The wealth of a rich Vilnius woman with a foreigner ended in a painful tragedy: she suffered special suffering before her death.


The Vilnius Regional Court is considering a criminal case in which S. Kukchishvili (born 1979) was charged on March 22 of last year. afternoon in Vilnius, St. Stepono g. Experts found that the woman had suffered particularly severe suffering before her death, with at least 36 stabs and cuts. The pregnant woman covered her with a blanket, and she wandered around Vilnius all night until she finally got on the bus in the morning and tried to escape from Lithuania.

“I can’t even speak of what I saw: so brutally murdered, so hungry, tortured,” recalling the events of a year ago that were permanently trapped in memory, the tears were not hidden by the murdered mother. A woman working in the tourism sector admitted that she did not agree with her daughter’s choice to invite a Georgian to Lithuania, but that she could do nothing about it: Diana G. is an adult and made her own decisions.

Known in a Georgian hospital

“I learned that Simonas had come to Lithuania from Diana’s friend Ilona Penkauskienė, who lives in Italy (former TV presenter and winner of beauty pageants) Delphi last) sent me a Facebook link with a photo of them, the woman recalled. “So I asked my daughter what was going on here, how can you live with another man, you’re not divorced, but she assured me that Simon is just a guest, nothing more.”

In 2018, the Vilnius woman became acquainted with S. Kukchishvili, who lives in Georgia. in December, he had gone to Georgia on business at that time, when the disease suddenly reappeared and the woman was severely attacked. The Vilnius resident, who was admitted to the hospital, spent several weeks here, at the time, and met a local resident. Although the men’s and women’s wards in the hospital are strictly separated, this did not prevent them from communicating: the recovering Lithuanian became a favorite of many here, finding a common language with all of them.

Simon Kukchishvili

Simon Kukchishvili

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“My granddaughter and I came to take my daughter to Lithuania in mid-January, because the doctors finally said that she could continue the treatment at home,” said Diana’s mother. “When we got out of the hospital, I saw a man saying goodbye. Only later, when I saw the photo sent by I. Penkauskienė, I realized that the same person was here.”

Diana didn’t say anything to her mother about him, and didn’t even suspect she was seeing the man waving out the hospital window for the last time in the early morning.

The doctors recommended Diana to continue the treatment separately from her family, in this way she would recover sooner, so the mother of two children did not live in Vilnius with her husband and two children. At the time, it seemed the most appropriate, albeit extremely painful, solution: A woman with a health problem needed peace, and doctors said she could recover faster by herself.

But, as the mother later discovered, Diana was not living alone: ​​in mid-February, S. Kukchishvili flew from Georgia to Lithuania. Initially, the man was housed in an apartment rented by a company run by a woman, and then he began to lock up his new friend’s house.

“But I didn’t know he lived with his daughter; I often called her, asked her about the treatment, and didn’t even think she lived together, and while I was home, there was no sign that anyone would live here without her daughter.” Diana’s mother said.

Killed and covered with a blanket

Today, she has no doubt that her daughter went to great lengths to hide a new relationship with a Georgian she called a business partner. Diana didn’t even tell her friends that they lived together with a foreigner; Only after her murder did one of them admit that Diana had bought airline tickets from Lithuania to Georgia three times for S. Kukchishvilis, but her husband never used them. Because no one knows.

“And when they didn’t fly, we see the consequences,” said the murdered mother sadly. She was the first to discover the body of her daughter killed on March 23. In the morning, the grandson called anxiously and asked to go home, because he had not come to meet his son and daughter the day before, and he did not answer the SMS message or the calls.

Diana’s son, who had already come of age, told the court that he was very surprised by the mother’s behavior: if she could not have come to meet him, she would have reported him. It was as if the son, who had the worst sense, had come to his mother’s house that night, but could not enter because he had no keys.

“I didn’t sleep all night, I left again in the morning, but I still couldn’t get into the house and no one opened the door,” said Diana’s son.

It was later learned that when the son was wandering around his mother’s house, he had already been killed, the woman had been found by Diana’s mother almost a day after the murder.

“On Friday he went to see the children, but it was not anyway, and on Saturday at about 11 o’clock. My grandson called me and asked me to go see him because Diana did not answer the phone calls,” said the mother. – I had the second keys, on the way I met another neighbor who complained that the tenants of my apartment were making noise, said that her husband heard the woman’s scream. I opened the door and saw something lying on the floor in front of him, it was covered … I started screaming “Diana, Diana” and then I discovered that blanket and saw that it was dead in the blood clan. I started yelling “People, save, help”, I was so scared that there was no way to dial the emergency number until I finally called 112. “

Simon Kukchishvili

Simon Kukchishvili

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

According to the victim, the visiting doctors said they could not help anyone, because the stolen woman had “died a long time ago”.

“Then they called the police, the criminals came,” I don’t know why, but I immediately thought of the man, “said Kukchishvili’s mother, pointing to the accused murder.

He looked almost like a saint

She recalled that on the eve of the murder, her daughter had hinted that she planned to return to work, and when asked about a friend who had visited her, she reluctantly replied that she had already flown to Georgia.

“Diana was happy that her health had improved, she said she was starting a new life on Monday, then everything would change, and she also took a course in psychology,” asked me not to call or monitor, said she was an adult and knew how. behave. “- He remembered the victim.

The woman also admitted that she still felt guilty for forcing her daughter not to communicate with the foreigner: “It is my fault that you spoke harshly to her because she later tried to give the impression that she was not together.”

Diana also knew that Diana had a relationship with the Georgian: she admitted in court that she had seen Kukchishvili’s account with her father on Facebook, in which she had posted several general photos.

“I saw his Facebook: I had many photos with my mother who had risen, I realized that I had invited him,” said the victim. – Once my mother said that she would prepare food and asked me to take it and take it to my little sister, but before arriving, she asked me to call and said that she would go to serve. But I didn’t call her, I came straight home. Mom was very confused and he was sitting on the bed and hiding from me. Then I saw him clasp his mother’s precious watch in his hand: it was too small for him, I took it off. My mother asked me what was here through a man, and she, here is my friend, came to help me and help me spiritually. He was embraced by crosses, he seemed almost a saint, like God. I wanted to hit him, but I refrained. I said something to him and he was bombarded under his nose. “

According to the son of the murdered, his mother assured him that the Georgian did not live together and that he was only a guest, that he would leave Lithuania soon. “Mom didn’t know he was a drug addict,” said the victim, that the Georgian was addicted to drugs and that his mother would still support him.

“He ruined the life of our family, robbed an innocent woman,” the mother’s children, who lost their mother, did not hide their pain. – Mom was torn, during the funeral the sister asked what was on her mother’s face, we did not even tell her that she was killed, but the girl is intelligent, she understood everything. Now she wants to testify in court and know everything that is happening. After the funeral, he couldn’t even go through the city and the cemetery; I was going to continue my studies, but everything was backwards, so I went out to serve in the army. “

I tried to fly from Lithuania

Georgian citizen Kukchishvili was not brutally prosecuted for the intentional murder, but confessed to the murder of Diana G. Evidence sufficient to corroborate his possible guilt, he confessed to kneading his girlfriend with a knife. Of envy.

Simon Kukchishvili

Simon Kukchishvili

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

The man said that he had come to Lithuania to visit him, invited Diana D., but that she had cheated on him, did not say that he was married and that he did not plan to divorce. The man said the woman was killed during the conflict when she began to explain the relationship. And when he realized what he was doing, he went out to the entertainment venues in the station area, where he spent time all night. But later he returned to the house where the body of the murdered man lay: he changed his clothes, washed his knife, and prepared to leave Lithuania. A man sitting on an international bus was already near Marijampolė and was leaving for Poland, but was arrested by police officers; the man was identified by the coordinates of a mobile phone.

Although she pleaded guilty to the murder, Georgia blamed her victim alone for everything that happened: she not only concealed that he was married, but was also a member of the special services. Such words from the accused indignant relatives of those killed.

“He’s cheating: what special services, what security?”, Kukchishvili’s son observed the murdered son.

At that time, Diana S.’s mother confessed to receiving a letter from the accused, which she wrote from the Pravieniškės Correctional Center.

“So far he has not apologized to me or to Diana’s family, although he wrote a letter that only contained accusations: I was not the right mother, I did not raise my daughter and he would not have come here if he had known,” the woman recalled. . “And at the end of the letter it was written, ‘I don’t like laughter and music.'” The words seemed very strange, I did not understand what he wanted: to apologize or blame my daughter.

The mother, wife and children of those killed are asking the accused to pay 50,000. for non-pecuniary damages.

“No money will return my daughter, my grandchildren are left without a mother, I could also donate this money to charity, to the people who need it most,” said the mother of Diana G. “The worst thing is that this man came out of nothing, he knew everything about our family, I don’t think he had any right to enter. “

Kukchishville agrees to compensate the murdered children for the harm caused, but categorically refuses to pay immaterial damages to the murdered mother and spouse. Why, the court did not say, “These are personal reasons.”

The man said he had not worked anywhere before the murder, his family had previously run a business in Georgia: a hotel and a store.

“But now neither the hotel nor the store is working: my parents died, I left the money I lived on,” the defendant refused to tell the judges where he kept the money, but assured him that as soon as the sentence went into effect , would immediately kill the children. will compensate for the damage caused.

“I agree to pay the children 200 thousand. Eur,” said Kukchishvili.

At the time, the police and prosecutors who conducted the pre-trial investigation had not established that the defendant had any property. Kukchishvili faces 8 to 20 years in prison for intentional murder.

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