Traveling by car to a foreign country: how to avoid possible losses and what to remember about the Green Card?


Finally, it is worth taking care of the Green Card, which provides insurance coverage in up to 47 countries. From July 1. it will only have to be printed on a white sheet of paper.

The most common car damage abroad

All travelers hope that their trip is not only memorable but also safe. Still, there are a variety of situations in life where even the most experienced drivers can make mistakes, and sometimes circumstances are beyond the driver’s control. It happens that other road users damage our car and, in other cases, we ourselves are to blame for the accident. In any case, such a situation becomes more complicated if it occurs in a foreign country.

As Mindaugas Balinskas, head of the Claims Department at the non-life insurance company Compensa Vienna Insurance Group, observes, the same type of events generally occur abroad as in Lithuania. to another lane or when changing the acceleration lane or the deceleration lane, and there are also disadvantages due to a different direction of traffic, as is the case in Great Britain.

We can’t always avoid these situations, but at least protection against property damage is worth taking care of. Although insuring cars with liability insurance for cars in Lithuania is mandatory, a small number of drivers do not. Therefore, it happens that an uninsured vehicle is involved in a traffic accident abroad. This causes great difficulties, since the average damage to cars in foreign countries is approximately 4,000 euros.

Extra Protection – Green Card

The head of the Claims Department recalls that the Green Card is very useful for those who travel abroad. It is issued to all aspiring drivers who have insured the car with compulsory motor liability insurance.

This insurance document is valid in 47 Green Card countries, including those outside the European Union, such as Russia, Ukraine or Belarus. The advantage of the card is that it is not necessary to insure separately in each of the states visited under the laws in force there.

“All drivers traveling outside the European Union must have a green card. It is important to mention that from July 1. The color of the Green Card changes. This insurance document must be printed on a clean sheet of white paper; only it can be shown to foreign inspectors in paper format and not in electronic format.

Printed text must be clearly legible, without printer ink and without streaks. This will make the document easier to use as the drivers will be able to reprint it themselves if they are accidentally lost. The new green cards will be emailed to drivers. by mail and before July 1. the validity of the card issued until its expiration, “says M. Balinskas.

What to do in case of loss?

According to the head of the claims department, losses incurred abroad could increase considerably due to differences in attitudes and the size of claims in some countries.

“Furthermore, prices for auto parts and repairs may be higher abroad. Not to mention that disruption to the health of other road users would also lead to compensation for health and, sometimes, moral damage Therefore, drivers need to deal with possible losses, “explains M. Balinskas.

In the case of a car accident or other damage to the car abroad, the expert first recommends evaluating the situation. If any of the road users have experienced a medical condition, an ambulance should be called and necessary medical assistance provided if necessary. Then you need to call the police.

In the event that the arrival of the police is not required, you must complete the accident declaration, as well as contact the details of another accident participant. If you do not understand how to complete the statement abroad and do not agree with the author, also call the police. Finally, you should contact your insurance company immediately and record the damage suffered.
