Law enforcement may be suspected of concealing fees from the Grill London restaurant chain


Editorial staff tried to contact the managers of the restaurant chain, but did not answer the phone, it was said that there was no way to contact people.

After calling the specified company number and picking up the phone, the woman dropped the phone when the reporter introduced herself.

A source, Delfi, said yesterday and yesterday that some restaurants at Grill London and the Dinner Map chain were closed. Employees of the room were also said to have been interviewed at the company, officers took computers.

The editorial office also contacted representatives of the Grill London restaurant located in Kaunas Laisvės Alley, but declined to comment on the situation.

“We will not comment,” they said.

“The scheme was covered by a civil relationship allegedly terminated under various contracts. The money was withdrawn and, we suspect, it is being returned to donors,” said Laimonas Petreikis, the prosecutor for the 2nd Prosecution Division of the Kaunas Regional Prosecutor’s Office, during a press conference on Wednesday.

“The business supported and received a separate part of the cash, and the association president, possibly collecting that money and perhaps withholding part of the money, turned over the money, thereby creating a hidden economy,” said the police chief of the Kaunas County, Elanas Jablonskas.

In the present case, the complaints were made against two people, the directors of the association and the company, born in 1983 and 1978, and a legal person. The individuals are detained, one of whom is arrested for a month, and the other is also asked to be arrested.

“Based on preliminary data, we suspect about 200,000.” However, the data collected and the new data show that the amounts of potentially avoided taxes will be much higher, “the prosecutor said.

According to police data, the head of the public restoration network and the president of another institution, by prior agreement, transferred more than 400 thousand LTL from the companies of the restoration network to the account of another institution in support of January 1 from 2017 to December 31, 2019. euros

Police searches in Kaunas

Police searches in Kaunas

© Kaunas aps. VPK

In this way, the donor avoided the charges resulting from the alleged misrepresentation of the provision of assistance.

According to law enforcement, accountants at companies unaware of the crime were instructed to enter potentially incorrect data in the statements about the income, earnings, assets, and support reports from the companies listed above and submit them to the law enforcement office. taxes.

Based on available data, the aid could be refined and partially repaid.

The pre-trial investigation involved a major police operation involving more than 130 officers in five counties, the Criminal Police Office, the State Attorney’s Office, conducted more than 40 searches, and interviewed 100 witnesses.

According to the Kaunas police chief, the association is “related to sports activities”, but did not provide further data, which prompted the ongoing investigative actions. According to the prosecutor, this association also carries out real activities.

Police searches in Kaunas

Police searches in Kaunas

© Kaunas aps. VPK

According to E. Jablonskas, 800,000 people were found in cash during the search for one of the entrepreneurs. euros

“The total is that we are currently saving a million euros,” he said.

During the search, more than 41,000 were also found and seized. USD (36.3 thousand euros), various documents, notes, phones, computers, media, 350 rounds, luxury watches and other jewelry were seized.

The catering establishment is believed to have been a donor, the association may have refined the support received and returned part of the funds to the company. According to the prosecutor, it is believed that in catering establishments, this money could have been used to pay wages in “envelopes”.

In the pre-trial investigation, allegations were made of fraudulent accounting and supplying false information to the tax administrator to evade taxes. It cannot be ruled out that suspicions may increase both in relation to existing suspects and in the appearance of new suspects.

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