LSDP list evaluated: may not make a big impression on voters


According to R. Urbonaitė, if a person is visible and active within the party, that does not mean that he will attract the attention of the voters. Therefore, he said, the LSDP will have to work hard before the elections for the top ten to be a good electoral card.

“I think the voter may not be very impressed. The voter may seem critical enough, as perhaps the top 10 people are not very familiar to him. Because not all individuals in the top 10 are brilliantly enlightened in politics or public space. Of course, it will depend a lot on how these people will work on their single member, because through that they could strengthen their positions. But I think all parties have the same problem and the dozens are not very impressive. Maybe not Tell the voter a lot. This is a problem of personnel shortages for all parties. The LSDP did not avoid it either and they will have to work well to make the top ten a good electoral letter, “R. Urbonaitė told Eltai.

G. Paluck unless he’s not in the Seimas

The political scientist also evaluated the magician from the LSDP list Gintautas Paluckas. According to her, although Paluck has many years of political experience in self-government, his qualifications are still questionable.

“GRAMO. Paluck’s downside is that he’s not in the Seimas. He can’t start the LSDP faction in the Seimas, and the faction in the Seimas itself seems weak. Paluck also has a series of so-called” empty opinions “in the ranking. These are people who have no opinion on him or just don’t know anything about him. As party president, this is not a very good situation. Also, the LSDP is one of the largest parties in terms of number of people, and when people don’t know their president or don’t have an opinion about it, it’s not a very good sign, ”R. Urbonaitė told Eltai.

The political scientist wonders if the party will also position Paluck as a possible prime minister in the elections. According to R. Urbonaitė, that rhetoric has yet to be seen.

“In this case, the voter needs to send completely different messages. The prime minister candidate is in a completely different position and the voter’s vision is important here. And if the voter doesn’t see him as prime minister, it will be very difficult for Paluck. It is they who must begin to form such a position, because the voter must begin to see him speaking on economic and social issues. He must already speak as prime minister and raise specific questions of the prime minister’s competence, “said R. Urbonaitė.
V. Andriukaitis’ unclear priorities

The list published by the LSDP does not include the name of former European Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis in the constituency of several members. G. Paluckas Eltai stated that V. Andriukaitis is being offered various positions in international organizations.

R. Urbonaitė is surprised by such a step by the party and asks where V. Andriukaitis’ desire to return to internal politics disappeared, which was demonstrated with such force even before the presidential elections.

“The story with V. Andriukaitis is very vague and cloudy. As an LSDP candidate, V. Andriukaitis participated in the presidential elections. Of course, these elections are not identical, but then he spread the message that he was returning to the internal politics of Lithuania. And now this turn is quite strange. The question arises as to which international organizations and what proposals V. Andriukaitis really received. But we can also remember V. Andriukaitis’s history with the World Health Organization, when he spoke on behalf of the organization, but it turned out that this is not true. This raises questions about V. Andriukaitis’ true priorities, whether he really wants an international career and where his desire to participate in Lithuania’s internal politics disappeared, “he said.

On the other hand, R. Urbonaitė states that the removal of V. Andriukaitis from the list may also lead to a difference of opinion with the party president, G. Paluck.

“There are speeches that there are different positions and different visions between G. Paluckas and V. Andriukaitis. It is about whether this is not the real consequence of why V. Andriukaitis is not on the list. Maybe they still couldn’t find a denominator common of the party. But there should be more data here to confirm or refute it, “he said.

The LSDP has announced candidates in single-member constituencies and its roster in multi-member constituencies. It contains 141 surnames. First on the list is the president of the Gintautas Paluckas party. He was unclassified and will run in the single-member constituency of Utena.

After the party president in second place on the list, the elder of the LSDP faction in the Seimas Rasa Budbergytė (sole member of Šeškinė – Šnipiškė). It ranked first in the public ranking in early June. The third on the list is the mayor of the Jonava district municipality, Mindaugas Sinkevičius.

Fourth: Orinta Leiputė (one-man Kalniečiai). Fifth – sociologist, economist prof. Romas Lazutka (sole member of Fabijoniškės), in the sixth – MP Julius Sabatauskas (sole member of Alytus), in the seventh – Member of the Seimas Dovilė Šakalienė (sole member of Old Town-Žvėrynas). Linas Jonauskas, who will participate in the eighth single-member Lithuanian world. In the ninth – Raminta Popovienė (sole member of Raudondvaris), the tenth – Member of the Seimas Algirdas Sysas (sole member of Molėtai-Širvintos).

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