Internal “peasant” documents: Skvernel was approved in March, divided into individual members


Ramūnas Karbauskis, president of LVŽS and head of the Seimas Culture Committee, is also mocking voters when, when Delfi announced some of the candidates on the “peasant” electoral list on Wednesday, he was outraged that such lists did not yet exist in the match.

Delfi’s internal documents from the “peasants” party show that S. Skvernel’s name has not only been on the electoral list of this political party for a long time, but was also approved by the party’s council on March 23.

In this list, S. Skvernelis is registered as a candidate in the unilateral constituency of Pilaitė – Karoliniškės in Vilnius.

Internal documents

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The same day, on March 23, the Council also approved an alphabetical list of 109 candidates from the multi-member constituency, which was later expanded to 142 names on June 5.

Raise social workers, support “Poles”

At the Party Council meeting in Naisiai on June 5, it was also agreed how the “peasants” would treat the constituencies in which the current parties in the ruling Seimas coalition, the Social Democratic Labor Party of Lithuania (LSDDP) and the Polish Lithuanian Election Campaign, LLRA – KŠS).

As can be seen from the available documents, the LVS will not compete with the five candidates nominated by the LSDDP and will nominate them as represented candidates. They are all current members of the Seimas in the LSDDP faction.

Antanas Vinkai will be nominated by the “peasants” together with the candidate of social workers in the Curonian Spit constituency, Rimantė Šalaševičiūtė – Telšiai, the newly appointed Minister of Transport Rimantas Sinkevičius – Jonava, the Minister of Agriculture Andrius Palionis – Dainava – Linkevi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Linas

The documents also point out that the “peasants” will not nominate their candidates in the single-member districts of Nemenčinė, Šalčininkai – Vilnius and Medininkai.

Here they will support the nominated “Polish” Minister of the Interior, Rita Tamašunienė, members of Seimas Leonard Talmont and Česlav Olševskis.

According to Delfi, the names on the list of “peasants” in the single-member constituencies of Kaunas should be supplemented by the representatives of “United Kaunas” headed by the mayor of Kaunas, Visvaldas Matijošaitis. One of them is the former Director of the Employment Service, Ligita Valalytė.

The candidates are state officials of the government apparatus.

The fact that several surnames are employees of the Government headed by S. Skvernelis or institutions and establishments subordinate to him is highlighted in the electoral list of “Peasants”.

Government Chancellor Algimantas Stončaitis (New Vilnius), First Deputy Lukas Savickas (Šeškinės – Šnipiškių), Minister for the Environment Kęstutis Mažeika (Southern Sūduva), Adviser to Prime Minister Giedrius Surply (Minister of Health), Minister of health (Northern Sūduuen as sole candidate) (Panemunė), Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Eimutis Misiūnas (Utena), Deputy Minister for the Interior Tautvydas Tamulevičius (Pašilaičiai), Advisor to the Minister for Social Security and Labor Liutauras Vičkačka (Paneriai – Grigiškės).

There are no Karbauskis among the individual members.

The list of members of a single member of the “peasants” includes a number of current members of the Seimas: Virginija Vingrienė, Asta Kubileinė, Aušra Papirtienė, Lauras Stacevičius, Dainiuss Gaižauskas, Robertas Šarknickas, Guoda Burokienė, kęstutis smirnovausk, Gedimas, Gedim Jron Baškienė, Tomas Tomilinas, Algimantas Dumbrava, Gintautas Kindurys, Arūnas Gumuliauskas, Andriejus Stančikas, Valius Ąžuolas, Juozas Rimkus, Arvydas Nekrošius, Aušrinė Norkienė, Krasutzvinski Krasvinski, Vonas Stuks, Zentrastrask

According to available data, Ramūnas Karbauskis is not on the list of individual members. The count of the single-member constituency of Kaunas Šilainiai, where R. Karbauskis won in 2016, is marked in the party’s internal documents: “… I still don’t have it …”

Based on available data, R. Karbauskis will run only on multi-member constituency lists and, according to sources, will either be the leader of the list or the second after S. Skvernelis.

In place of Seimas President Viktoras Pranckietis, who won the Raudondvaris District from a member in the Kaunas District in 2016 and is now addressing Seimas with the Liberal Movement, the “peasants” will nominate Laima Mogenienė, the Advisor to the First Vice President of Seimas Rima Baškienė.

In Panevėžys in 2016, Povilas Urbšys and Bronislovas Matelis, who joined the Seimas with the “peasants” and then fled from them, and with the conservatives, are replaced by new candidates.

In the western constituency of Panevėžys, Deividas Labanavičius, deputy mayor of Panevėžys, will run for R. Urbšis, and B. Matelis, who was supported in the previous elections in the Nevėžis constituency, will be replaced by Kęstutis Lukoševičius, member of the Municipal Council of the city of Panevėžys.

The statutes of the LV®S stipulate that the list of candidates for party elections is classified by the party council and approved by the Board. The latter has the right to adjust the classified list. According to preliminary data, the final list will be approved by the LV®S headed by R. Karbauskis on July 10.

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