Abracadabra tax: clarified 215 thousand. a Klaipeda sorcerer who hid euros


During the pre-trial investigation, it was established that a person who presented himself as a warlock in Klaip Klada had provided various divination-related services since early 2013, such as “ceremonies”, “astrological services”, “restoration”, “prediction” , “elimination of contempt” and others. Almost 1.4 thousand were transferred to bank accounts opened in this person’s name at four banks operating in Lithuania for 7 years. orders, the total amount of which exceeds 215 thousand. euros According to the researchers, this is income from illegal services rendered.

During the year, a person who provided divination services received an average of around 200 bank transfers to their accounts in the name, and the most profitable was in 2016, when almost 63 thousand people entered divination accounts for illegal activities. Unaccounted income per year.

The sorcerer, who earned an impressive amount and hid the activity, paid no state tax. During the investigation, it was found that almost 14 thousand. Value added tax of EUR 20,000, the state social security contributions to the budget of the state social security fund were not paid. euros also hid a little more than 5.5 thousand. personal income tax and more than 6 thousand. compulsory contributions of health insurance to the budget of the State Social Security Fund.

The authorities have estimated that the total amount of hidden taxes for the state amounts to more than 45 thousand. euros

Officers searched the suspect’s home and seized a laptop, digital media, phone cards, and other documents relevant to the investigation. The pre-trial investigation was led by the Klaipeda Regional Prosecutor’s Office. After the prosecutor drafted the criminal order, the court sentenced the suspect to 10,5,000. well and a civil action was confirmed.
