A sick COVID-19 groom may have infected the wedding and then his own funeral attendants.


Bihar state officials said on Wednesday that the 26-year-old boyfriend had already developed symptoms of COVID-19 at a wedding on June 15.

He died two days later.

“So far, 111 studies of people who attended weddings or funerals [dėl COVID-19] the results are positive, “said Raja Kishor Chaudhary, health director for state capital Patna.

“Everyone else [turėję su jais kontaktų] they have been identified and isolated, “he said.

Doctors could not confirm that the infection was transmitted by the boyfriend because his body was cremated without evidence.

However, R. Chaudhary indicated that some 400 people who attended weddings and funerals were isolated in the event of an outbreak of the infection.

An unidentified groom, a software engineer, returned home from the New Delhi area a week before the wedding. She had coronavirus-like symptoms before the wedding.

The man was hospitalized, but his family discharged him and held a wedding attended by more than 300 guests.

Two days after the wedding, the groom died at home. Almost 200 people attended his funeral. Some attended weddings and funerals.

However, neither the bride nor the groom’s relatives were tested for coronaviruses, authorities said.

Authorities have launched an investigation into alleged violations of social distance requirements against a number of guests attending weddings and funerals.

Currently, the abundance of guests and colors at the famous wedding in India cannot be attended by more than 50 guests and funerals for not more than 20. This is to reduce the risk of the spread of the coronavirus.

The coronavirus epidemic is 1.3 billion. in India, which has a population of almost 17,000. lives, recorded almost 600 thousand. infection cases

120 million Bihar, one of the poorest regions in the country, has a population of almost 10,000. infection cases and 62 deaths.

Experts believe that due to insufficient evidence, the actual number of people infected is unknown and much higher than is reported.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government is easing quarantine measures, although the number of infections is increasing.

But on Tuesday, the prime minister urged residents to be more cautious.

“We became indifferent,” he said. “I want you to take precautions like during quarantine.”
