Austria, the first country to start easing quarantine, issues strictest warning about traveling to 6 European countries


It is necessary to refuse to travel to Serbia, Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, northern Macedonia and Montenegro, stressed the integration minister, Susanna Raab, referring to the 530,000 people living in Austria with roots in the former Yugoslavia.

Import cases from the Western Balkans have already been registered in Austria. The Interior Ministry has announced intensive border controls.

Entry will only be possible with a negative coronavirus test or 14 days of isolation.

In Austria, for the first time since May, more than 100 new cases of coronavirus infection have been detected.

Austria, the first country to start easing quarantine, issues strictest warning about traveling to 6 European countries

© Zuma Press / Scanpix

The number of infected people increased by 107 in 24 hours, the country’s interior ministry said on Wednesday.

To date, 17,873 cases of infection have been reported in Austria, and 705 people have died. Health Minister Rudolf Anschober said at a press conference on Wednesday that the increase in new infections was “worrying”. “We take the situation very seriously,” he stressed.

Since May, the number of new cases of coronavirus infection detected in the country per day has been less than 100 and amounted to 30-40.

Austria is the first EU country to date on April 14. began to mitigate measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

As the BBC correspondent Guy De Launey writes, the Western Balkan countries have implemented some of the harshest measures in Europe to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

Governments have introduced full quarantine on long weekends and curfews, as well as a ban on travel between cities.

Austerity measures appear to have paid off, and the number of infections in the region is only a fraction of the European Union (EU) average. Montenegro has even announced that it is the only European country without COVID-19 victims.

Austria, the first country to start easing quarantine, issues strictest warning about traveling to 6 European countries

However, with the restrictions easing, the number of new cases has begun to rise to record levels in some countries, including northern Macedonia and Bosnia. Although Serbia and Montenegro are on the EU green list, the number of new infections is also growing in these countries, which has recently forced Austria to warn travelers to these countries.

Serbia has lifted some of the restrictions in an attempt to prevent the situation from becoming unmanageable. The country’s chief epidemiologist said the coronavirus was “reaching its second peak.”

Delphi remember that there is growing concern in Europe about a possible second wave of coronavirus.

The World Health Organization (WHO) warned last week that there was a dangerous increase in coronavirus infections in several European countries.

Hans Kluge, Director of the WHO European Office, warned that in 11 countries [viruso plitimas] very recovered, so if [padėtis] will no longer be controlled, health care systems will go back to work [perdegimo]and borders “.

Mr. Kluge did not specify specific countries and did not provide accurate statistics.

Austria, the first country to start easing quarantine, issues strictest warning about traveling to 6 European countries

© Zuma Press / Scanpix

Quarantine measures have been reintroduced in parts of the Portuguese capital, Lisbon.

The federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, extended the quarantine on Monday in an area severely affected by the coronavirus, where the spread of COVID-19 is linked to an outbreak in a slaughterhouse.

Although quarantine measures in Germany have been phased out since May, the Guetersloh and Warendorf districts became the first areas to be re-announced last Tuesday.

In the United Kingdom (UK) in Leicester, the sharp rise in COVID-19 cases has led to a stricter quarantine, although the country’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson is trying to bring the population to a normal pace .

The UK is one of the countries most affected by the coronavirus, with more than 54,000 suspected deaths from COVID-19, however, the number of infections has decreased in recent weeks, and Johnson removed some national restrictions to revive the economy.

However, in the city of Leicester for a period of seven days 100,000. There were 135 cases of infection in people, and this rate is three times higher than the same rate in the second city of the country according to the currently registered cases of COVID-19.

Over the past week, 10 percent. All confirmed cases of COVID-19 in England are registered in Leicester, the government said.

On Tuesday, the European Union agreed to open its borders to 15 states from which travelers will be able to enter the block from July 1, but the United States, where coronavir is still spreading, is not among those countries.

China has been added to the list, which will be adjusted every two weeks. However, the EU has stated that China must lift all restrictions on European citizens entering its territory before the Community allows the Chinese to re-enter.

Travelers from countries as large as Russia, Brazil, India and Turkey will not have the opportunity.

The 27 EU Member States and four other Schengen countries will be open to citizens of Algeria, Australia, Canada, Sacartwell, Japan, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay.

These countries are also expected to lift any bans they may have imposed on European travelers.

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