Why is there a need for circular traffic in Vilnius’ Old Town?


The decision to introduce circular traffic regulation was made to reduce transit traffic. Currently, traffic traffic in the heart of Vilnius represents 40 percent, and in the morning, up to 70 percent.

“Car flows in this part of the city increase pollution and noise rates, reduce the safety of road users, and all of this has a negative impact on the condition of historic buildings and the quality of life or leisure Therefore, to make the old town even more attractive to people, it was decided to introduce circular traffic and thus eliminate the possibility of using its streets to shorten its route, “said Raivydas Rakauskas, Advisor to the Administration of the Vilnius city.



With the start of the new phase of traffic organization in the old town on July 7, four loops will appear covering the entire old town. The main entrances will be at Trakų, Islandijos, Subačiaus and Latako streets, and the exits will be at All Šventųjų, Klaipėda and Universiteto streets. Each loop will have 1-2 outputs. Traffic on these circuits will be unidirectional, regulated by prohibited signs and barriers.

For the convenience of drivers, the old town will be divided into four color zones according to the loops: brown (Trakų street zone), orange (Islandijos island zone), purple (Subačiaus street zone) and blue (zone from Latako Street).

Moving in circular traffic means that by entering the old town from one side, it will also be possible to get out only in that part of the old town without crossing it. It will be possible to enter the old town area through smaller streets, but they will all belong to one of the four loops.

Residents of the old town will continue to be able to access their homes, but the route of entry and exit may change. The introduction of circular traffic aims to improve the quality of life for Old Town residents: they will enjoy less car traffic, noise and cleaner air.

These changes will provide new opportunities for business developers. Fewer cars: more pedestrians, bicyclists, and customers. In order to make it easier for companies to adapt to change, there will be times when it is possible to carry and unload goods on the most favorable route.

Taxis and other transportation service providers may also pick up or drop off customers by car, using only the circular traffic rules. For the convenience of customers and drivers, it is planned to install embarkation and disembarkation points in the historic center in the future.

The public transportation system will not change at this stage. The townspeople and guests from the capital will continue to travel comfortably on 89 and other regular bus routes. To make it even easier to get to the city center, new stops will be installed in the near future, routes will be improved and, if possible, greener transportation will be provided for all sectors of society.

Vilnius city municipality draws drivers’ attention to the fact that the new traffic order will be monitored with the help of city surveillance cameras, and the recorded violations will be turned over to the Lithuanian Highway Police Service .

Many European countries have carried out traffic changes in the city center for many years. The Vilnius city municipality can confirm its reform with the examples of the largest European cities. Amsterdam was one of the first to start reducing the number of cars on the streets and began reforms as early as the 1980s. Today in the Netherlands it built 35,000. kilometers of bicycle lanes, and almost a quarter of the country’s population regularly rides bicycles.

In the Spanish capital Madrid since 2018. Restrictions on car access to the city center have also been introduced to reduce pollution. Already after the first month of the reform, emissions in the city center fell 38 percent. Citizens and all interested persons are invited to familiarize themselves with the planned changes on the website. www. senamiestis2030.lt.

The material was prepared by order of the Vilnius city municipality. Paid content.
