Pashkirkin: A major police-announced operation took place at the Grill London Business restaurant chain


On Monday and Tuesday, officers searched the London Grill restaurant chain, interviewed staff and arrested one of the executives, but did not name him.

15 minutes Andrius Lavrinavičius is a shareholder and former manager of the restaurant management company Panoramos projekts. He worked as director of the company from June 2016 to January 2017.

Currently, the company is managed by one of the shareholders, Eimantas Navikauskas, who was appointed on May 26.

Gediminas Balnis, director of the Amber Food restaurant chain. 15 minutes He said he found out about the search at this restaurant on Monday.

“We found out immediately because all of their restaurants closed on Monday around 12 noon. In addition, officers wearing vests with “Police” inscriptions were seen at their restaurants in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipeda, G. Balnis said.

Restaurant managers 15 minutes He said the possible tax evasion scheme at London Grill restaurants had been a public secret for 3-4 years, so the catering business community was not surprised by the news.

G. Balnis said that at the Amber Food restaurant chain, wages are 50 percent. Bigger, but staff got to work at London Grill restaurants, not the other way around.

Other shareholders of Panorama Projects are Edvinas Juškauskas, Marijus Mazuch and Eimantas Navikauskas, according to data from the Registration Center.

E.Navikauskas, the head of the Panorama Project, and Andrius Bakanas, the representative of the restaurant chain. 15 minutes declined to comment on the situation. A. Lavrinavičius, the company’s shareholder, could not be contacted.

At a popular restaurant chain, officers removed cash registers and computers. Other restaurants belonging to the same owners also visited officials.

“Grill London”

Tax evasion schemes

He wrote about the big operation on Wednesday 15min.

During the investigation, it was established that the head of a catering company and the president of another institution, by prior agreement, from 2017. January 1 to 2019 As of December 31, more than LTL 400,000 were transferred from the companies of the catering network to the account of another institution as support. euros

The company is suspected of recovering a separate portion of the cash support money, and the president of an unidentified sports association collected the money and also withheld a percentage, while distributing the other funds.

In this way, the catering network has avoided paying rates above 750 MSL due to allegedly incorrect aid reports, officials suspect.

People unaware of the crime were instructed to enter potentially incorrect data on the income, earnings, assets, and support reports of the companies listed, according to law enforcement.

By the way, 15 minutes ago, in 2018, he wrote about the possible envelope salary scheme on the Grill London network. March.
