A painful accident in Kaunas: four people were injured


Approaches as close as possible

Ramunas, a Kauno diena reader, said he often plays sports on the island of Nemunas. However, now they increasingly notice arrogant drivers who ignore the Traffic Rules (KET), ride trails, and leave cars on installed volleyball courts.

“When I noticed that the cars were walking on the pedestrian paths, I was not lazy to go to see if the traffic order had really been changed, I thought that maybe someone had eliminated the traffic signs, but it turns out that they are still standing, but drivers ignore them, “Kaunas began.

He assured that the walk on the trails was not enthusiastic with the service personnel, who are sometimes exempt from KET, and not even with the workers who are currently building on the island, but with the simple cars that Kaunas residents come to. play volleyball.

“What can’t they get within 100 meters of parking a car in a permitted place? They definitely need to walk, get to the site. I am an athlete myself and am not fascinated by the idea of ​​having to run between parked cars and still look over my shoulder to see if a driver is not following the road. Also, some roads on the island are not paved, so dust rises from those cars, “said the Kaunas resident, adding that these people, who drive to the volleyball court, only imitate that they are playing sports. .

They definitely need to walk, get to the site.

Waiting for a fine

Rimantas Vilimas, Head of the Department of Public Order, explained that the KET prohibits the parking of vehicles on lawns, sports grounds, on a pedestrian and / or bicycle path, and in other areas not intended for vehicle traffic (parking).

‘Failure to comply with these prohibitions may give rise to the administrative liability provided for in article 417 (2) of the Code of Administrative Offenses. It states that stopping and parking in places where KET prohibits stopping and stopping, stopping and parking without complying with road signs and markings, and driving in residential areas and courtyards will result in a fine of between 30 and 90 euros for drivers’ ‘. KET offenders, reported R. Vilimas.

He noted that the police and officials authorized by the Municipal Administrations, in Kaunas, the Division of Public Order, have been given powers to monitor the compliance of vehicle drivers with the law on prohibitions on stopping and parking vehicles in prohibited places. .

Therefore, the Public Order Division, based on the complaints and notifications received from citizens, carries out the control of the mentioned prohibitions. It does it from Monday to Friday and during business hours. At other times, after Residents have an opportunity to contact the police for crimes around 5 pm (afternoon and evening, rest days, and holidays.) The Division of Law Enforcement had received no reports of parking cars on the lawn of the classroom. Nemunas. During raids and inspections, attention will definitely be paid to this place, “R. Vilimas noted that additional control will be carried out on the island of Nemunas.

Across the city, 1,670 drivers have already been fined for leaving cars on the lawn this year.

Invite to register infractions

The head of the Department of Public Order assured that until now it is not planned to install any physical means on the island of Nemunas that prevents cars from circulating on the trails, since intensive construction work is being carried out on the island. However, he urged citizens who noticed KET violations to register them in a special online space.

“If citizens receive information about violations remotely, using an electronic account, the problem of liability of vehicle drivers can be solved after evaluating the circumstances of the violation,” said violators can be fined for capturing violations. of KET and car plates. R.Vilimas.

Violations of public order can be reported online.
