A.Veryga warns: Starting in July, medications won’t be available for free at all pharmacies


According to A.Veryga, the modified procedure for reimbursing medications will take effect on July 1.

Low-income people age 75 and older with a disability will receive reimbursable medications and necessary medical care without paying premiums.

Currently, incomes of less than € 257 are considered low.

It is estimated that by the end of the year, reimbursement of drug premiums will cost the state about 3.7 million. euros

“The only perhaps troubling message is that it has taken a little longer than planned to implement the planned IT solutions from the Records Center, and we have some information that not all pharmacies were able to adapt their systems since July 1, and There may be some difficulties that we hope will be resolved in a maximum of a week. If there are any, “reported A.Veryga.

We have some information that not all pharmacies were able to tune their systems as of July 1, and there may be some difficulties.

He asked for patience and understanding if residents had difficulty obtaining reimbursable medications at no premium.

“Like any technological innovation, it takes some time, adjustments. We hope that these difficulties do not arise, but if they do, we want to warn you in advance. We know that now both the Registry Center and the pharmacies are really working very hard to test and harmonize systems ”, said the Minister of Health.

A.Veryga explained that the mentioned system is necessary so that pharmacies can communicate with the “Sodra” system and verify if a person belongs to a group to which medicines must be dispensed free of charge.

When asked why he had not been ready to implement such a system on time for more than half a year, A.Veryga said that, in his opinion, as well as the amount of communication with the representatives of the Records Center, public acquisitions took time, maybe there were other technical reasons.

“We hope that all the problems, if any, within a week, at least we can be sure that they will be resolved,” he said.

Elsewhere, the situation is worse.

According to A.Veryga, despite the fact that Lithuania and other Baltic countries are facing the COVID-19 pandemic, there are several situations in Europe.

In countries like Sweden, Bulgaria, Moldova and Montenegro, there has been a sufficiently strong increase in the number of coronavirus cases.

The Minister recalled that the latest information on this is published on the SAM website.

At the beginning of the Christmas season, great care is taken in making responsible decisions about which countries to go to, to assess that people may be trapped abroad.

So again there would be no need to organize flights or some additional assistance measures when they were returned to Lithuania. Let’s just be responsible, let’s get interested, let’s look at that information, because it’s really very, very dynamic and it’s changing very quickly, ”emphasized A. Veryga.

A.Veryga recalled the risks for people returning from abroad. It is now mandatory to isolate yourself by returning from 50 foreign countries.

The Minister asked for responsibility and isolation when required. It is recalled that non-compliance with the instructions is also subject to criminal liability.

R.Veryga also reported that patients who must remain in hospitals will not always need to have a COVID-19 test. This will be decided by the doctors.

According to the Minister of Health, this decision is related to the return to the provision of planned treatment services as soon as possible.

A team of Lithuanian experts providing humanitarian assistance to Armenia went to Armenia.

A.Veryga announced that on Tuesday our specialists will meet with the President of Armenia.

The team will return to Lithuania on Saturday and all its members will have to isolate themselves for 14 days.

Misinformation on COVID-19

During a press conference, Mažvydas Kunevičius, a representative of the Lithuanian Armed Forces at the SAM Emergency Operations Center, in charge of managing the disinformation, said that almost 1,500 misleading information messages have been recorded since February. about the coronavirus, the fight against it and the like.

Most of this information was disseminated in Russian, Lithuanian, and English.

According to M. Kunevičius, the largest flows of misleading information and conspiracies remain in those countries where the situation due to the coronavirus is difficult to manage.

In Lithuania, the coronavirus issue is being changed by other things, like the upcoming Seimas elections.

The goals of disinformation remain unchanged: to overthrow society, denigrate the state, take power, make decisions, join the European Union and NATO.

M. Kunevičius encouraged the careful selection of information channels, the verification of knowledge from various sources, without giving in to provocations.

A new disease

On Tuesday, SAM announced that a new case of coronavirus had been confirmed in Lithuania on the last day.

The total number of infected people in the country reached 1817.

Currently, 214 people are still sick and 1,515 people have recovered.

The disease has been identified to a medical worker returning from Kazakhstan.

Eight people are currently being treated for coronaviruses in the country’s hospitals, two of whom are in resuscitation and intensive care units.
