Management of the Zapyškis church environment completed, concrete on the left Business


By June 30, the projects for the management of the Zapyškis Church and the revitalization of the old town had to be completed here.

The project manager, Rūta Černiauskienė, told BNS that the administration of the accesses to the church was completed as planned, although conservationists for the Kaunas heritage claim that they have not yet received an official notification in this regard.

“Due to the presentation of works, we certainly have not received an application to participate in said commission. If the project were completed, it would be presented for acceptance, here European money, and we have to participate in the procedure to accept the works,” he said. the head of the Kaunas branch of the Department of Cultural Heritage State inspector Asta Naureckaitė.

In the fall of last year, the Zapyškis Church’s environmental management project received strong criticism for its concrete-lined plaza, which contrasts with the Gothic church and the landscape of Panemunė. Formerly near the Gothic St. Zapyškis St. The raw grass of the Church of John the Baptist.

In December last year, the Department of Cultural Heritage said the project would be adjusted in the spring to reduce the contrast between the plaza’s pavement and the environment.

According to the project manager R.Černiauskienė, the surface of the square has changed since November 2019: instead of concrete, there is “combed concrete”, it is broken with natural granite stones.

On the outskirts of the plaza there is an old handmade brick bench about 200 meters long, parallel to the Nemunas.

“There is also a bike path to the church, people can move by boat to and from Kulautuva,” said R. Černiauskienė.

According to her, there are still plans to plant rhubarb in this place, her square will be decorated after the holidays.

“Because 30 square meters of these plants need to be planted and such a large quantity has not been obtained, they are currently being sprouted. The vegetation will be a gift from contractors to the people of the Kaunas district,” said Vilija Žukaitytė, deputy mayor from the Kaunas district municipality, to BNS.

The red brick bench is built parallel to the concrete square and decorated with Baltic signs.

“It just came to our attention then. We thought we would leave such a small clue: those signs on the bricks are very small, not everyone will notice them. One of them is a pamphlet, the sign of Sapieha, because Zapyškis was founded by a noble family of Sapieha, also financed the construction of the church, “architect Gintaras Prikockis, the author of the project, told BNS.

According to the architect, the bench is part of the whole square, not a separate element.

According to the project, the concrete lined up next to the church shows the location of the market square according to the 1937 plan.

According to the architect of Kaunas, Audrius Karalius, such a solution “does not coincide with the architect’s professional logic, hearing and conscience”.

“There was no paved market place there. There was a fenced place in the center of the city, in other words, a country market for horses and people. When we concrete that thing with a 50 cm thick block, we get a cartoon, to put it mildly, it’s complete nonsense. Where tweezers and jewelry fingers were needed, a hammer and concrete bag were used. What was just a meadow before reconstruction was a perfect space, ”he told BNS.

Zapyškis Street The Church of John the Baptist is one of the most important monuments of Gothic architecture in Lithuania. It is protected by the state.

The area of ​​more than seven hectares around the church is also protected: the site of the old town of Zapyškis.
