5 new cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed in the country per day


According to the National Laboratory of Public Health on Sunday morning, the disease caused by coronavirus infection in our country currently affects 201 people. Since then, 79 people have died and eleven others have died of coronavirus from other causes. 1545 have recovered from COVID-19 infection, and there are currently 71 individuals in isolation.

During the previous day, 1789 samples were analyzed to detect suspected COVID-19 infection, and a total of 442,242 samples have been analyzed so far, including 128041 from mobile points.

From June 1. 37 import cases were registered.
In the Vilnius and Vilnius, Širvintos, Šalčininkai and Radviliškis districts, the incidence of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) is higher than in other municipalities in the country. So, throughout the week, from June 29. Until 5 July. – its population will undergo more intensive prevention tests.

Three out of five cases registered yesterday are importable

Three out of five cases are imported from the United Kingdom, Belarus and Sweden. A Visaginas Social Care Home employee and a patient from a Vilnius hospital were also infected.

The Klaipeda County case was imported from Sweden. The person, along with two colleagues, returned to Klaipeda from Sweden by ferry on June 28 and immediately became isolated with his family. At the moment, the person feels good.

Another case of UK importation has been identified in Vilnius County.

The person returned from this country on July 2 by Doncaster-Vilnius plane, and on July 3 around 9-10. the person visited the Inmedica medical institution in Vilnius, then went to the stores of the Panorama Rimi and Žirmūnai Rimi shopping center. The specific length of stay could not be specified.

Around 4pm to 5pm. visited the Express Market store (Paribio str. 30B), and from 7 p.m. at 7.20 p.m. I was in the Pomodoro cafeteria (Vilniaus street). I was sitting outside. 8 p.m. at 9 p.m. I was in the billiard club “Fuksas” (Gedimino ave. 28).

Three exposed individuals are currently identified. The epidemiological diagnosis continues.

The coronavirus infection was diagnosed in a person who returned from Belarus on June 23 with other family members in his own car and was immediately isolated.

One family member had previously been diagnosed with coronavirus, so on June 26, the other family members were isolated due to contact with the affected family member. The first symptoms were felt on June 29. The other exposed people are three members of the family.

The coronavirus was confirmed to an employee of the Visaginas social care home. The case was clarified by conducting periodic preventive examinations for COVID-19 for home-based social workers. The person did not go abroad, denies contact with a person with COVID-19, does not feel any symptoms of the disease.

Four contact persons in the family have been identified, the list of other contact persons is being reviewed and the epidemiological diagnosis of a contagious disease continues.

A patient from a Vilnius hospital became infected with coronavirus. It was not identified that he had been in contact with previously confirmed cases. Currently, epidemiological diagnosis is being carried out, communication with hospital staff, specialists from the Vilnius Department of NVSC are working in the hospital itself.

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