Alcohol Drinking Habits Evaluated: Changes in Lithuania Look Impressive


“The changes in Lithuania seem really impressive, considering that in 2012, the costs of alcohol (in stores) were double the costs of restaurants and hotels. However, boasting is not yet possible, because according With this indicator, only Poland in the entire European Union looks worse than us, and we are ten times behind the leading countries (Greece, Spain, Italy), for example. Residents of Greece, Spain and Italy spend 2-3 times less money on alcohol (bought in stores) than Lithuanians, and 4-5 times more in restaurants and hotels “, Ž. Mauricas

According to the economist, considering that the incomes of Greeks and Lithuanians are almost identical, such consumption habits are determined not so much by income but by cultural differences.

“Of course, there is a significant difference between northern and southern Europe (the latter are less inclined to practice domestic alcoholism), but the Dutch and Irish, having developed their bar culture, could be an example for us (in in those countries, people spend 5-8 times more on restaurants and hotels than Lithuania), “wrote Ž. Mauricas

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Ž. Maurico Graphics

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Interesting – last year’s situation

The researcher who studied alcohol consumption trends in Lithuania was more cautious with his conclusions.

Mindaugas Štelemėkas, associate professor at the Faculty of Public Health of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU), noted that total alcohol consumption has decreased, which was a big problem in Lithuania, especially in the men’s group. In parallel, life expectancy has also increased for several years in a row.

“But last year, where alcohol consumption has only decreased by a tenth, it seems interesting. We need a longer evaluation to be able to draw stronger conclusions,” said M. Štelemėkas.

The researcher observed that, in general, alcohol consumption habits are made up of many different components.

“Fashion, marketing is one thing, alcohol control policy is another. If advertising is limited or the price of certain drinks increases more (or does not increase as much), it also affects which drinks are consumed,” said M. Štelemėkas.

Overall, according to Professor LSMU, major fractures related to alcohol consumption trends have been visible since 2008. It is observed that a variety of negative effects are decreasing and alcohol consumption has decreased in recent years.

“It just came to our attention then. One of them is the changing culture of drinking. It would be a lot of fun, if it really is, for people to drink more responsibly. Lithuania has traditionally been characterized by a culture of post-Soviet alcohol consumption, where strong drinks are drunk more and not every day, but on weekends or once a month, but it is made in large quantities, which is a particularly harmful drinking tradition, “said M. Štelemėkas.

Teen alcohol use remains a concern.

So far, the research data does not provide much basis for optimism that post-Soviet beverage drinking traditions change with generations.

The latest data from the School Lifestyle and Health Survey (HBSC) (2018) show that Lithuanian teenagers continue to be the biggest drinkers in Europe.

“It is observed using indicators such as,” Have you been intoxicated two or more times in your life? “This question was asked for eleven-year-olds, thirteen-year-olds and fifteen-year-olds. it is improving, it maintains one of the leading positions, ”said M. Štelemėkas.

According to the researcher, viewing such data raises the question of whether the alcohol control policy measures taken really work well enough in practice.

“The question of what decisions the Seimas makes is receiving a lot of media attention. However, there may be a lack of focus in monitoring how this is being implemented. This is relevant, and specifically for young people. We have a minimum buying age significantly older, up to 20 years old, but the question is whether those aged sixteen, nineteen and eighteen really face challenges in buying alcohol and how that situation is changing, ”said M. Štelemėkas.

During quarantine: significant changes

As previously announced, the quarantine has made significant changes in the patterns of alcohol, tobacco, and drug use. Renaldas Čiužas, Director of the Department of Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Control, presented these changes at a government press conference on Monday. According to him, the availability of some drugs has decreased due to closed borders, and the purchase of alcohol and tobacco products has decreased due to financial reasons.

R. Čiužas stated that the availability of all medicines had decreased, but some, especially. “When it comes to drug availability, I can say that there have been some changes in the market. According to our partners, the police department, availability itself has decreased. However, it is natural that the proportion of drugs has decreased even more significantly, as for cannabis itself. The borders of the countries were closed and there was no possibility of moving between them, “said the expert for a possible reason. He said less alcohol was also purchased.

“However, sales of alcohol, which I see in the quantities sold by wholesalers, have decreased sales of virtually all alcoholic beverages. Not as significant, but at least the spirits, the fermented beverages (sold less, aut.p.) the beer remained at a similar level of sales, the wine sold a little more, “said R. Čiužas.

When evaluating this period and last year’s period from March 16 to May 1, it turned out that the total amount of alcohol poisoning has been cut in half. “And compared to the same period last year, poisoning from drugs and psychotropic substances can be said to have decreased by 25 percent,” said the department head.

According to him, opioid poisoning increased by a third and cannabis, for example, was cut in half. “When evaluating the trends, they are similar by gender. Of the 58 acute drug poisonings, 46 were in men and 12 in women. Compared to last year, 37 men and 4 women. Most of the poisonings were registered in Vilnius , about 12 “, – said R. Čiužas.

The head of the department also drew attention to the alarming trend of experts: drug intoxication during the period mentioned this year, more people under the age of 15. “And we had 7 of these cases this year, last year there were fewer,” he said.

“Another thing is alcohol poisoning, it has been cut in half. (…) The main source of alcohol poisoning is the capital and the municipality of Šiauliai. Compared to last year, this number is significantly lower” said the head of the department.

According to him, from March 16 to May 1, 304 alcohol poisonings were registered. 778 of these cases were recorded in the same period last year. R. Čiužas argued, perhaps the decrease in the purchase of alcohol and tobacco products can be explained by financial arguments.

“The decrease in consumption can be based on an economic indicator. (…) A similar trend with tobacco products, affordability has decreased in terms of financial viability. I think that is one of the reasons,” said the head of the Department.

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