PAGD warns the population: a storm of anger in Lithuania


– Did you quickly get used to the new chair?

– I got used to it in a few months, my back is no longer wet from the tension, like before. I can already think of other things besides how to bear the stress of the living ether. Now I think more about articulation, voice modulation, the relevance of information. I’m not saying I haven’t thought about it before, but the stress came first.

– Have you discovered ways to relieve that stress in the air?

– No, I couldn’t find it. The only thing that helps is practice. The more you practice, the less stress.

It took me a while to quarantine. And after announcing it, I had to sit alone in that chair, because my quarantine ether mate Aurelijus Bezakavičius was in isolation. Then the stress returned for a few days.

Our show lasts about an hour and a half, we had to run it alone. It was the best christening. You know that now you have seven minutes to speak alone, there is no specific text or instructions, you only speak, as they say, from memory. Yes, there were things … Then I realized that nobody would be too scary anymore.

The first few weeks were the most difficult during the quarantine. Mainly because we filter as much information during the day as we normally did during the week. It had to be counted, displayed, and guessed to respond to each new message. The information changed during the show, it was constantly updated. Once upon a time, you presented a story to the audience, the producer ran in, helped the sheet, and said that he was now talking about this COVID-19 committee meeting because it was important. And in a minute you have to get on the air with the latest information.

– You said that the president of the program “Good evening, Lithuania” seemed distant to you all the time. Why?

– First of all, because I worked in a completely different genre for a long time. Conducting an air show is not the same as conducting an informational show. There is no politics, no economy, in the climate, there are things well known to me. Over the years of working as a climate reporter, I have begun to know this and that about the climate, how things are going, what phenomena can be expected with what climate masses. It was a very comfortable chair for me. Although it is not a chair, because I report the weather while standing … It has been working for many years, where everything is known, simple, safe.

When I started doing field reports on certain topics, it seemed like a challenge at first, but it quickly became convenient because it was fun, fun.

And the presidency of the host of “Good afternoon, Lithuania” is already different. In it, you are more visible and audible, you have to focus on what you are talking about, know the context and have something to say. I’m just choosing that context in my dowry.

– But have you thought about it, because have you ever competed for this position?

– Yes, I tried a couple of years ago. At that time, other girls also participated in the competition. Then Gabrielė Tetenskaitė sat in that chair. But I wasn’t too upset, because my daughter was still little, we never had a babysitter, so the activity was enough.

– Remembering those first weeks on the air – did you receive support from colleagues?

– Yes all the time. Our team is very good, friendly, you will never see a dissatisfied face. Great producers, I constantly get encouragement, praise, encouragement from them. After all, everyone knew perfectly well that everything was new to me, so they tried to help and still help.

– And do you receive any comments?

– I get more comments from the family watching the show. From my grandmother, by my appearance, here, as they say, a classic of the genre for many years: dress, hairstyle, behavior. We have a very notable director on television, I always get female comments from her: come out, don’t squat, don’t raise your hands like that. All those comments are benevolent.

– Are you sensitive to criticism?

– No, over the years I have gotten used to everything on television, especially because job criticism is a good and healthy thing. I also wonder all the time: what was not so? And even hard to believe praising that everything was fine, although it really scared me.

– “Good evening, Lithuania” is not a traditional news program. I would say a little looser. Is it more difficult or easier?

– Yes, it is more free, but I think that, therefore, it is heavier than a traditional news program. There is plenty of room for the host to improvise. The frameworks of the traditional news program are strict, there can be no personal opinion of the journalist, no observations, no jokes.

In the program “Labas vakaras, Lietuva” we improvise a lot, we share our ideas and attitudes towards one thing or another. We not only provide information, but we also filter everything through ourselves, express our observations, and they must be within certain limits, ethical, because any sharper ridicule can provoke the outrage of the spectators.

The next thing is to grasp what a colleague is talking about very quickly, react to the situation, have a conversation.

– Could such a show be hosted by a humorless person?

– I do not think so. As I often say, even our criminals become a fun part. After all, they don’t always have to be just black – there are all sorts of funny situations you can’t help but laugh at. In general, you can discover fun angles in many situations. Of course, this must be done wisely.

People should understand that weather forecasting is not mathematical, where two plus two will necessarily be four.

– Has there been any curious situation?

– Infinite. Let’s say that when the ear call doesn’t work during the show, what the director says when something will happen, what will change. I speak directly with the interlocutor, the live talk time is very limited, not even the minutes, but we count the seconds and my headphones do not work and I do not know how many of those seconds are left or what will happen next. I just look at my partner Paulius Skučas and, according to the expression on his face, I try to catch up, can I ask something if the conversation is already over? He has many years of experience hosting events and shows, so he knows how to handle such situations very well.

Or, let’s say, we were talking about COVID-19, what news from the World Health Organization. Paul flipped through some of the information in the message because he was already familiar and had not yet been able to see the text. And I understand that soon we will talk about the World Health Organization, and I don’t know any number … Souffler’s empty, I have something to say. I had to remember what I had read before, that’s what we talked about.

It was the case that a colleague without a microphone goes on the air and then tries to talk to him … There is always the possibility of a live surprise when not everything happens according to the script.

– Is this job more interesting than reporting on the weather?

– Of course, much more interesting, much more dynamic. At the same time and much more complex, more challenging.

– Regarding that climate: lately he has not only reported the climate, but he has also reported on natural issues, he has collaborated with meteorologists, naturalists, botanists, ethnologists.

– Yes, we started reporting about a year ago. I liked. Given that “Good evening, Lithuania” will have two hours of streaming on Fridays, I think those reports will come back a bit. I already missed gardening issues, botanical gardens, it was interesting and observed, because summer is still relevant. Oh, and the climate block, then more interesting.

– Many people imagine that the job of a weather reporter is very simple: weather forecasters write the numbers for you, read them, and that’s it. Is that really so?

– Such an imagination is very far from reality. Meteorologists write nothing: I collect, prepare and write information myself. Since last year, we have a new program that automatically takes information from the server and creates a map, I used to create the maps myself. However, even now I check everything, I check different modules. And I write the texts looking at several different sources to be more precise, and I write them myself. It takes a few hours to prepare for those few minutes of leaving.

– You’ve been called a weather girl for a long time. Didn’t you bother him?

– And now many people call it that. No, it does not bother me. And why should I? When you look at what the BBC, CNN works on, the grassroots are older people, professionals. There is something to learn from them.

– Knowing what the weather is like helps you plan your life?

– In fact, I have the same access to those weather forecasts as anyone. Also, the accuracy of the long-term forecast is fifty-several percent. This is little more than a simple assumption. People should understand that weather forecasting is not mathematical, where two plus two will necessarily be four. The center of the cyclone may pass a few kilometers away, and that promised rain is not going to be long. We are still receiving calls – it wasn’t raining in our area, even though it promised on TV. You have to understand: if you say there is a possibility of rain, then perhaps it is better that you take an umbrella, take out insurance, but that does not mean 100% that it will fall on your head. Educated people must finally realize that predictions are just predictions.

– You are also the owner of a beauty salon. Like everyone, did you have to close during quarantine?

– Yes, the door had to be completely closed for a couple of months. There was a break, now we are back to normal.

– How do you keep up to date?

– I can’t do everything. I no longer demand that of myself. If he insisted, he might have to leave the poster somewhere.

– You don’t want to be ideal anymore?

– I probably never wanted to.

– Didn’t you even want to be an ideal mother?

– I think the desire to be perfect is something declarative that you might want to show somewhere on social media, and I’m not very active on them and I don’t share every step I take. It may be unpopular, but I will say I don’t like it. It is much more important for me to admit that everything happens in life than to try to be perfect. And for psychics, it’s definitely healthier: I think any psychologist would agree with that.

– If priorities were prioritized, how would family, television work, and the beauty salon align?

– Of course, first family and personal life, and then work. Only when there is inner harmony, when you are happy in your personal life, both jobs and everything else are successful.

– Which working mother does your daughter like the most?

– Lucrecia likes the mother who is with her at home more. In other words, when I work as a mother. Because when I was working in the living room, I received comments from her about working in the evenings, even though her busy schedule was high at night: I traveled to a different group every day. Quarantine helped us a lot in this case: when the works stopped, we spent a lot of time together.

But for me, it certainly wasn’t the way psychologists say that some parents saw their children better during quarantine and suffered shock. I have never been a mother who sees a child in just one hour a day. Her daughter went to kindergarten when she was just three years old, and she spent time in kindergarten at home with her parents, not with babysitters.

– What is your family summer? Where are you going on vacation?

– In fact, we had such a good vacation during quarantine that I don’t plan a summer vacation yet. I want a vacation in November, January, February, when the weather is bad and you can fly where it is hot. So most want that rest.

And we try to spend the summer weekends not in Vilnius, somewhere by the lake, on the farm. Maybe we will try to fly to our Baltic countries for another week. The weather in Lithuania has been perfect lately, so the heat will definitely suffice. People kept complaining: in Palanga only fifteen more and more expensive, and in Turkey much warmer and cheaper. Palanga is not inferior to Turkey in terms of temperature, at least not yet.

You need to be prepared for anything though: until recently we announced that we would have a simple Lithuanian summer in bad weather, and in a few days we would receive a message that a tropical week awaited us. Then anything can be. I think we just have to enjoy what we have.
