Three companies in Lithuania have already returned the support received to the state, including Švyturys-Utenos alus | Deal


Businesses that had received state aid during a difficult period and recovered quickly after the quarantine decided to thank the country for returning the funds received.

Although the Employment Service reported a few days ago 15 minutesthat only one company, IKEA in Lithuania, returned state support received during the quarantine to Lithuania, the service clarified on Wednesday that there are more such companies.

In total, three companies in Lithuania decided to return funds to the state for employee downtime, all with Scandinavian capital. These companies followed the example of their parent companies, which returned support to the governments of various countries.

How 15 minutes As you wrote, the IKEA furniture and home goods network returned LTL 10.4 thousand to Lithuania. € 3 million in subsidies received for staff downtime, and they also paid € 3 million in May. deferred tax euros.

According to the Employment Service, another company related to IKEA, one of the five largest furniture manufacturers in the country, IKEA Industry Lietuva, located in Kazlų Rūda, returned state funds for employee benefits during downtime.

It has already been announced that the IKEA Group will reimburse the support received to nine countries.

Marius Vizbaras / 15min photo / Factory expanded

Marius Vizbaras / 15min photo / Extended factory “IKEA Industry Lietuva” in Kazlų Rūda

The third company providing support is the Švyturys-Utenos alus brewery, which belongs to the Danish group Carlsberg.

Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min photo / Švyturys brewery in Klaipėda

Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min photo / Švyturys brewery in Klaipėda

Others need more support

IKEA Industry Lietuva returned 5,353 euros in subsidies received for employee downtime to the state, and Švyturys-Utenos awarded 9,300 euros.

Dainius Smailys, Director of Corporate Affairs and Communications, Švyturys-Utenos alus 15 minutes He alleged that the company had decided to pay the aid after evaluating that the company’s financial situation was currently better than expected and that many more companies were affected since the pandemic.

Company Photo / Dainius Smailys

Company Photo / Dainius Smailys

The company was most affected by the quarantine that the restaurant business, which generated around 20 percent, was closed for 2.5 months. Švyturys-Utenos alus salts. But recovered sales of bottled beer to stores remained the same.

“We have just evaluated our financial situation and the recovery of the market. At first, uncertainty plagued us, but the worst case scenario did not come true, so we decided that there are companies that have suffered much more,” said D. Smailys .

At first, uncertainty haunted us, but the worst-case scenario did not come true, so we decided that there are companies that have suffered much more, D.Smailys said.

“We decided that we should not use the support as a socially responsible company, because we do not see any serious consequences; let that support be directed to others, for example, the hotel and restaurant sector,” added D. Smailys.

This decision by Švyturys-Utenos alus was also influenced by the example of the international group companies. D.Smailys emphasized that the Carlsberg Group left it up to individual markets to decide whether to pay for state support received.

He stood up faster than expected

Revealed data that the recovery is faster than anticipated also led IKEA Industry Lietuva, which operates panel and furniture factories, to pay subsidies received for employee downtime.

CEO of the company Inga Urbonavičiūtė 15 minutes The company claimed that during the pandemic the company’s operations were severely affected by lack of orders, therefore the company in Lithuania, like other divisions of the IKEA Industry, requested government support and financial assistance.

“The panel factory was suspended and the furniture factory was operating at partial capacity,” said the manager.

Marius Vizbaras / 15min photo / Factory enlarged

Marius Vizbaras / 15min photo / Extended factory “IKEA Industry Lietuva” in Kazlų Rūda

However, as the situation improved and orders recovered, the company decided to refund the funds received from the Government.

“We have a much better picture today. We can start working earlier than planned and at a much faster rate than we initially expected.” I. Urbonavičiūtė mentions a faster-than-expected recovery.

According to Sodra, IKEA Industry Lietuva has about 700 employees and Švyturys-Utenos also has 327 employees.
