The tragedy of the famous Kaunas family of doctors: the freed son is trapped again with extremely serious accusations


It was produced in Lithuania and Belgium.

A representative of the famous Kaunas medical family, Andrejus Tokeris, 39, again appeared before the Kaunas Regional Court on July 1, and was charged with serious crimes: possession of a particularly large quantity of drugs and their smuggling. Although Mr. Toker faces between 10 and 15 years in prison, he has not been arrested.

This is not the first confrontation of this Kaunas citizen with the police. Toker encountered police officers when he was released from prison, where he was sentenced to 11 years in prison for a similar crime: drug smuggling and possession of particularly large amounts of drugs.

According to the allegations, this time he was not only involved in the smuggling and sale of drugs, but also produced them himself. He is accused of producing more than 800 grams of methamphetamine powder at the “Baltosios burės” hotel in Kaunas, which he sold to Laimutis Brazinskas the next day. This person was later arrested and convicted.

During a search for officials, Mr. Toker’s activities were found to be illegal in Belgium, where he produced thousands of tablets containing the drug MDMA.

MDMA is one of the most popular drugs, a derivative of amphetamine. It is better known in Lithuania as “wheels”. According to the case, A. Tokeris sold these pills not only in Belgium, but also transported them to Lithuania, where he was detained by police officers.

At the beginning of the criminal proceedings before the Kaunas Regional Court, A. Tokeris declared that he pleaded guilty. However, the defendant did not agree to explain how the drugs were produced and marketed.

“I will exercise my right to testify after examining the entire case file,” Toker said.

The tragedy of the famous Kaunas family of doctors: the freed son is trapped again with extremely serious accusations


The first one caught the young man

The surnames of the Kaunas Toker brothers are well known to police officers and investigators fighting against drug trafficking.

“One of the largest suppliers of synthetic drugs, which organized its bulk trade in Kaunas,” described officials from the Lithuanian Criminal Police Office (LCPB) who followed A. Toker in his footsteps in 2004.

After receiving information about the synthetic drugs that had flooded Kaunas and its supply channels, LKPB operatives identified potential drug importers and distributors: brothers Kaunas Andrejs and Vitalijus Tokeris.

After spying on their phone conversations, it became clear what kind of drug distribution network these honorable descendants of Kaunas doctors had created.

The main role in the drug trafficking scheme was played by his older brother Andrei. A Kaunas resident who was not working or studying anywhere at the time, often visited the Netherlands for “work” purposes, and in Kaunas for the remaining four years, received telephone instructions for his young year.

The Toker brothers, who supplied drugs to drug traffickers, avoided mentioning the names of their clients, whom they called nicknames: “Boar”, “Chiora”, “Conde”. In the case of drugs, the code words were also used: ‘beans’, ‘pants’, ‘stinky’, ‘poultry’, ‘saash’, ‘sausages’, ‘loins’.

V. Tokeris, a young brother who was 19 years old and then studied at Kaunas University of Technology, was the first to be caught by forensic scientists. The police seized him in his father’s garage with electronic scales for weighing drugs. The largest number of drugs was found in the garage during that period, and the value of the drugs in the previous currency amounted to 2 million. LTL.

A total of 62 thousand. 273 ecstasy tablets, 18 thousand. 743 doses of LSD, 753 grams of cannabis, 5.38 grams of amphetamine, a small amount of heroin.

During the search, another 1,5 thousand people were found in the parents’ apartment, where V. Tokeris lived. ecstasy tablets

The tragedy of the famous Kaunas family of doctors: the freed son is trapped again with extremely serious accusations

© Kaunas VPK

Guilt was categorically denied

After the officers seized V. Toker, his older brother Andrei visited the Netherlands. An international search was soon announced. Forensic scientists had gathered enough data that A. Toker was in charge of drug distribution: conversations were recorded in which he indicated the amount of drug to be sold to which merchant and ordered the money to be sent to the Netherlands by bus.

Although a sufficient amount of indisputable evidence of guilt was collected in the case, V. Tokeris, who appeared before the Kaunas Regional Court, stubbornly denied his guilt.

He claimed to have accidentally visited the family’s garage and found an unknown sports bag in it. Toker said he was curious when he opened it and found many different tablets, packages and other items inside. Among them were electronic scales, so the student told the court he wanted to test how they worked: he weighed his watch, his phone, and then began weighing the drugs. It was at this time that he was arrested by invading police officers.

Mr. Toker’s position in the process was reminiscent of despair. Citing secretly taped phone conversations in which the older brother gave clear instructions, the prosecutor categorically denied that the coded phrases referred to drugs.

He claimed not to have done anything criminal, only to sell used cars with his brother. And he called “luzen”, “smirdalyne” and “beans”, not drugs, but cars provided by A. Toker, who was visiting the Netherlands.

The tragedy of the famous Kaunas family of doctors: the freed son is trapped again with extremely serious accusations

© Klaipeda aps. VPK

On the eve of the birthday: a severe punishment

V. Toker was threatened with long years in prison for maintaining a record amount of drugs and bulk trafficking. However, even realizing the tragedy of his situation, the student continued to categorically deny the allegations.

There was no lack of emotion in the case. The grave was not hidden by the accused himself, and his relatives wept. However, this did not frustrate the panel of judges at the Kaunas Regional Court, which had heard a case that had a major impact on society at the time.

On the eve of his twentieth birthday, the court sentenced Mr. Toker to 12 years in prison, one year less than requested by the prosecutor who upheld the charge.

It was later considered that if he had not irretrievably denied guilt, the court would likely have sentenced the first-time convicted student apparently infested with older siblings to at least 2 years less in prison.

Especially since from the case file it was obvious that the young Toker fell under the influence of his older brother. Toker’s contribution to this drug distribution “business” was evidenced not only by secretly recorded conversations, but also by the detection of his fingerprints on drug packages found during the years of search …

The tragedy of the famous Kaunas family of doctors: the freed son is trapped again with extremely serious accusations

Caught in holland

When V. Toker got behind bars, his older brother Andrejs managed to hide from the police for some time.

Two years later, in the fall of 2006, he was seized by Dutch law enforcement officers with evidence of a forged passport and a banned substance used to make methamphetamine, benzyl methyl ketone (CCC). The value of this liquid on the black market at that time amounted to about 48 thousand. euros

After serving a 30-month prison sentence in the Netherlands, A. Tokeris was transported to Lithuania, where he appeared before the Kaunas Regional Court.

The case again involved spying on secretly taped conversations in which the two brothers combined the details of the transactions using phrases coded according to the conspiracy.

Toker, like his younger brother, categorically denied the drug trafficking allegations. A representative of the famous Kaunas family of doctors assured that he had sold cars and, after calling his brother abroad and asking him to sell one or the other, send the money received.

He claimed that he called old cars “lynx” “scratches”, that “smirdalynė” was supposed to be “Audi 100” and that “poultry” was a friend’s nickname …

A large shipment of synthetic drugs was stopped in Šiauliai

A large shipment of synthetic drugs was stopped in Šiauliai

The despair of the younger brother: radically changed testimony

Toker admitted in court that he had trafficked drugs, that he had used cocaine. He allegedly bought it from a gypsy, nicknamed “Chiora”, and called the doses “girdles” and “paintbrushes” in telephone conversations.

After the Kaunas Regional Court found A. Toker guilty and sentenced him to 11 years in prison, he did not want to accept the verdict: he filed a complaint with the Court of Appeal and requested acquittal.

During the court’s examination of the complaint, A. Toker’s younger brother Vitalijus, who had already been sentenced to 12 years in prison, unsuccessfully attempted to assume all blame. Until then, after categorically denying any connection to the drugs found in his parents’ garage, the Kaunas resident claimed that he had traded them, and his brother Andrejus knew nothing about it.

Toker tried to persuade the court to buy drugs from a dark-skinned man, a Chechen, or an Arab whom he met while dancing.

He assured that the intense drug trafficking would take place for two years before being detained by the police. This circumstance caused reasonable doubt as it would mean that a Kaunas resident started his career as a drug baron at the age of 17 and was able to reach the level of a wholesaler …

The tragedy of the famous Kaunas family of doctors: the freed son is trapped again with extremely serious accusations

© Prison Department Photo

The brothers’ grandmother did not hide: the old man involved the young man in the crimes

Although the two Tokers Brothers presented different versions in court of who owned the drugs found in their father’s garage, the young man finally tried to blame him, it is clear that he was involved in criminal activity from a much criminal experience. stronger and older than Andrei had already acquired at the time.

Former law enforcement officers have mentioned that even before his arrest, this representative of the famous Kaunas medical family kept in touch with people belonging to the dark world of Kaunas, it seems that he did not start a career as a drug baron without their help. .

Elvyra Toker, who was working at the Kaunas clinics at the time, also mentioned the author of this article to the brother who had been involved in crimes. After hearing news from a journalist about an older grandson detained by local law enforcement officers in the Netherlands, he made no secret of his resentment at the fate of the two brothers.

“Vitaly is a very good boy, he was a housewife and his older brother implicated him in crimes.” When you said about Andrei’s arrest, I was already prepared for this blow. This karma will have to be endured. I put a lot of effort into learning and turn to his good memory, but this is how it all ended.

I think a person has to suffer for himself for certain things. We will all suffer, but maybe it’s good. Believe me, it hurts both me and my son. Two grandchildren turned in a bad way, “said E. Toker, representative of a famous medical family.

He briefly described what had happened in his family: “It is a great tragedy, terrible things have happened in the family.”

The tragedy of the famous Kaunas family of doctors: the freed son is trapped again with extremely serious accusations

© Klaipeda aps. VPK

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