The DNA of the air traffic controller profession: lots of adrenaline and zero mistakes


Donatas Žibutis, the air traffic controller of the Vilna Air Traffic Control Center of SE Oro Navigacija, who is also responsible for teaching and evaluating internships for students of the air traffic control study program at the Gustanas Aviation Institute VGTU Antanas says that the number of students varies each year.

You must be in impeccable health.

“The duration of air traffic control studies is five years, after which students earn a master’s degree. In recent years, interest in this study program has been gradually growing: for example, this year there are 11 students in the third year and 14 in the fourth year. This year, 16 students have completed the flight management study program. The number of students also changes during their studies, because sometimes some of them understand that this profession is not for them, “says D.Žibutis.

According to the interviewee, those who wish to enter the air traffic control study program must have impeccable health: participants need a 3rd (or 1st) class medical certificate, which is issued and performed by the only Aviation Medical Center located in Vilnius. Upon arrival at the Aviation Medical Center, you must have a certificate from a family doctor of approximately 5 years of health, as well as certificates from the Addiction Center and the Mental Health Center. After that, an exhaustive health control is carried out, during which a detailed questionnaire about the diseases, operations and allergies of the person and their relatives is completed.

Prospective students must also pass a professional aptitude test to verify that those wishing to study have the character traits and skills required for the profession, such as homework focus, emotion control, good spatial orientation, and flexibility in decision making.

The test is carried out in three stages: in the first, with strict time constraints, the candidates perform group tasks, in the second, the candidates take three individual tests, and in the third, individual interviews are conducted with each member of the commission to assess the motivation of the candidates.

University study process.

D.Žibutis notes that during the first two years in college, students study primarily college general chemistry, mathematics, physics, and other disciplines. In the third year, at the beginning of the professional internship, students have the opportunity to try the specialty studied in real time.

Photo of air navigation / Palanga airport

Photo of air navigation / Palanga airport

“60 hours of internship are assigned in the air traffic control tower, of which 38 hours the student learns the basic concepts of the future profession: various procedures, rules, such as how to avoid conflict situations, and the remaining 22 hours are dedicated to deepening knowledge about non-standard or emergency situations. In the fourth year, 76 hours are provided for the practice of an airport access air traffic controller, and in the fifth year, 70 hours are provided, during which the qualification of a regional air traffic controller is acquired, “says the interlocutor.

Paulius Kripas, the air traffic controller from the Palanga Air Traffic Control Center, who graduated from the Gustanas VGTU Antanas Aviation Institute in 2016, emphasizes the great importance of professional practice at the university.

“The most interesting year of study started from the third year, as study disciplines related to future work were taught, as well as a professional internship both in the simulators and in the air traffic control tower of the Kyviškiai aerodrome , which allowed us to get acquainted with the work of an air traffic controller. real aviation bread “, – recalls P. Kripas.

Air Navigation Photo / Paul Kripas

Air Navigation Photo / Paul Kripas

The profession of air traffic controller is not for everyone

P. Kripas highlights several character traits necessary for the work of an air traffic controller: “Every day the work of an air traffic controller is very dynamic and completely different, therefore, daily they face new challenges. In general, the profession of air traffic controller is characterized by creativity, since there are many solutions for each difficult situation, which, although different, may be correct. However, the details of such work cause considerable stress, so the ability to manage stress in work situations is an important part of this specialty. In fact, in a difficult situation, the most important thing is to focus on finding solutions, since this is the best way to manage stress, “says the interlocutor.

Speaking about the stress experienced by air traffic controllers at work, D.Žibutis emphasizes the importance of self-confidence and psychological resilience. According to him, disinterest and the ability to work as a team are no less important, since all the air traffic control centers that monitor Lithuanian airspace work closely together.

Photo of air navigation / Palanga airport

Photo of air navigation / Palanga airport

“Due to the experience gained, air traffic controllers who have been working for several years no longer feel as much tension and pressure.” The important thing is that stress management is a very individual thing, so there is no single recipe for how to do it. However, I always remind students who come to do an internship: you know the rules, you know what and how to do it, so trust your strength and do it, “says D. Žibutis.

A passion for aviation is often a determining factor

According to Paulius Kripas, the air traffic controller at the Palanga Air Traffic Control Center, the choice of the air traffic controller profession is generally motivated by a great passion for aviation, but another important factor is the desire to solve problems. and emerging challenges. The constantly changing work dynamics guarantee a lot of challenges, so this profession is not boring.

Air Navigation Photo / Paul Kripas

Air Navigation Photo / Paul Kripas

“Many colleagues have been brought into this profession because of a great passion for aviation, which is not unknown to me. I became interested in the specialty of air traffic controller when I was still in school, when during the tour we visited the Palanga airport, where we were taken to the air traffic control tower.

Just when I got on it, I immediately realized that my place was fascinated by all the equipment, especially the flying planes on the screens, as well as the air traffic controllers, who used English professionally as a working tool. All this made a great impression, so I decided that this profession is my vocation, “recalls the interlocutor.
