Laima Lapkauskaitė, celebrating her anniversary: ​​”I must have a strong spine, which will stand behind me, if not herself” | Names


– Laima, when I called you, you joked saying that you didn’t want to talk about the anniversary. Don’t you really like birthdays?

– I like to celebrate birthdays, but I don’t like to make it public, those vanity times are over. It’s scary to announce his age to all of Lithuania (laughs), some people are still 40 years old. Maybe let’s say it, it’s a solid anniversary for me, because that number doesn’t ring a bell, it doesn’t fit, I see it myself when I look in the mirror. Naturally, a woman does not like to advertise her years.

I remember it was a lot of fun when I was standing in a store in Palanga during quarantine. A boy in his 25s turned to me and was looking for a place at the time. He says to me, “Madam, please go away.” I turned to him and jokingly asked him to repeat those words again (laughs).

– Do compliments caress the heart?

– Maybe it just involves a funny laugh. I am a small person, looking at them from the side, those years are probably not very visible.

– I have no doubt that you often realize how young you look. Do you put a lot of effort into maintaining natural beauty and maybe you are grateful for the genes?

– You know, genes are really the culprits here. My mom looks great, even though she has been around for quite a few years. I also don’t see wrinkles on the stepsisters’ faces. We probably have a gene that prevents us from aging so fast (smiles). Lifestyle also has an impact. I constantly turn around young people, the topics of my conversations, youth-related concerns. For example, during rehearsals with girls, we talk about chivalry. Sometimes I look at myself and realize that I am much more energetic in my behavior and thoughts than some of the 30-year-olds around me.

And inside, no one feels like a year. I remember when my grandmother was 95, I asked her what she was going through. He replied that everything is exactly equal to 16, only that over time comes experience, different values, attitudes and a smaller circle of friends. After all, a person always wants to love and be loved. Many people say, “Oh, I haven’t had anything for many years, I don’t want anything anymore.” And I want everything, it seems that I have many ideas, I transport my students in and out of concerts at night. Probably the same genes give me energy, do not let me tire.

Personal album photo album / Laima Lapkauskaitė

Personal album photo album / Laima Lapkauskaitė

– When everyone repeats that you look young, don’t you feel pressured?

– I’m not trying to be tense, I really like casual clothes. I do not like dresses, jewelry, always: both in winter and summer I walk with jeans, I dress comfortably but with high quality.

It is true that before going somewhere, I dyed, fixed my hair. Such routine changed a lot during quarantine, I got used to preparing less. For example, today I left the house without showing up, but in the car, looking in the mirror, I realized that I looked pretty good (smiling).

– And do we still have to face some stereotype about the same beauty, youth, family, the other side?

– I am often told that age is not the limit and that everything is out of sight. Frankly, I don’t need to meet a person anymore, I don’t even want to talk about this anymore. There is, as it is, life turned out the way it turned out. I am a very creative soul, so I don’t want to have a husband just to have it.

And there were many such opportunities in life. I could marry the deduction, there were all kinds of options, but I needed a lot of love. If I have not been able to connect life with the person I loved, I would be better off alone. I know that there are women who have the opinion that it is possible to have at least one child, I think this is the highest level of selfishness.

– Everyone sees you as a strong and constantly smiling woman. And are there moments of weakness, tears, when you want to hide from problems?

– I don’t know if you can find someone who would always be fine. Will a woman like me feel full, happy when she is one, when she has no children or grandchildren? Definitely not. Of course, I accept everything that God has given me, I am healthy, everything is fine for me, I am very happy about it. But it really involves sadness when talking to someone with a friend about grandchildren.

Like everyone, sometimes I get frustrated with people. However, I am convinced that I must have a strong spine, who will stand behind me if not me? In general, I don’t like being around weak and complaining people, so I try not to be like that myself. As a result, from the side, maybe I seem strong, always smiling.

– Are you a person who is not afraid to share your complaints with others, or perhaps, on the contrary, experience everything within you?

– Of course, I really like to talk, if necessary, cry, count, but not for everyone. There are friends to whom I tell everything, listen to me, I also listen to them, then it becomes much easier. I don’t think I can keep any complaints inside. But, I don’t want to be a sophisticated chapel for which things are always bad, it can’t be (laughs).

Photo by Edita Valinčė / Laima Lapkauskaitė

Photo by Edita Valinčė / Laima Lapkauskaitė

– But every year on your birthday you meet a group of close people. Will you continue the tradition and celebrate with them at Vištytis Lake?

– For several years, as a birthday, I do not agree with the lake, but I still celebrate them in nature, not at home. I never know how many people will greet me, those who remember find me. Just when I was celebrating my 40th birthday, I threw a party, the 50th anniversary was a complete disaster, a free guy birthday but a lot of fun. Now he, with invitations, because that period due to the virus must do everything very safely. I can’t invite at least a third of the people, even though I really wanted to meet relatives I had seen a long time ago. But everyone understands, I can’t do that because I take this situation very seriously, it is important to me that all aunts and uncles are protected. I had to adjust the list, leaving only friends who remind me of all the years and relatives. They showed important moments in life that matter to me.

There will be a very warm, family and cozy party in my hometown of Kybartai. I will return to the city of my childhood. A memory has survived from an early age. I remember my cousin bringing me roses collected with white gypsophiles on birthdays. They will still be on the tables as a symbol of childhood.

– Have you had a close relationship with your mother, relatives?

– I cannot say that it is very strong, with its cousins ​​and cousins ​​that we see very rarely. Only a cousin, who lives in Marijampolė, takes me to her family, we celebrate all the parties together. If there are anniversaries, birthdays, of course, we meet, but after all, we all have our families, our own concerns, it is natural that time is not always enough for others.

– And how was your last year?

– The quarantine of my plans did not interfere, because I took a break with the main project. It should start again starting in the fall, and preparations are already underway. Like everyone else, work moved home, remotely. It is very strange that the children I took online lessons have made great progress. It seems to me that the quality of the work has not suffered at all. Of course, it was especially difficult because I dedicated my time to each child individually. Every day for 9 hours.

When I was quarantined, I thought I would take over my studio, all the concert clothes, but I didn’t have time for that. Remote work started very quickly. The children started sending papers without waiting for me, even before the end of the holidays, they didn’t let me get bored. That period was full of action.

– Wasn’t it difficult to get used to the new working methods?

– No, it was very strange. At first it was annoying that the image was left behind on the computer, so I started to think about theoretical tasks for the children, then we worked a lot with acapella. Once we get used to working remotely, we try to view tasks creatively during the lesson. For example, children would take a guitar, a toy, a carrot instead of a microphone, and make pieces. I was very happy to work with the wise children, and after the quarantine, the relationship with them changed a lot in a positive way.

– When I called the first time, you were in several meetings, you probably returned to work at full capacity after quarantine. Wouldn’t you sometimes like to slow down, enjoy some off-stage activities?

– I was born for this, I want concerts, projects with children and adults. I really don’t want to change anything, but if forced life is what you will do, then it will be necessary.

– And was there any idea during the whole working year to leave and close everything?

– Of course, tired, sometimes thinking about how things get boring, wanting to rest. But since I’m single, I desperately need communication. I don’t know how long I would be alone at home, with myself. I remember that I had two weeks free to run away from myself, he started making cakes. Sometimes I like life and so, it’s fun to be in pots, talk to friends, but I get bored of everything very quickly. I want to go back to my work, especially because there are all kinds of thoughts, projects. I still don’t want to retire (laughs).

– When the stage lights go out, do you participate in culinary masterpieces?

– Actually, I don’t like making those cakes, but I sit down and sometimes think about what to do. I watch on TV how others do it, then I try, but I really won’t be a cook.

– You’ve raised more than one girl group once. He says Generation Z are true individualists, isn’t it harder to work with those kids? What generational differences do you notice?

– With the current generation we are doing less than with the previous ones. But the difference is that the attitude of the different institutions is changing, supporting children, we receive less support for projects. And I don’t feel the change in relationships with young people. Recently, Simona Nainė laughed and said that she was afraid of me, and at the same time, the girl came and was glad that she was not afraid at all. Children are now bolder, freer, but with respect, the understanding that I am a teacher. They are very good, as I had no problems before, so I don’t have them now. I think it all depends on the teacher, I feel that I have adapted to the children, I raise my voice less frequently, I find ways to access them, I use the way of playing.

Photo by Lukas Balandi / 15min / Laima Lapkauskaitė and former members of

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Laima Lapkauskaitė and ex-members of “Mokinukiai” Kristina Šerkšnienė and Ieva Vaitiekūnienė

– Children are now much more involved in social networks, using various applications. How do you rate them? Maybe you visit Facebook or Instagram yourself?

– I created a Facebook profile, but I don’t want to post my life, so I don’t put photos there. I think it is a bit vain, but I support young people, for example, who can make money from it. Now it’s an age, that’s how people live, but I would never do it myself. Perhaps such an approach has been instilled in times past.

In fact, I never enjoyed the publicity, the photo shoots, I had the pain of filming. I was a pioneer, an active girl, but when the applause started, I felt very uncomfortable, thinking about what my friends were going through when they praised me and not them. Even now, as I stand on stage and start praising myself, I can enter the place where the orchestra plays. When journalists call me, I go against them, but I realize that sometimes I need to appear, get on the air.

– But perhaps fate itself armed it so that you are now known?

– I don’t know, I don’t have a firm opinion on this. Although I have often said that if it is dedicated, it will happen. What he wanted was everything in life except family. I used to have a big dream to sing, and I did it, I wanted to organize a festival and I was successful, I hoped to go to the United States to perform, this wish came true. As for my profession, my work, everything has been implemented. Just maybe that personal life … It couldn’t be planned.

– You have dreams?

– That he would not be completely alone with the years – He should not look out the window and wait for a social worker to come, because he is cruel. I would like those close to me, the relatives with whom I interact, to stay close to me in any situation. Of course, I hope to have health, I would like to implement my ideas and projects.

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