A former soldier made a bloody attack on a woman who wanted to divorce: her mother was rescued by a younger daughter who had attended karate.


While rescuing her mother, the schoolgirl confronted the killer

“You are a corpse and I don’t care about that”I will sit “ 15 years “, – the middle-aged Alytus will probably remember these words from her ex-boyfriend for the rest of her life.

Alexander Marin, a 47-year-old former Russian soldier, spoke it to a woman while starving her 35 cm. length with a kitchen, chef’s knife, hitting a total of six times. Police officers later recalled that not only the floor but also the walls were bloody in the stairwell of the apartment building, where a horrifying drama was taking place.

The fact that Alytus lived after a cruel organized execution for her can be called a true miracle. The woman’s life was saved not only by the police officers who responded to the distress call and the doctors who will be arriving soon.

The main role was played by his youngest daughter, who, when she saw the mother stabbed with a knife, began to hit the drunkard with the fist, but killed and wounded the head of a trained Russian soldier, and finally managed to remove the knife.

The girl, who saved her mother’s life, was extremely shocked and had to seek medical help. Therefore, by respecting and protecting the privacy of victims, their identities will not be made public.

A former soldier made a bloody attack on a woman who wanted to divorce: her mother was rescued by a younger daughter who had attended karate.

© DELFI / Mindaugas Ažušilis

An informal meeting at the store became fatal

A. Marina, who organized the bloody execution on the night of June 27 last year, had known her victim since childhood. Together they studied from 1st to 10th grade in Alytus, lived side by side, and then their ways parted ways.

A. Marinas left Lithuania, graduated from the Higher School of Parachutists in Russia, then served in the Russian army. During his 8 years of service, he served as military chief. lieutenant of degree.

When a professional Russian soldier returned to Lithuania, his life changed: problems with the police began due to thefts. He first appeared in court in 2003, was also tried for robbery in 2004, and appeared in court twice in 2007.

He heard the latest court verdict in 2012, and the Alytus District Court found him guilty of evading staying with his son.

A. Marinas met her childhood friend by chance in the fall of 2017 at one of the Alytus stores. Former classmates talked, exchanged phone numbers.

Former divorced professional soldier A. Marin began showing attention to his childhood friend. After many years of separation, the man decided to love his classmate, but his attention to this became increasingly intrusive, and his behavior was difficult to predict.

Later, Alytus residents recalled that a classmate’s behavior had changed in the fall of 2018, when he finally said that he did not want to communicate with him. Perhaps this statement by the woman captured the former parachutist’s self-esteem. This time, the woman first heard threats to kill her.

The man had already started drinking heavily, giving up chasing the old classmate, who didn’t want to be friends with him. His behavior became increasingly aggressive, A. Marimas began to envy, imagining that the woman belonged only to him.

A former soldier made a bloody attack on a woman who wanted to divorce: her mother was rescued by a younger daughter who had attended karate.

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

Admitted to lose reason out of jealousy

SMS messages sent by him also testified to the maturing tragedy. “Everything is clear, I will see it with another, I will kill it”, “if you are with another, I will never forgive you”, “everything is clear, nobody will help you slip”, “thank God I never believed in your love” – ​​2019 In March A. Marinas wrote to Alytus in Russian.

The man’s emotions changed dramatically, jealous at first, and after a while his tone changed and he began to apologize. He admitted to losing his mind out of jealousy.

“Forgive me, darling, I lost my mind because of jealousy”, “Good evening, my beloved”, “Jealousy has driven me crazy, forgive me, darling, I cannot live without you,” Marin wrote to a childhood friend in late March last year.

It seems to have been a temporary perception of his mistakes. Unable to accept the idea that the former classmate did not want to have a more serious relationship with him, A. Marina repeatedly rushed to his apartment, yelling under the windows. As a result, the woman called the police, and the police punished him multiple times for disturbing the peace.

Seeing a shadow in the classmate’s apartment, he was supported by another man.

Although the woman repeatedly made it clear that she did not want to communicate with an aggressive and unpredictable classmate, she asked for help from police officers, but the former Russian Army paratrooper did not calm down.

His jealousy attacks culminated on the night of June 27, 2019, when A. Marin, after drinking beer and vodka, decided to go to his old classmate to reconcile.

The man approached the woman’s apartment on the first floor of the apartment building and saw that the light was on in the bedroom. When he entered through the window, large shadows appeared. Drunk and dazzled by jealousy, A. Marin pretended that there was another man in the woman’s department. The former soldier later admitted that seeing the shadows made him “wrong with his head.”

Running to the kitchen window, she grabbed a stone that had been on the floor and smashed into it a double-glazed unit. The drunken paratrooper entered the kitchen of the women’s apartment through the window, grabbing the largest knife that had been there. A. Marin then explained that he was going to hurt an imaginary man with this boss’s knife, but events took a completely different turn.

A former soldier made a bloody attack on a woman who wanted to divorce: her mother was rescued by a younger daughter who had attended karate.

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

“I told you I was going to kill you”

After hearing the sound of broken glass, the owner of the apartment rushed to the kitchen, turned on the light, and saw his former classmate A. Marina.

Feeling how it could all end, the woman managed to yell at her youngest daughter to call the police as soon as possible and run to her room to hide.

While rescuing, the woman ran to the stairwell of the apartment building, but was unable to escape and hide there: the door was closed. Yelling for someone to help her, she ran to the upper floors, but was caught by A. Marina, armed with the largest knife found in the kitchen.

The woman recalled that a blind classmate blinded by hard-to-perceive jealousy grabbed her leg, tripped, then the man turned her on in a sudden movement and sat down on her feet. Grabbing her hair, he demanded to look her in the eye, and that’s when the woman saw a huge knife in A. Marino’s hands.

Finally, saying in Russian, “I told you I would kill you,” he hit his stomach three times with a knife. The blade of the knife severely injured the liver, and in one of these blows it was pierced.

After hearing the screams of the murdered woman and the cry for help, a neighbor ran to the stairs, but a former Russian professional soldier with a knife waving told him not to come close and threatened to kill him.

“The neighbor was distracted, saying he would make the police come soon, yelling at my wife where the police were. When the neighbor tried to get closer again, then A. Marinas gave him another blow and hit him in the lungs, because a whistle was heard, “the woman later recounted her terrible experiences.

The bleeding and seriously injured woman could still say, “You killed me,” and he replied, “Your heart is not yet.”

The woman screamed for help, resisted, tried to escape, trying to remove or hit the knife as much as possible, which caused two fingers to incise her left hand.

“In the penultimate blow, A. Marinas said in Russian:” You are a corpse and I don’t care how I feel for 15 years, “recalled the Alytus resident who survived the cruel execution.

A former soldier made a bloody attack on a woman who wanted to divorce: her mother was rescued by a younger daughter who had attended karate.

© DELFI / Kiril Tchaikovsky

Extraordinary duel: a schoolgirl against a former parachutist

The life of a seriously injured woman was saved by her youngest daughter, who had not lost her self-control in an emergency situation.

After calling the police, the schoolgirl ran to the stairwell, where she saw her mother flooded with blood.

The student who attended karate training was not disturbed. While rescuing the murdered mother, the minor began to hit the executor’s head because he knew from training experience that the blows in this place were extremely painful.

Later, the schoolgirl told police investigators that A. Marinas was constantly turning her head from the blows, so she was unable to hit her mother with a knife. By saving his mother’s life, the teenager displayed extraordinary courage, not only able to divert the executioner’s attention, but also remove the knife from the hands of the drunken and incomparably stronger ex-soldier physically and drop it.

The rescued girl Alytus told investigators that after many blows to A. Marino’s head, the daughter’s entire hand was black, and the student recalled hitting the executioner’s head at least 10 times.

The surveyed official said that if she had not taken the knife from A. Marino, he would have searched for his mother’s heart and killed her, because she had been screaming “where is your heart” in Russian for a long time? He told a neighbor who had seen the execution that he did not know how much force had arisen to oppose Marín.

Although a knife was ripped from A. Marina’s hands, the drunk man did not withdraw from the bleeding victim. According to witnesses, he kept repeating in Russian: “I love you, but be glad you didn’t hit your heart.” The bleeding woman, wounded by six huge stab wounds, tried to pinch the wounds, was conscious, but died instantly instantly.

A former soldier made a bloody attack on a woman who wanted to divorce: her mother was rescued by a younger daughter who had attended karate.

Some officers stopped the killer, others pressed on the victim’s bleeding wounds

The summoned police officers arrived extremely quickly, in just a few minutes. They later testified that there was a lot of blood in the stairwell where the execution took place.

The Alytus police patrols had an extraordinary mission: not only to arrest the drunk and aggressive A. Marina, but also to assist their bleeding victim while they waited for the arriving doctors. This was done by one of the police patrols: with the help of a close neighbor, he stopped the bleeding by pressing on his wounds and talking to the woman so that she would not lose consciousness.

Fortunately, the doctors managed to save the life of the seriously injured woman. Alytiškės was waiting for a long and complicated treatment, she took more than one operation, the doctors had to transfuse blood twice.

Experts have identified multiple stab wounds: cuts to the chest, abdomen, left forearm, left hand with liver, pericardium, and diaphragm injuries.

This drama also had serious consequences for the student who saved her mother. Although the teenager was not injured, the horror experiences sometimes required medical attention. The confrontation she experienced with her husband, who attempted to kill her mother, surprised her greatly.

A former soldier made a bloody attack on a woman who wanted to divorce: her mother was rescued by a younger daughter who had attended karate.

© DELFI (Photo by K. Čachovskis)

The seventh blow from the knife could have been fatal.

Mr. Marin has been charged under two articles of the Penal Code for illegally violating the integrity of a person’s home and attempting to kill.

During the trial, the former soldier did not deny the first charge, admitted to breaking the window of the comrade’s apartment with a stone, and assaulted the interior. However, due to a much more serious charge, an attempt to kill a man, he denied his fault. The Alytus court, which was tried for the sixth time, did so in a rather primitive manner: although it was discovered that he struck the chest and abdomen 6 times with a huge knife, the defendant admitted that he did not want to kill.

“I think it is obvious in this situation that a woman’s life has been saved by a daughter who has been able to resist. Not only did he hit her on the head, but he also broke her fingers and took her knife. It is difficult to say whether Another seventh blow with a knife would not have become fatal, ”Rolandas Mackevičius, the Kaunas Regional Prosecutor’s Office, who supported the state prosecution in the A. Marino case, told Delfi portal.

Kęstutis Staniulis, the lawyer representing her in the case, did not doubt that A. Marinas intended to kill the woman. He noted the fundamental discrepancies in Mr. Marino’s testimony. He made sure he had entered the classmate’s apartment because he saw shadows in the bedroom and thought it was another man and that he was going to hurt him with a knife.

“Why, after grabbing the knife, did you not run to the room where your imaginary man was, but instead ran to the victim in the stairwell, where he was attacked and nearly killed?” Said the woman’s representative. , attorney K. Staniulis.

A former soldier made a bloody attack on a woman who wanted to divorce: her mother was rescued by a younger daughter who had attended karate.

© DELFI (Photo by D.Sinkevičius)

Trained to hurt and kill

In her court testimony, Marin testified that she did not remember how she said “I will kill you”, repeatedly did not want to kill, and justified her incomprehensible behavior by not controlling herself due to the envy and anger that she contained.

Apologizing to his victim and daughter, the former paratrooper stated what punishment the court would impose and what it would do.

However, the court rejected the arguments of Alytus, who had struck 6 blows to the abdomen and chest with a huge knife, that he did not want to kill anything in doing so, the court rejected as unfounded.

“The number of 6 blows to the victim, the location of these punctures on the left side of the body, the injury of the pericardium in the area of ​​the heart, the puncture with a 19.5 cm knife blade, undoubtedly show that A. Marin had a target to hit the heart and kill. “

This assessment is confirmed by the fact that A. Marinas had been angry with the victim due to imaginary infidelity for several days before the incident, was intoxicated during the incident (2.22 per thousand), “said A. Marinas in his sentence after to examine your case at the Kaunas Regional Court President of the Darius Kantaravičius Division.

During the examination of the case, attention was also drawn to the fact that A. Marin was well acquainted with human anatomy as he studied at the Russian Military Skydiving School for 4 years, then served in the Russian Army Skydiving Unit for another 4 years. Lieutenant’s military rank.

“Therefore, he was well versed in the anatomy of the human body and was trained to hurt and kill,” said the court that heard the case.

This circumstance became particularly important when evaluating both the defendant’s actions and his interpretations of his unwillingness to kill the woman.

“The court concludes that the accused, realizing the essence of his actions, with sufficient experience of life and military training, not only understood the danger and nature of the crime, but also sought not undefined but specific consequences: death of the victim, but did not finish the crime for reasons, regardless of his will, and tried to kill the victim ”, – the Kaunas Regional Court, which examined the case, stated in the judgment.

A former soldier made a bloody attack on a woman who wanted to divorce: her mother was rescued by a younger daughter who had attended karate.

The verdict promises to be appealed, the knife is returned to the victim

Kaunas District Prosecutor R. Mackevičius, who supported the state prosecution in the case, requested that A. Marinas be found guilty and given a final sentence of 9 years in prison.

In a verdict on June 18 of this year, the court found A. Marina guilty of both accused acts. One year in prison was imposed for illegal violation of the inviolability of a person’s home and 7 years in prison for attempted murder. Combining the two sentences, the final sentence for A. Marin is 7 years in prison, including the period of detention since June 28, 2019.

The court upheld the lawsuit of the woman who had survived the assault against the former classmate who had nearly killed her. Instead of asking for 30 thousand. 13 thousand euros were awarded for non-pecuniary damages. 50 euros and damage to property estimated at 525 euros was reduced to 480 euros.

If the court fully satisfies the civil claim of the Vilnius Territorial Health Insurance Fund, the criminal will have to reimburse the costs of rescuing his victim: 5,000. 101 euros.

In deciding on the subject of physical evidence, the court decided to return A. Marino’s personal belongings to him through the prison, part of the ruined clothing and the stone with which the window was destroyed, to return the kitchen knife, which had become an execution tool, to the victim in Alytus.

This judgment of the Kaunas Regional Court can be appealed to the Lithuanian Court of Appeal within 20 days of its publication.

Attorney K. Staniulis, who represented the Alytus resident who survived the Kraupai attack, hinted that this right will be exercised, the sentence will be appealed, but he did not elaborate on the reasons for the appeal. It seems that the victims and their representative are not satisfied with the damage imposed on the ex-soldier and have only been sentenced to 7 years in prison.

The criminal law establishes the imprisonment of seven to fifteen years for a crime committed by A. Marino: attempted murder.

The general help center number is 112.

Assistance to people who have experienced domestic violence is provided by Special Assistance Grants (SPC) throughout Lithuania. Have you experienced physical, psychological, sexual, economic violence? Do not hesitate to contact the following contacts according to your place of residence:
Region Special help with cendivas Telephones, email
Vilnius City (excluding Naujininkai, Naujoji Vilnia, Grigiškės elders) Vilnius Women’s House Association 8 5 2616380
[email protected]
Vilnius Naujininkai City, Naujoji Vilnia, Grigiškės Elder, Vilnius District, Divakai District, Širvintos District, Šalčininkai District, Švenčionys District. Cendivas Women’s Information Association 8,650.95216
[email protected]
Vilnius city Crisis and Information Center for Men 8,662,26770
[email protected]
Kaunas city Kaunas Cendivas County Women’s Cendivas Association 8,679.31930
[email protected]
Kaunas city Kaunas County Men’s Crisis Center 8,636.81621
[email protected]
Kaunas District, Prienai District, Birstonas Kaunas Women’s Society Association 8 37 262773,
[email protected]
Klaipeda City, Neringa, Palanga City Klaipėda public institution social and psychological assistance cendivas 8 46 350099,
8 618 01464
[email protected]
Klaipeda District, Kretinga District, Silute District, Skuodas District Kretinga Association of Information and Training of Cendivas Women 8 445 78024,
8 605 82331
[email protected]
Šiauliai City, Šiauliai District, Akmenė District, Joniškis District, Pakruojis District, Radviliškis District. Association for the Innovation of Women Innovation 8 41 520 239,
[email protected]
Panevėžys City, Panevėžys District, Biržų District, Kupiškis District, Rokiškis District, Pasvalys District. Lithuanian Agency Association “SOS Children” Rama Panevėžys 8,685,65540
[email protected]
Kalvarija, Marijampole d. Marijampol County Women’s Activity Cendivas Associationė 8,343,59525,
8 633 55007
[email protected]
Šakiai District, Vilkaviškis District, Kazlų Rūda, Jurbarkas Marijampol County Women’s House Associationė 8,617.23130
[email protected]
Alytus City, Alytus District, Varėna District, Lazdijai District, Druskininkai Association Alytus City Women Crisis Cendivas 8 611 54342
[email protected]
Jonava District, Kaišiadorys District, Elekdivėnai, Ukmergė District, Kėdainiai District, Raseiniai District. municipalities Public institution Women’s aid for women 8,618,40044
[email protected]
Telšiai District, Plungė District, Rietavas, Mažeikiai District Public institution Telšiai crisis cendivas 8 68 229459
[email protected]
Visaginas City, Ignalina District, Zarasai Association Visaginas Familia Crisis Cendivas 8,686.60657
[email protected]
Utena District, Molėtai District, Anykščiai District Anykščiai Association Employment and information for women Cendivas 8 615 45464
[email protected]
Utena r. Utena County Men’s Crisis Center 8 622 62891
[email protected]
Kelmė district, Tauragė district, Šilalė district, Pagėgiai Tauragė woman employment and information cendivas 8,446.61565
[email protected]
Marijampole d. Marijampol County Men’s Crisis Centerė 8 633 55007
[email protected]
Adjusted on August 17, 2014, according to official information from the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania. Prepared by Kaunas Women’s Society Association (865052858)

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