consultation remains a priority, and the number of contact inquiries has been dramatically reduced. In all treatment facilities, patient performance / number of patients seen decreased significantly. Furthermore, not all treatment facilities were in an immediate hurry to prepare plans for service renewal and start operations. This also hindered access to medical services not only in Kaunas, but also throughout the country, “concluded the head of the medical institution.

The facility it manages is still unable to operate at full capacity and serve all willing patients. Priority is given to registering pre-quarantine and non-quarantine patients and patients with trauma and other emergencies.

“In this particular case, we understand parents, but we hope they understand that shoe inserts or other non-urgent inquiries may have to wait longer than usual. Even when working in medicine, it is not so easy to answer very simple questions to At first glance. It is even more difficult for patients to understand everything and their dissatisfaction with the health system is completely understandable. The problem of availability of medical services both in Kaunas and in the country is great, “said the interlocutor.

In Kaunas clinics, consultations will have to wait approximately one month.

11 pediatric orthopedic traumatologists work in Kaunas clinics

“It is understood that during the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine in Lithuania, scheduled consultations and other services were canceled, except in urgent and vital cases. Also with the services of pediatric orthopedic traumatologists: they were provided to children whose health condition did not allow them to postpone the consultation or treatment. During quarantine, pediatric orthopedic orthopedic surgeons received 8 times fewer patients than usual.

Since the beginning of May, with the resumption of planned outpatient and hospital services, pediatric orthopedic orthopedic orthopedic surgeons have admitted more and more patients and are working to assist all applicants. Consultations from specialists in Kaunas children’s clinics are free. Electronic transmission required for registration “, 15 minutes said the head of the Department of Pediatric Orthopedic Traumatology, Kaunas Pediatric Surgery Clinic, prof. Emilis Čekanauskas.

Fotolia Photo / Baby and Orthopedist

Fotolia Photo / Baby and Orthopedist

Currently, consultation with a specialist in this field, according to him, should wait about a month, but it is planned to increase the scope of services provided, so the waiting time will soon be significantly reduced.

The specialist must accept within a month

Comment on queues at pediatric orthopedists 15 minutes It also applies to the Ministry of Health (SAM). Neringa Mikėnaitė, adviser to the Press Service of this institution, assured that she regrets the inconveniences experienced by patients. However, he noted that the Health Care Institutions Act stipulates that a patient must see a GP within 7 days and a specialist within 30 days if there are no objective reasons why the hospital cannot provide the service on time.

“We remind you that a person covered by Mandatory Health Insurance, who has a referral, can choose a specialist doctor in any health care institution that has a contract with the Territorial Health Insurance Fund (ICD) to provide the necessary services. . The referring physician must inform the patient where such services are provided. You must specify at least 3 institutions ”, assured the SAM representative.

Under current procedure, medical institutions must register all patients at the time of their request and offer the earliest date of service.

According to N. Mikėnaitė, it is desirable that information on queues (provided to health insurance funds by medical institutions themselves) can be found on the Territorial Health Insurance Funds websites by calling medical institutions and their IT systems (many institutions have them).
